What Was And What Will Be


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

I know depression is a killer but you just gotta stop crying over the loss of King Don...
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

Sounds like something a boob would do
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

Sounds like something a boob would do

Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person, voters may have paid attention to the policies being offered. He was stinking up the place, it was fun for a while, but then it got really boring and tiring listening to his fat ass lies non stop.
Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person,
Politicians are not normal- people in the spot light are not normal- it takes a narcissist to crave that attention- not everyone is blessed? in that manner- it doesn't matter what the schtick or political stripe- some are better at it than others- and what exactly is normal and why should anyone strive to be like everyone else who calls themselves normal? In this day and time materialistic image over substance is normal (think Bill Clinton, Obama)- personally, I prefer abnormal to the shallow and narrow minded "normal".
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

Sounds like something a boob would do

Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person, voters may have paid attention to the policies being offered. He was stinking up the place, it was fun for a while, but then it got really boring and tiring listening to his fat ass lies non stop.

Yeah that's it.....funny how they did and his total vote count went up yyuuuge. Any other excuses
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

Sounds like something a boob would do

Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person, voters may have paid attention to the policies being offered. He was stinking up the place, it was fun for a while, but then it got really boring and tiring listening to his fat ass lies non stop.

Yeah that's it.....funny how they did and his total vote count went up yyuuuge. Any other excuses

Hillbillies like to support their own.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person,
Politicians are not normal- people in the spot light are not normal- it takes a narcissist to crave that attention- not everyone is blessed? in that manner- it doesn't matter what the schtick or political stripe- some are better at it than others- and what exactly is normal and why should anyone strive to be like everyone else who calls themselves normal? In this day and time materialistic image over substance is normal (think Bill Clinton, Obama)- personally, I prefer abnormal to the shallow and narrow minded "normal".
I'm saying Trump was obnoxious, boorish, a pathological liar, had stupid hair, is a racist and couldn't stop boasting about how great he was. Man, if anyone ever needed a slap down, it was Trump.
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.

He is already continuing O's wars. We're heading back into syria. Neocons are on the march once again.
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.
But Obummer mainly bombed brown people. I'd be surprised if your side wasn't ok with doing that.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

Sounds like something a boob would do

Just shows you that if Trump had been a normal person, voters may have paid attention to the policies being offered. He was stinking up the place, it was fun for a while, but then it got really boring and tiring listening to his fat ass lies non stop.

Yeah that's it.....funny how they did and his total vote count went up yyuuuge. Any other excuses

Hillbillies like to support their own.

Didnt know Biden was a billie
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?

Because everything in my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct?

Could that be it?
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?

Because everything in my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct?

Could that be it?

Lol, that's a lie. Just like everything you post.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?

Because everything in my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct?

Could that be it?

Lol, that's a lie. Just like everything you post.

Actually, you're simply too dumb to realize that by not being able to find anything you could refute......

.....you just proved what I said: everything in my posts is 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You've served the purpose you were born to serve.....you are dismissed.

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