What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

In other words, yours is the only right one here. :rolleyes:

Learn what Jesus actually taught, apply what Jesus actually taught. Then you can see.
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
In other words, yours is the only right one here. :rolleyes:

Learn what Jesus actually taught, apply what Jesus actually taught. Then you can see.
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?
All that know the true God and his son, knows100%--the teachings of Jesus prove the JW teachers are correct, It is a very sad reality= Few know what Jesus taught
In EVERY church on earth the teachers are paid to teach that religions brand of dogmas, very little of what Jesus taught.

I am not freaking out about it, The bible says the coming of Gods kingdom is good news. Those living in fear are the ones who do not think so.

You do not even know what Jesus taught if you believe that the world is about to be destroyed literally and then recreated according to your anal delusions while professing to believe that he already returned last century and only 144000 JW's noticed as if wars instead of peace and your aberrant behavior instead of sanity were proof of it.

Looks like Satan, I mean, whoever filled your head with all of that trash, has you lock stock and barrel.

We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.
It is sad to watch you spew your hatred of others.

I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.
I can testify that the Holy Spirit resides in me.

You might want to triple check what exactly it is that has taken up residence inside you.

"This he told me is the curse which goes out over all the land; for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out the Lord of Hosts has said, and it will ENTER the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It will stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all."

If there is a spirit inside of you telling you that God is three persons in one being, Jesus was fully human and fully God, and that defying the laws of God and turning to something made by human hands that has no life for spiritual life is the way to eternal life, it ain't holy or of God.

Now I don't doubt that you have been convinced that you are having a spiritual experience because you perceive something INSIDE guiding you and I agree that you are having a spiritual experience.

Its just not a very good one..
Would you like subordinate Christianity, Mohamed?

Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?
You and hobelim deserve each other.
The strongest support for our beliefs come from Tradition.
The strongest support for our beliefs come from Tradition.
That's the problem with the Catholic church. A Christian church should follow Scripture.

Mark 7:13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that."

Matthew 15:1-9 1Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!" 3Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? 4For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.' 5But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is 'devoted to God,' 6they are not to 'honor their father or mother' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.'"
Without the Tradition that was passed down orally there would be no scripture.
Scripture was inspired by the Holy Spirit, not tradition. Read the Scriptures I provided regarding tradition and meditate on them.
And kept alive through Tradition. You seem to think all there ever was were scriptures. That just isn't the case. There is much much more to it. The fact that you would rather argue with me about it is revealing.

I state fact--I do not argue.
Now you are rationalizing.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.
The strongest support for our beliefs come from Tradition.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.
The strongest support for our beliefs come from Tradition.
That's the problem with the Catholic church. A Christian church should follow Scripture.

Mark 7:13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that."

Matthew 15:1-9 1Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!" 3Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? 4For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.' 5But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is 'devoted to God,' 6they are not to 'honor their father or mother' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.'"
How many passages do you read in Church on Sunday?

0-- I don't go to a church
Again... not directed at you.
Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?

According to all of the available evidence some people start panicking about judgment day, going to hell, and the imminent end of the world. Some people start wanking off in public to naked pictures of kangaroos.

The netherworld if full to the brim with a cacophony of shrieking people in agony saying and doing bizarre things.

Either way, the dead can't see each other. They only see what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.
So what's going to happen to YOU when you die?
I can testify that the Holy Spirit resides in me.

You might want to triple check what exactly it is that has taken up residence inside you.

"This he told me is the curse which goes out over all the land; for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out the Lord of Hosts has said, and it will ENTER the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It will stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all."

If there is a spirit inside of you telling you that God is three persons in one being, Jesus was fully human and fully God, and that defying the laws of God and turning to something made by human hands that has no life for spiritual life is the way to eternal life, it ain't holy or of God.

Now I don't doubt that you have been convinced that you are having a spiritual experience because you perceive something INSIDE guiding you and I agree that you are having a spiritual experience.

Its just not a very good one..
Would you like subordinate Christianity, Mohamed?

Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?
You and hobelim deserve each other.
He's as bad at answering the tough questions as you are. Too chicken to say because you know that it won't stand up to scrutiny.
I can testify that the Holy Spirit resides in me.

You might want to triple check what exactly it is that has taken up residence inside you.

"This he told me is the curse which goes out over all the land; for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out the Lord of Hosts has said, and it will ENTER the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It will stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all."

If there is a spirit inside of you telling you that God is three persons in one being, Jesus was fully human and fully God, and that defying the laws of God and turning to something made by human hands that has no life for spiritual life is the way to eternal life, it ain't holy or of God.

Now I don't doubt that you have been convinced that you are having a spiritual experience because you perceive something INSIDE guiding you and I agree that you are having a spiritual experience.

Its just not a very good one..
Would you like subordinate Christianity, Mohamed?

Btw hob, what do YOU think happens to us when we die?
You and hobelim deserve each other.
He's as bad at answering the tough questions as you are. Too chicken to say because you know that it won't stand up to scrutiny.
You mean hard questions like why someone would be so selfish as to subject their children to having two female parents?
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

there are some 100 Old Testament prophecies dealing with the death of the Messiah and its relevance to both the old and new covenants. Try studying them; there are reasons why the prophecies exist and what they mean has many contexts. You want simple answers, try worshipping the Tele-Tubbies or the cult leader Richard Dawkins or something.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

It makes churches richer.

lol rubbish. The vast majority are far from 'in it for the money'; there isn't much money in it for one, despite your ignorant superstitions. Part time WalMart stockers do better financially than the majority of pastors and ministers in this country.
I think that almost no one has ever done to Jesus' teaching more damage than Roman Catholic Church has done.

