What was that Liberals said about Barr being Trump's 'Lap Dog'? 'Barr Knew About Hunter Biden Crimes Inbvestigations For Months - Kept It Secret'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So much for that BS claim...snowflakes should start singing Barr's praise since he remained silent during the 2020 election campaign about multiple US Govt Agencies' on-going criminal investigations into the Biden Family's financial scandals with foreign enemies of the US...

AG Barr reportedly aware of Hunter Biden probe for months, worked to keep it secret amid campaign

AG Barr reportedly aware of Hunter Biden probe for months, worked to keep it secret amid campaign

It is true that United States Attorney General Barr is not on TRUMP'S team but is instead on AMERICA's team, responsible for being objective...but he royally screwed over Americans by keeping the fact that the biden family's criminal financial dealings were being investigated by several US Govt Agencies and that the DHS and Treasury Departments actually had / had solid criminal evidence to prove Hunter's money laundering for Russian Oligarchs and China giving the Bidens $1.5 BILLION!
" he remained silent during the 2020 election campaign about multiple US Govt Agencies' on-going criminal investigations into the Biden Family's financial scandals with foreign enemies of the US... "

As he should have. The AG and DOJ should not be publicizing ANY information concerning an ongoing investigation regardless of who it is, and for whatever reason. The democrats do that, but one should hope the republicans do not stoop to such tactics. It's not like we all didn't already know most of the allegations anyway.

IMHO, Bill Barr is the best AG we've had over at last the past 10 years. He's doing the job as impartially as he can, and has not done Trump's bidding at all. Nor has he investigated someone without just cause or tried to indict anyone without sufficient evidence, much to the dismay of many who thought people like Strzok should've gone to jail. And when I say sufficient evidence, I mean permissible evidence that will stand up in court and reasonably convince a judge/jury of guilt. Cuz otherwise it ain't justice, it's politics and I for one am fucking sick and tired of politics.
So, how can The Left be pissed at Barr? The Mainstream media that sat on Hunter Biden wrongdoings and big tech that classified it as “misinformation” just took a huge hit in credibility. Biden gets to kick off his Administration with a scandal.
As he should have. The AG and DOJ should not be publicizing ANY information concerning an ongoing investigation regardless of who it is, and for whatever reason.

Yeah, just like how Barry's entire administration, especially Comey, and the liberal media adhered to this during the 2016 Presidential election campaign.

It has been proven that current FBI Director Wray obstructed justice by withholding evidence of Hunter Biden's criminal financial dealings with Burisma, his Influence peddling, and how Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma Board members despite lying about it and saying he never did during the Democrats criminal, admitted politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt.

This evidence proved President Trump was Justified in executing a treaty with Ukraine in requesting their cooperation in investigating criminal activity and would have completely ENDED the bogus Impeachment investigation.

There is a proven continuous, hypocritical process of withholding evidence of criminal investigations of and evidence against Democrats, especially at critical moments, while lies, propaganda obstruction, crimes, and coup attempts at any and all times against Republicans / Conservatives is 'SOP'.
So, how can The Left be pissed at Barr? The Mainstream media that sat on Hunter Biden wrongdoings and big tech that classified it as “misinformation” just took a huge hit in credibility. Biden gets to kick off his Administration with a scandal.

The Bidens get to eat a political scandal 'shit sandwich' that exposes the entire Biden Family as one big national Security-threatening, self-enriching criminal enterprise BEFORE he ever takes the oath of office!

And to make it even better, at the same time the Eric Swalwell' Chinese espionage scandal highlights the Democratic party's systemic/party-wide problem of engaging in / facilitating Chinese espionage - From Feinstien to Swalwell to how both the Speaker of the House Pelosi and Intel Committee Chairman Schiff KNEW about Swalwell's screwing a ChiCom spy AND adding another to his staff back in 2015 and have allowed him to stay on the Intel committee for 5 years...

