What we're up against in Muslim rationale...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
This is some messed up thinking but likely a lot of Muslims agree. So once you're aware of it the question becomes how in the world do we deal with these people?

This guy's commenting on why local Muslims who were to provide security in Benghazi fled their posts rather than defend the place and our personnel. And he's some sort of police commander!!!...

Wissam Buhmeid, the commander of the Tripoli government-sanctioned Libya's Shield Brigade, effectively a police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. "There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet."

With that kind of rationale is there any hope for peaceful relations with any Muslim country in our future?

Here's the source...Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination - World Politics - World - The Independent
Now that you bring it up. No. There is no peaceful relations with muslims at any time until they are beaten into reasonableness like they were during the Crusades.

What they are protesting is that we do not accept the authority of the prophet. That is why we lurch from crisis to crisis and have since Salman Rushdie wrote the Satanic Verses. Even when a crisis is quelled, it's never over, it has just simmered down until the next crisis. There will always be a next crisis until the goal of islamic domination is reached.
You know, Katz, I'm usually a pretty optimistic person. I generally feel whatever the problem is and whatever its cause, people can usually sort things out through discussion, a little give and take, or whatever. But the attitude towards the Benghazi killings expressed by Buhmeid are just so way over the top it boggles the mind, at least mine anyway, and I have no clue how we deal with such people going forward.
There is no peaceful relations with muslims at any time until they are beaten into reasonableness like they were during the Crusades.
My history book says that the muslims won the crusades.

Just saying................ :cool:

The muslims need to be pushed out of the Europe just like they were before. They need to be isolated back where they belong. What we need is a new Thomas Jefferson.
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs.

Sally Hemings was loved and well cared for so your obfuscation to put her in chains isn't working.

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.

Too late.......

Islam is already here in the U.S. and growing. :cool:
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.

Too late.......

Islam is already here in the U.S. and growing. :cool:

Islam is here and growing and it's not too late. They can still be wiped out to the last. Of course liberals don't feel that way. That's why agitation of muslim sensibilities doesn't bother me. We just don't have enough of it, yet.
You know, Katz, I'm usually a pretty optimistic person. I generally feel whatever the problem is and whatever its cause, people can usually sort things out through discussion, a little give and take, or whatever. But the attitude towards the Benghazi killings expressed by Buhmeid are just so way over the top it boggles the mind, at least mine anyway, and I have no clue how we deal with such people going forward.

You deal with them the same way you deal with termites in your house. There can be no give and take. Recognize that. All we have done is tamp down the powderkegs until the next crisis. It could be a cartoon of mohammed, or no cartoon but suggesting that there be a cartoon. It could be a movie like Fitna, that doesn't mention big mo, but is critical of islamic social practices. Or, a series like South Park, Burning korans that had been desecrated, or if no korans have been desecrated make up some desecrations like the koran in the toilet protests. We go from outrage to outrage thinking that every time muslims are placated, it's the last time. It will never be the last time. Even when their numbers are so diminished that they are shoved back into their little nests, it's only until they build themselves up again.
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs.

Sally Hemings was loved and well cared for so your obfuscation to put her in chains isn't working.

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.

Give it 100 years and it will happen, and it will take place in Europe. Europe is going to look like Lebanon in 100 years. The only question is who will win the war.
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs.

Sally Hemings was loved and well cared for so your obfuscation to put her in chains isn't working.

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.

Give it 100 years and it will happen, and it will take place in Europe. Europe is going to look like Lebanon in 100 years. The only question is who will win the war.

What makes this time different is that we have Christian hating liberals who find a natural ally in radical islam. The libs really think that as soon as islam sees how wonderful liberalism is, they will all become good little libs.
That's not our choice and you, of all people, should know I'm not easily flim flammed. Thomas Jefferson crushed the muslim pirates. He did this by getting a copy of the koran and studying it to find out how the vermin think. We need a president willing, as Thomas Jefferson was willing, to absolutely CRUSH and decimate the evil known as islam and shove it back to its nest where it belongs.

Sally Hemings was loved and well cared for so your obfuscation to put her in chains isn't working.

islam needs to be sent packing the way they were sent packing out of Andulusia.

Correct, having worked them extensively, I can tell you that they can't be reasoned with, they can't be bargained with and they will not stop ever.....until you are dead....hey wait, isn't that John Connor's line to Sarah Connor in the original Terminator? So I have it figured out.

Muslims = Terminators
Syria goes after Lebanese critic...
Top security official among 8 dead in Beirut blast
Oct 19,`12 -- A powerful car bomb tore through the heart of Beirut's Christian sector Friday, killing a top security official and seven others in a devastating attack that threatened to bring the war in Syria directly to Lebanon's doorstep. The blast sheared the balconies off apartment buildings, upended cars and sent dazed rescue workers carrying bloodied children into the streets.
Dozens of people were wounded in the blast, the worst the Lebanese capital has seen in more than four years. The state-run news agency said the target was Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, head of the intelligence division of Lebanon's domestic security forces. Al-Hassan, 47, headed an investigation over the summer that led to the arrest of former Information Minister Michel Samaha, one of Syria's most loyal allies in Lebanon. "Whenever there is a problem in Syria, they want to bring it to us," said Karin Sabaha Gemayel, a secretary at a law firm a block from the bombing site, where the street was turned into a swath of rubble, twisted metal and charred vehicles. "But you always hope it will not happen to us. Not again," she said.

Samaha is accused of plotting a campaign of bombings and assassinations in Lebanon at Syria's behest, to spread sectarian violence in Lebanon. Also indicted in the August sweep was one of the highest aides to Syrian President Bashar Assad. A senior Lebanese police official, speaking anonymously because he was not authorized to talk to the media, said Samaha confessed to having personally transported explosives in his car from Syria to Lebanon with the purpose of killing Lebanese. Analysts said al-Hassan's killing was a clear signal that Lebanon cannot insulate itself from the Syrian conflict, which has been the most sustained and powerful challenge to the 40-year Assad family dynasty. "The regime in Damascus will look at his death with much comfort," said Ayham Kamel, a Middle East analyst at the Eurasia Group in London. "One figure, hostile to Syria's interests, is out of the picture."

In Washington, the Obama administration condemned "in the strongest terms" what it called a terrorist attack. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement that there was "no justification for using assassination as a political tool," adding that the U.S. would stand with the Lebanese government in bringing to justice those responsible "for this barbaric attack." Friday's blast also was a reminder of Lebanon's grim history, when the 1975-1990 civil war made the country notorious for kidnappings, car bombs and political assassinations. Since the war's end, Lebanon has been a proxy battleground for regional conflict, and the Mediterranean seaside capital has been prey to devastating violence shattering periods of calm.


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