What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

for the record----I am not "Chassidic" I am the child of two entirely secular parents----of jewish ancestry born in the USA.
I had absolutely no "education" in religion other than several
sunday mornings in "sunday school" in a protestant church
It shows.
You do not even know what Jesus taught if you believe that the world is about to be destroyed literally and then recreated according to your anal delusions while professing to believe that he already returned last century and only 144000 JW's noticed as if wars instead of peace and your aberrant behavior instead of sanity were proof of it.

Looks like Satan, I mean, whoever filled your head with all of that trash, has you lock stock and barrel.

We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.

The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?
Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?

According to all of the available evidence some people start panicking about judgment day, going to hell, and the imminent end of the world. Some people start wanking off in public to naked pictures of kangaroos.

The netherworld if full to the brim with a cacophony of shrieking people in agony saying and doing bizarre things.

Either way, the dead can't see each other. They only see what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.
So what's going to happen to YOU when you die?

Those judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment. They have already passed from death to life and will never know what it is to die.

If you are looking for something more specific, In the hour of physical death a wormhole that resembles a mandala will open up in the mind into which the living will travel through time and space and into the realm of higher intelligences based on what people in their ignorance call dark matter.

Those who have not risen to life in this life will be judged according to their words and deeds when they die.

Some will be granted an eternal body, some will be sent back, some will face extinction.

Don't worry your silly self about it.. Looks like even though you can't seem to get it together enough to reach out for eternal life now, you certainly don't qualify for extinction..but thats just my opinion.

God is merciful. Maybe you'll be given another chance and come back as a deformed baby with loving parents.
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Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?

According to all of the available evidence some people start panicking about judgment day, going to hell, and the imminent end of the world. Some people start wanking off in public to naked pictures of kangaroos.

The netherworld if full to the brim with a cacophony of shrieking people in agony saying and doing bizarre things.

Either way, the dead can't see each other. They only see what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.
So what's going to happen to YOU when you die?

Those judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment. They have already passed from death to life and will never know what it is to die.

If you are looking for something more specific, In the hour of physical death a wormhole that resembles a mandala will open up in the mind into which the living will travel through time and space and into the realm of higher intelligences based on what people in their ignorance call dark matter.

Those who have not risen to life in this life will be judged according to their words and deeds when they die.

Some will be granted an eternal body, some will be sent back, some will face extinction.

Don't worry your silly self about it.. Looks like even though you can't seem to get it together enough to reach out for eternal life now, you certainly don't qualify for extinction..but thats just my opinion.

God is merciful. Maybe you'll be given another chance and come back as a deformed baby with loving parents.
"into the realm of higher intelligences based on what people in their ignorance call dark matter.
Those who have not risen to life in this life will be judged according to their words and deeds when they die.
Some will be granted an eternal body, some will be sent back, some will face extinction."

So what's your proof for this? Just the Torah?
Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?

According to all of the available evidence some people start panicking about judgment day, going to hell, and the imminent end of the world. Some people start wanking off in public to naked pictures of kangaroos.

The netherworld if full to the brim with a cacophony of shrieking people in agony saying and doing bizarre things.

Either way, the dead can't see each other. They only see what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.
So what's going to happen to YOU when you die?

Those judged worthy of the resurrection are no longer subject to judgment. They have already passed from death to life and will never know what it is to die.

If you are looking for something more specific, In the hour of physical death a wormhole that resembles a mandala will open up in the mind into which the living will travel through time and space and into the realm of higher intelligences based on what people in their ignorance call dark matter.

Those who have not risen to life in this life will be judged according to their words and deeds when they die.

Some will be granted an eternal body, some will be sent back, some will face extinction.

Don't worry your silly self about it.. Looks like even though you can't seem to get it together enough to reach out for eternal life now, you certainly don't qualify for extinction..but thats just my opinion.

God is merciful. Maybe you'll be given another chance and come back as a deformed baby with loving parents.
"into the realm of higher intelligences based on what people in their ignorance call dark matter.
Those who have not risen to life in this life will be judged according to their words and deeds when they die.
Some will be granted an eternal body, some will be sent back, some will face extinction."

So what's your proof for this? Just the Torah?

Just the Torah, no. The Torah is just instruction. Thats all. I followed the instruction and have the experience. You are waiting around doing nothing because as you say, you invited God. It doesn't work that way. God invited you and left detailed instruction about how to find him by ascending to his realm of conscious life.

The more you conform to divine law, the more your experience of life and perception of time will change. The more you change the more you will understand the language of the prophets, the more you understand the language of the prophets the more you will become receptive to otherworldly intelligences. When you become like them, a living being, unaffected by any past present or future earthy troubles, then you will have your proof. Then you will have no choice but to believe what you have seen and heard with your own eyes and ears.

How did you get the proof for the claim that if you drink too much you will get drunk, feel sick, and puke if not by doing it?

You've done, that with no problem, too many times to remember. Right?

WTF. If you want the proof so much, shut up and just do it.
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All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.
It is sad to watch you spew your hatred of others.

I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.

Glad I could help
But you haven't. Trust me on that.

All know light will not enter darkness.
We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.

The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.
Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.

The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.
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Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses
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The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.

mushroom galvanized poetry-------Edgar Allen Poe used absinthe
He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

While I can appreciate your logic and agree with it, I still don't see it as a directive to allow them to dominate and derail the discussion.
Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.

I don't see it as a "Christian" thread. I see it as a discussion on
RELIGION. The issue of "sacrifice of jesus as 'lamb of God" crosses over to other religions. Christianity did not develop all
by itself
The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.

You are wrong. Deut 30:19-- John 17:3
Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.
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Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.
Read the link I provided.

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