What was the purpose of the Iran deal?

Duh. To stop Iran from getting the bomb.

It worked, hence conservatives are weeping.

You can tell when good things happen for the USA, because conservatives start crying. Like the old Soviets, most Republicans are far more loyal to their party than their country.

Uh how did it work? Iran is now playing by the rules? You can't be that stupid.
Iran relinquished its Uranium Stockpile to Russia after un-enriching it (diluting it).

Iran has dismantled and destroyed its Plutonium reactor.

Iran has basically destroyed ALL paths to a Nuclear bomb.

Obama made this happen.

Bwahahahahahahah...wow how naive. And in 10 years when they have one...you're just gonna say....ooops?
The stupidity of Republicans is on full display in this thread.

They don't understand that Uranium fuel cycles are very observable you can't just build a Nuclear Bomb in secret. Even the type of ore you purchase or develop will indicate whether or not you are trying to make a bomb.

So how did not Korea build one with all the sanctions and of.course the agreement by clinton......the Oslo accords.
So how did not Korea build one with all the sanctions and of.course the agreement by clinton......the Oslo accords.

Bush caused North Korea to pull out of their inspection agreements. Hence, bomb.

That is, that's yet another Republican-caused foreign policy catastrophe that you're blaming on Democrats.
I can't wait to see these answers.
Obama correctly foretold the idiots in the gop would be subjected to a hostile takeover by an ego-maniac, who for no logical reason would abandon a pro-middle class trade reform candidacy, and choose to embrace Alt R racism and xenophobia, which then made this election about whether America would embrace birtherism and registering Muslims.

There's a reason that sob kept getting elected, but I can't ever tell if it's because he's really that good in pulling the rug out from under the gop or whether we really do suck this bad. LOL
I can't wait to see these answers.
Obama correctly foretold the idiots in the gop would be subjected to a hostile takeover by an ego-maniac, who for no logical reason would abandon a pro-middle class trade reform candidacy, and choose to embrace Alt R racism and xenophobia, which then made this election about whether America would embrace birtherism and registering Muslims.

There's a reason that sob kept getting elected, but I can't ever tell if it's because he's really that good in pulling the rug out from under the gop or whether we really do suck this bad. LOL
in other words..

You have not been paying attention to facts. Just to the left wing rhetoric.

Your prerogative.
Iran relinquished its Uranium Stockpile to Russia after un-enriching it (diluting it).

Iran has dismantled and destroyed its Plutonium reactor.

Iran has basically destroyed ALL paths to a Nuclear bomb.

Obama made this happen.
this is true.

How do I know?

Iran leadership told us its true. And why would they lie?
Honestly? I think he had to appease Shias. He's been backing Sunnis and it's obvious at this point.

Obama and Hillary are straight down Sunni.
The stupidity of Republicans is on full display in this thread.

They don't understand that Uranium fuel cycles are very observable you can't just build a Nuclear Bomb in secret. Even the type of ore you purchase or develop will indicate whether or not you are trying to make a bomb.
Lol at Brambo. Now he thinks he is a nuclear engineer. Obama kicked the can down the road while at the same time spending billions of tax payer dollars on the Iranian military. His idiotic deal will allow them five times the refinement capacity than they had before the agreement. Of course you would think it was a great deal. You are the same moron backing Clinton who approved the transfer of the largest uranium mine to the Russians while she and her buddies got rich off the deal.
If one of you Communists were ever to be hones, would you like burst into flames, or something?

So you're actually denying that North Korea withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty an Agreed Framework in 2003?

Tell us, Einstein, who was president in 2003?

Did you cult not inform you of that Bush foreign policy catastrophe, or are you lying deliberately for the glory of your cult?

No matter. Either way, your credibility is still zero. It's just a further demonstration of how all Obama-haters, without exception, are proud to be lying sacks of shit. It's a side effect of them being gutless wusses, all too scared to admit that their own political party screws everyone up anytime they get into power.
You are the same moron backing Clinton who approved the transfer of the largest uranium mine to the Russians while she and her buddies got rich off the deal.

So many outright lies in one sentence, typical of the right-wing wuss crowd.

Clinton got nothing from the deal. Anyone who says she did is a shameless pissguzzling cult liar.

State was one of a dozen agencies that had to sign off on that deal, so implying Clinton approved it single-handedly is another outright lie.

And it's just uranium to Russia, you colossal wanking 'tards. It means nothing in terms of security. It's not like Russia has any shortage of plutonium for their own nuclear weapons, being they've decommissioned thousands of them. The uranium is for Russian nuclear reactors. Holy shit, you people are stupid.
So you're actually denying that North Korea withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty an Agreed Framework in 2003?

Classic straw man. Make an assertion not related to the facts and the argue the merits of that assertion.

North Korea Quits Atomic Agency
North Korea announces its withdrawal from the I.A.E.A. and says the agency's inspectors will no longer be allowed in the country. It also threatens to turn its stockpile of nuclear fuel into bombs; the C.I.A. warns that North Korea may already possess one or two bombs.

The Clinton administration reinforces the American military presence in South Korea, and for a while many in the White House fear a war could break out.

Former President Jimmy Carter, acting on his own, travels to the North, meeting President Kim Il-sung, the country’s founder, and striking a deal that averts confrontation. Emerging from North Korea, Mr. Carter says he believed Mr. Kim and thinks the leader is healthy enough to run the country for another 10 years.



Even the hard left NY Times shows you to be lying.

Tell us, Einstein, who was president in 2003?

Did you cult not inform you of that Bush foreign policy catastrophe, or are you lying deliberately for the glory of your cult?

No matter. Either way, your credibility is still zero. It's just a further demonstration of how all Obama-haters, without exception, are proud to be lying sacks of shit. It's a side effect of them being gutless wusses, all too scared to admit that their own political party screws everyone up anytime they get into power.

North Korea built nuclear weapons based on the deal brokered by Jimmy Carter and signed by Bill Clinton.

Your revisionism is tantamount to blatant lying.

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton touted peace deal with North Korea, promised no nukes
Obama the retard thought if he made nice with Iran e.g. caved and gave them everything they wanted that they would be nice to him. Instead Iran has made the fool a laughing stock.
So many outright lies in one sentence, typical of the right-wing wuss crowd.

Clinton got nothing from the deal. Anyone who says she did is a shameless pissguzzling cult liar.

State was one of a dozen agencies that had to sign off on that deal, so implying Clinton approved it single-handedly is another outright lie.

And it's just uranium to Russia, you colossal wanking 'tards. It means nothing in terms of security. It's not like Russia has any shortage of plutonium for their own nuclear weapons, being they've decommissioned thousands of them. The uranium is for Russian nuclear reactors. Holy shit, you people are stupid.

You're getting to Brambo levels of disreputability.

You are a hack, but at the moment I will at least consider what you write. You're edging into "fucking liar has nothing to contribute" territory, like your buddy Brambo.

As far as the nuclear deal Deplorable Hillary set up, it wasn't done free, she got her cut.

Barry Hussein better not take up poker when he (finally) gets out of office. He is the biggest pussy pushover in the freaking world.

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