Some like to think so; others, literate types, think many Catholics also contribute much of value to the theology and existential survival of Christianity, like the expulsions of the Islamo-terrorist thugs from Europe, and the scholastics like Thomas Of Aquinas and the Summa Theologica, one of the most influential works of genius in world culture and philosophy. And, we haven't even gotten to Augustine and dozens of others, nor the great legacies of the Monastic Orders like the Cistercians in the spread of science and education, just to name a very small selections of examples. Whatever their failings, they still manage to out-shine the Eastern Orthodox and the other major denominations in many areas of practical results. Don't believe most of the stupid rubbish derived from left-over 17th century Protestant propaganda; that stuff is like the old Soviet Cold War rubbish still fashionable in academia and 'Progressive' propaganda, and still just as ridiculous.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Sacrifice to appease a god or gods was a well-established practice among the mystery religions Christianity misappropriated.

lol drivel.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

the SANCTIFICATION of roman barbarity lent credibility to the filth of Constantine
I seem not to understand your point clearly. What filth of Constantine do you mean? Christianity as we know it today?

She just needs to compulsively weigh in with her ridiculous Constantine fantasies. Rosie is a Chasidic bigot and racist, and they obsess over Xians and spend a lot of time and energy feeding their children ridiculous horror stories; it's a mania with them, as they consider themselves a 'Master Race' much as the Nazis did, and they fell like they were cheated when they couldn't genocide the Xians and conquer the Gentiles and make slaves of them. They exhausted themselves trying to exterminate Xians for several hundreds years before the Islamic murderers started their conquests, and then devoted themselves to persecuting Christians as privileged functionaries under Muslim rule as well, which was why they weren't trusted in the West and regarded as Muslim allies, and correctly so in most cases.

They're mostly insane sociopaths, and got left behind to rot some 300 years before Hillel's and Jesus's time came. The majority of them actually favor the Muslim bandits over Xians and the West, and don't support the Israeli state, either.

If you need clarifications and historical links as well as modern examples, just ask. You can also find an Israeli newspaper online that publishes many articles and editorials from the lunatics' rabbis: Arutz Sheva gives them a healthy amount of space to air their crazy shit. Arutz Sheva is nominally pro-Zionist, but I guess they get a thrill of some kind running articles abut and the racist loons or something.
Last edited:
for the record----I am not "Chassidic" I am the child of two entirely secular parents----of jewish ancestry born in the USA.
I had absolutely no "education" in religion other than several
sunday mornings in "sunday school" in a protestant church
All that know the true God and his son, knows100%--the teachings of Jesus prove the JW teachers are correct, It is a very sad reality= Few know what Jesus taught
In EVERY church on earth the teachers are paid to teach that religions brand of dogmas, very little of what Jesus taught.

I am not freaking out about it, The bible says the coming of Gods kingdom is good news. Those living in fear are the ones who do not think so.

You do not even know what Jesus taught if you believe that the world is about to be destroyed literally and then recreated according to your anal delusions while professing to believe that he already returned last century and only 144000 JW's noticed as if wars instead of peace and your aberrant behavior instead of sanity were proof of it.

Looks like Satan, I mean, whoever filled your head with all of that trash, has you lock stock and barrel.

We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.

The virgin thing was symbolism--Peter is a member--he was married thus not virgin to a woman--proving it is symbolism. Virgin to participating in Govts and false religions.
Jesus began the door to door work- Luke 10, Acts 20:20)-- all that actually know him know it already.
Your last statement just irrational blabbering.
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Learn what Jesus actually taught, apply what Jesus actually taught. Then you can see.
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Learn what Jesus actually taught, apply what Jesus actually taught. Then you can see.
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
You do not even know what Jesus taught if you believe that the world is about to be destroyed literally and then recreated according to your anal delusions while professing to believe that he already returned last century and only 144000 JW's noticed as if wars instead of peace and your aberrant behavior instead of sanity were proof of it.

Looks like Satan, I mean, whoever filled your head with all of that trash, has you lock stock and barrel.

We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.
It is sad to watch you spew your hatred of others.

I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.

Glad I could help
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
None of you believers here can agree on what Jesus taught. Anyways, it's all hearsay.

All true followers agree.
Who is speaking in Revelation chapter one verse 8?

Jehovah is speaking in Chapter 8--3 speak in revelation--Jehovah, Jesus and John. The darkness cannot tell who is who.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.
We don't believe what you wrote.
144,000 go to heaven-Rev 14:3
The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on the earth( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22)-----
Jesus promised the EARTH to the great multitude-Matt 5:5)--The psalmist knew that truth as well-Psalm 37:9-11,29

Ugh...lol... Ok, so where are these 144,000 JW virgins and what is the new song that they learn to sing? Do you even know what that means? And if they go wherever the lamb goes, where are they now? Not in kingdom hall. I looked. Not a virgin in sight.

Not for nothing but you really sound hysterical.

You guys should stick to dropping off pamphlets. And enough with the door to door already. You might have better luck winning over converts if you never said anything...

That dead fish look in your eyes, irrational blubbering, and toothy smile is a dead give away.
It is sad to watch you spew your hatred of others.

I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.

Glad I could help
But you haven't. Trust me on that.

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