The exposure of massive national security threatening treason throughout the entire Democratic party leadership and how the media helped cover it all up is almost like a huge Christmas Gift to the American people.
Law requires that prosecutors keep their investigations secret ... only a judge can allow any of this information to become public ... every American knows this ...
So, how can The Left be pissed at Barr? The Mainstream media that sat on Hunter Biden wrongdoings and big tech that classified it as “misinformation” just took a huge hit in credibility. Biden gets to kick off his Administration with a scandal.

The Bidens get to eat a political scandal 'shit sandwich' that exposes the entire Biden Family as one big national Security-threatening, self-enriching criminal enterprise BEFORE he ever takes the oath of office!

And to make it even better, at the same time the Eric Swalwell' Chinese espionage scandal highlights the Democratic party's systemic/party-wide problem of engaging in / facilitating Chinese espionage - From Feinstien to Swalwell to how both the Speaker of the House Pelosi and Intel Committee Chairman Schiff KNEW about Swalwell's screwing a ChiCom spy AND adding another to his staff back in 2015 and have allowed him to stay on the Intel committee for 5 years...

The exposure of massive national security threatening treason throughout the entire Democratic party leadership and how the media helped cover it all up is almost like a huge Christmas Gift to the American people.
What’s the difference?
First off, the mainstream media isn’t going to cover it. If they do mention it, they will claim they are “de-bonked accusations”, downplay and discredit them, and move on. The majority of the low information voters who watch these news programs will either be unaware of such scandals or believe it’s just nonsense. The liberals of the country won’t care about liberal wrong doing, corruption, etc.
The only ones who will be aware of what scum Biden and company are will be the people who already know he is scum.
So I’d say it doesn’t even make a difference.
With the media and big tech solidly running interference and propaganda for the left, this country is fucked.
What’s the difference?

After reading this I immediately had a flashback to Hillary Clinton sitting before Congress, lying her ass of after the preventable death of 4 Americans, declaring, "At this point, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!"

The answer to her political Diva CYA theatrics is equally relevant here....
So much for that BS claim...snowflakes should start singing Barr's praise since he remained silent during the 2020 election campaign about multiple US Govt Agencies' on-going criminal investigations into the Biden Family's financial scandals with foreign enemies of the US...

AG Barr reportedly aware of Hunter Biden probe for months, worked to keep it secret amid campaign

AG Barr reportedly aware of Hunter Biden probe for months, worked to keep it secret amid campaign

The DoJ typically does NOT comment on ongoing investigations. That is the norm. Which is why, when Comey talked about Clinton, it was an unprecedented breech.
The DoJ typically does NOT comment on ongoing investigations. That is the norm. Which is why, when Comey talked about Clinton, it was an unprecedented breech.

To clarify, REPUBLICAN / CONSERVATIVE-run DoJs do not typically do that....
The DoJ typically does NOT comment on ongoing investigations. That is the norm. Which is why, when Comey talked about Clinton, it was an unprecedented breech.

To clarify, REPUBLICAN / CONSERVATIVE-run DoJs do not typically do that....

Comey was an aberration. Unless every single other DoJ was Republican, your statement is false.
Comey was an aberration. Unless every single other DoJ was Republican, your statement is false.


Comey was / is NOT an aberration but rather a rare exposure of the systemic corruption of Deep State politics, part o the 'Deep State /DC Status Quo that has existed for decades and continues to exist through agencies like the FBI and Directors like Wray.

The FISA Court - after Wray claimed that criminal acts and illegal spying by the FBI was an 'aberration' that could be fixed by minor tweaks.....right before the FISA court released the report of its own investigation proving the FBI has been committing FISA Court crimes for DECADES...and criminal leaks, like the one Comey and Mccade admitted to have been going on Justas long, always seemingly in the Democrats favor...

...the reason for which has now been made apparent - the criminal censoring and blacking out of news stories of Democrat scandals, crimes, and investigations by the liberal left extremist media arm of the Democratic party.

Hell, as Joe Biden says, 'Come on, man!' It has been PROVEN that Obama and his criminal syndicate illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, a political opposition US Presidential candidate and his team, ad a newly elected President. He weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who ILLEGALLY opposed his re-election.

Comey is an 'Aberration'?

Again....just STOP.
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We have become a banana republic. I eagerly await the collapse.

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