What was the worst you have ever been hurt in a fight?

I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?

The links can get all pinched up on your hand. A nice, heavy knuckle-duster is more ergonomic.
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?

The links can get all pinched up on your hand. A nice, heavy knuckle-duster is more ergonomic.
I like a palm sap, myself.
And just like with the bike chain, people nowadays don't know anything about it. I have showed my palm sap and even my Denver sap to LEOs who had no idea what they were. They could figure out the Denver sap pretty quick but the palm sap was a total mystery to them.
When I was bouncing drunks, I had a 3 d-cell maglite.
I was once very drunk and started to provoce a guy he wanted to leave and was angry but then I said your girl is a whore he jumped quickly back and punched me twice on the head the kebab guy stopped him from beating me more and he said he will kill me and left
I do not believe I have ever been hurt in a fight, although I have laid waste to just about every con who ever tried to put me down. Those whom I did not waste ran off rather quickly.
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?

The links can get all pinched up on your hand. A nice, heavy knuckle-duster is more ergonomic.
I like a palm sap, myself.
And just like with the bike chain, people nowadays don't know anything about it. I have showed my palm sap and even my Denver sap to LEOs who had no idea what they were. They could figure out the Denver sap pretty quick but the palm sap was a total mystery to them.
When I was bouncing drunks, I had a 3 d-cell maglite.

Even a small blackjack can be a difference-maker.
I was once very drunk and started to provoce a guy he wanted to leave and was angry but then I said your girl is a whore he jumped quickly back and punched me twice on the head the kebab guy stopped him from beating me more and he said he will kill me and left
I do not believe I have ever been hurt in a fight, although I have laid waste to just about every con who ever tried to put me down. Those whom I did not waste ran off rather quickly.
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?

The links can get all pinched up on your hand. A nice, heavy knuckle-duster is more ergonomic.
I like a palm sap, myself.
And just like with the bike chain, people nowadays don't know anything about it. I have showed my palm sap and even my Denver sap to LEOs who had no idea what they were. They could figure out the Denver sap pretty quick but the palm sap was a total mystery to them.
When I was bouncing drunks, I had a 3 d-cell maglite.

Even a small blackjack can be a difference-maker.
I like the palm sap because it's discreet and I can keep my hands open (which looks better on camera) and when I throw an open palm left hook, it has never failed to resolve things.
The Denver sap works well on the top of the forearms, or the elbows, and if that doesn't cool his jets, I can apply it to the collarbone or the back of the ear. Almost no wind up involved.
I was once very drunk and started to provoce a guy he wanted to leave and was angry but then I said your girl is a whore he jumped quickly back and punched me twice on the head the kebab guy stopped him from beating me more and he said he will kill me and left
Just my feelings for hurting someone else.
Had my thumb chewed into hamburger. It took a year for it to heal up. Along with my chest and face bruised up. And I won.
I'm the type women use to make there guy jealous. That's how it got started.
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?
Still got the scar under my eye
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
That bike chain wrapped around the fist is an old-school move, these youngsters nowadays don't know shit about it.
I've been hit in the back of the head with that too.
Makes a hell of an impression, doesn't it?
Still got the scar under my eye
Shit, I've got scars I can't remember getting, lol.
I have gotten far more and far worse injuries in matches than street fights. Street fights are almost always just drunken idiots. Almost. You could drop a drunken idiot out of a 747 and he would land in the middle of the street get up walk home and wake up wondering why his shoulder kind of hurts a little.
I trained in Krav and MT and some BJJ and do mma now but I don’t ever get into fights because I avoid bad places and toxic folks
Got gang-stomped damn near to death when I was about 15 or 16. Taken some beatings in the gym when I was fighting back about 25 years ago, but that's really just part of the game in boxing, muay thai, and MMA. Been shot once and knifed twice.
You must be one tough dude ! How old are you
Do you still train !
Boxing and MT events !! Clearly you’re a bad azz
I got hit in the stomach multiple times by a bigger kid in high school once. The odd part was, I kind of let him...because a few days before that I whooped the ass of a kid more my size who actually walked up and slapped me while I was eating. I was still held somewhat responsible by the fascist school system and given detention on the basis of zero tolerance. So the caveat was, you dont get to defend yourself, you have to wait for Big Brother to intervene. So rather than fight back against the bigger kid I took my punches. But I faced him the whole time. I still kind of regret not kicking him right in the balls.

That was decades ago, and these days I pretty much stay out of fights. I dont start them and generally am not subjected to them much at all.
I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. October 7, 1959. I was just sitting there minding my own business, casually yanking on Noel Saunder's braids from time to time to entertain myself, when she suddenly turned around without warning and whomped me on the top of my head with a ruler.

The incident left me very non plussed

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