What Was The First Record You Ever Owned?

What Was The First Record You Ever Owned?​

Other than some child records we had as kids, like a recording of Peter and the Wolf, the first I ever purchased was a Peter, Paul & Mary album. I was kinda of crushed to find out that “Puff the Magic Dragon” wasn’t on it.

The worst album was the one I was playing on an old crappy record player in my back yard one day when I was kept home from school due to some mild illness. I recall the dark vinyl warping before my eyes as I played it under a bright sun. It wasn’t that hot outside. It was a late November day. But the bright sun on a black piece of vinyl must have heated it up pretty good. I ruined the record.
I can recall the exact date: November 22, 1963.

My mom stuck her head out of our back door and asked me to go next door to tell the neighbor (Mrs. S) that “they just killed Kennedy.” Mrs. S asked me who “they” were. I was pretty young (in grade school), but even then I thought that was a pretty stupid question.
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It was my 13th birthday, and my granny sent me a birthday check.
1977 I believe. I had seen the movie on TV recently and loved the song.
Fell in love with Babs at the time. Not so much anymore.
Yeah, I couldn't stand her politics but her voice is still one of the best female voices I've ever heard. But she isn't really rock and roll.
After that...it was rock all the way. I had hundreds of albums when I got older...like 16 and up...which were stolen when I put them in my trunk to go to a party. Pissed me off. None were of Elton John. didn't care for him.

Jethro, led, iron butterfly, stones, joplin, hendrix, blue cheer, doors, moody blues, etc.
Yeah I had a lot of my album collection ripped off to. many were fist cut too.

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