What will be the Democrats' next fake scandal?

If the domestic economic data keeps deteriorating as it has been over the past few weeks Crime Family-D won't need another "scandal" to beat Donny in 2020, the economy will do it for them.

Of course both parties are hopelessly addicted to kabuki theater and faux histrionics so even if the economy dives into a recession before the election both sides of the aisle are likely to entertain us with a host of fabricated brouhaha's before election day, after all it's what they do best.
You haters have been praying for a recession for years now.

..and you clueless retards having been posting nonsensical bullshit like this since the Internet opened its doors to the general public.:rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back in reality, U.S. economic fundamentals are actually showing signs of deterioration despite histrionic protestations to the contrary by irate Trumplodytes.
DOW off 850 last 2 days wiping out all of Sept gains and implied for today is another 43 down Guess economy isn't as good as republicans make it out to be ,,,Just keep believing the liar in our WH see what it gets you
We've had "Trumps getting IMPEACHED" for" (best I can remember):

Invisible Emoluments
Pretend Stormy something
Imaginary Russian Collusion
Obstructing an exoneration
And now... Exposing Democrat corruption.

Demtards are desperately trying to avoid another election humiliation.

Demtards are desperately trying to set up a narrative to help them avoid the discussion of the corruption of the Obama WH.

The only question is.... What's the next lie going to be?

Who knows. Now that their smoking gun proof doesn't prove what they have been claiming, now they are claiming that their smoking gun proof was faked which is proof what they say it says that it doesn't is true.

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