What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

The biggest lie that re-elected the President was mitten saying he cared about the 47% he vilified earlier and the second lie was he cared about women,

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
The biggest lie that re-elected the President was mitten saying he cared about the 47% he vilified earlier and the second lie was he cared about women,

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

whats amazing is you ignoring the thread
Romney spoke the truth about the 47%
What does a woman have to do with the economy in the tank?
Debt out the wazoo and the cliff all ready here?
Caring about people who live on my paycheck that would vote for BHO no matter has what to do with the truth?
What is amazing is you ignoring the facts and the truth.
Republicans have a real problem with their narrow minded ways.

The biggest lie that re-elected the President was mitten saying he cared about the 47% he vilified earlier and the second lie was he cared about women,

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

whats amazing is you ignoring the thread
Romney spoke the truth about the 47%
What does a woman have to do with the economy in the tank?
Debt out the wazoo and the cliff all ready here?
Caring about people who live on my paycheck that would vote for BHO no matter has what to do with the truth?
The ones we Republicans told in Florida and Ohio, you boob.

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
For the record Romney should not have included those on SS that deserve it
it was a stupid mistake including those who earned it
Or veterans on disability or pensions. Or millions of others.

JRK, maybe your stupidity is limited, and with real humility you may yet understand.

Then understand this: lose the neo-conservatism.
2 good ones

Breaking news for Foxbot hater dupes...A)Those are TRUE, You should change the channel and escape the nonstop gloom and doom

B)There were over 20 protests across the ME that WERE caused by the video, before the Bengazi attack. The CIA says they probably were a reaction to all the other protests. DUH.

Obama DID offer a plan with 4.1 trillion in cuts. The House Pubs ran for the hills.

As Pubbots, you are totally clueless.

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate - Washington Times
your joking right?

You get your news from Rev. Moon. No wonder you know nothing but RW propaganda, MORON.
That he's a marxist communist socialist muslim from kenya. Stupid crap from the far right had independents running to Obama.

The Kenya thing has been dead for a while no matter how true it is

The rest are not lies

By definition he is a socialist
Which is on the chain to Communism

Hell that is a big part of his base. People who think part of my money is there's and that me being 1300 miles from home working 60 hours a week to make that kind of wealth matters not

You know my friend this thing is not personal. You supporting BHO is your business, but please be honest with yourself on what you support
Re distribution of wealth is one of Karl Marx's philosophies

On the statement "Obama is a socialist"


2 good ones

Breaking news for Foxbot hater dupes...A)Those are TRUE, You should change the channel and escape the nonstop gloom and doom

B)There were over 20 protests across the ME that WERE caused by the video, before the Bengazi attack. The CIA says they probably were a reaction to all the other protests. DUH.

Obama DID offer a plan with 4.1 trillion in cuts. The House Pubs ran for the hills.

As Pubbots, you are totally clueless.

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate - Washington Times
your joking right?

Fail, the GOP shot down their own budget bill

House Democrats Punk Republicans On Budget Vote (VIDEO)
What is amazing is you ignoring the facts and the truth.
Republicans have a real problem with their narrow minded ways.

The biggest lie that re-elected the President was mitten saying he cared about the 47% he vilified earlier and the second lie was he cared about women,

whats amazing is you ignoring the thread
Romney spoke the truth about the 47%
What does a woman have to do with the economy in the tank?
Debt out the wazoo and the cliff all ready here?
Caring about people who live on my paycheck that would vote for BHO no matter has what to do with the truth?

Yea, lowering the taxes on the working class is really stupid
In 2007 the left took control of congress and in 09-2010 they had it all
they have had the senate and the white house sense
Now explain to us what the GOP has done sense 2007 to cause this mess?
and exactly how can they be narrow minded when they are in the minority?

Denial is not a river in Egypt
So many replies possible.

Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations.

My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.

2 good ones

Breaking news for Foxbot hater dupes...A)Those are TRUE, You should change the channel and escape the nonstop gloom and doom

B)There were over 20 protests across the ME that WERE caused by the video, before the Bengazi attack. The CIA says that Bengazi probably were a reaction to all the other protests. DUH.

Obama DID offer a plan with 4.1 trillion in cuts. The House Pubs ran for the hills.

As Pubbots, you are totally clueless.

You do realize that the Benghazi attack was a planned attack, right? Of couse you don't. Nevermind.
He wasn't re-elected on lies. He was re-elected because he had a 51% approval rating, because the economy has been improving, and because Mitt Romney was an awful campaigner.
Breaking news for Foxbot hater dupes...A)Those are TRUE, You should change the channel and escape the nonstop gloom and doom

B)There were over 20 protests across the ME that WERE caused by the video, before the Bengazi attack. The CIA says they probably were a reaction to all the other protests. DUH.

Obama DID offer a plan with 4.1 trillion in cuts. The House Pubs ran for the hills.

As Pubbots, you are totally clueless.

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate - Washington Times
your joking right?

Fail, the GOP shot down their own budget bill

House Democrats Punk Republicans On Budget Vote (VIDEO)

house passes 2011 budget bill - Google Search
House passes Republican budget for FY 2011 in 235-189 vote - The Hill's Floor Action

do what?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Hope and change...

there is a lie for ya!
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Hope and change...

there is a lie for ya!

Hope we find a place for the bleeding to stop
that will only come through a change in the way the govt is doing business
The Biggest lie?

"Romney would have made a good president".

That lie got Obama elected.
He wasn't re-elected on lies. He was re-elected because he had a 51% approval rating, because the economy has been improving, and because Mitt Romney was an awful campaigner.

He wasn't elected for any of those reason.

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