'Democrats Accuse Republicans Of What They Have Done/Do' - The Unbelievable Hillary Edition

Trump agreeing to give Afghanistan to the Taliban would consitute "treason",

Link us up to him doing that, you KKKanadian halfwit.

"Under the Doha agreement, the United States would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon the Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack the United States forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor any other condition under the Doha agreement.

We, the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020, my analysis then was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, would potentially damage US worldwide credibility and could precipitate a general collapse of the Afghan security forces and the Afghan government, resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or a general civil war. That analysis was a year ago. Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders at the time, then Secretary of Defense Esper submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending that we maintain the US forces, which were then at about 4,500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reductions. Two days later on 11 November, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan by 15 January, 2021.

I don't believe it was treason, however. Just another stab in the back by Benedict Donald.
Hillary Clinton created and initiated the largest criminal political scandal in history in an attempt to steal an election.

She was the architect of the failed Russian Collusion coup attempt, guilty of treason for trying to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office with the help of Russians, former traitorous President Obama, and his equally treasonous administration / Agencies.

Yet now Clinton is engaging in the largest, most corrupt example of an old Democrat polilitical tactic -- accusing others (the GOP) of planning to attempt what she and the Democrat Party have already been caught doing and what they are planning to try to do again...STEALING AN(OTHER) ELECTION.

thanks for making me ponder something:

what constitutes actionable (felony) treason?

I don't think it is just working on the side of the enemy of the US during time of war (not cold wars, real ones where Americans are dying)

It looks like I have to enlarge my definition, thanks to your words here: attempting to overthrow the government.

That is exactly what "an enemy in time of war" would do against his/her country, so it's kind of saying the same thing.

But we are not at war... except we ARE.

thing is, anti-Trump people say that some Americans are or were doing that RE 2020.. So I guess we need to define: Attmepting to overthrow the government. (in a precise manner)

In other words, as Jefferson once seemed to say: sometimes the governemnt needs to be overthrown (my paraphrase). In fact all our Founders said the equivalent..

said that when governemtn become tyrannical, it is our duty to.. (my word) rebel. It is the whole reason why the USA exists at all: the colonists rebelled against tyrannical England. Now we have a worse tyrant..
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Durham proved one cannot find a non-partisan jury in the modern-day political version of Sodom and Gamorah that is DC.
yeh, he found out the hard way like Trump did

and like all those who still love America found out in 2020 (not that there weren't signs of serious trouble before then.. but 2020 was like Biggest Wake Up Call in History)
Durham’s cases were extremely weak and he failed to prove his allegations.


Hillary Cinton's own campaign manager testified Hillary Clinton 'green lighted' Sussmann to take the Dossier / information collected from Russians and others to the FBI which initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal and start of the failed coup attempt.

They had the messages / communication between the FBI and Danchenko, ordering him to delete them because it proved the FBI was working with and paying him, a Russian, for information tbat could he used to temove the President from office.

FBI Agent Page testified that the FBI already knew there was nothing to Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal BS BEFORE Mueller (and Weissmann - Hillary's lead in this coup attempt) was ever appointed Special Counsel.

She told how the FBI conducted its own internal investigation and found it was all a scam, a lie, but how the FBI chose to intentionally continue participating in the coup attempt against Trump anyway!

Enough of your lies and propaganda. These facts have been exposed, are on the record, and more keeps coming out.

Go away, little commie, Dem sac-licking, traitor apologist.
....and the only way to make this traitor ho away was to indict, convict, and send her to prison.

Instead, she was protected by the treasonous Democrat Crime Syndicate, and now she's back, ready for another assault on the country in the pursuit of personal wealth and power.
gee... How many houses can she live in at one time?

I'd say the same about cars.. how many can she drive.. but I don't think she drives at all.

OK.. How many (probably Black) drivers does she need at any given time?

what a low life.. Have we ever heard of Hilary donating any of her huge stockpile of cash to build affordable housing for the less fortunate?

we almost laugh thinking of this...
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Hillary Cinton's own campaign manager testified Hillary Clinton 'green lighted' Sussmann to take the Dossier / information collected from Russians and others to the FBI which initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal and start of the failed coup attempt.

They had the messages / communication between the FBI and Danchenko, ordering him to delete them because it proved the FBI was working with and paying him, a Russian, for information tbat could he used to temove the President from office.

FBI Agent Page testified that the FBI already knew there was nothing to Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal BS BEFORE Mueller (and Weissmann - Hillary's lead in this coup attempt) was ever appointed Special Counsel.

She told how the FBI conducted its own internal investigation and found it was all a scam, a lie, but how the FBI chose to intentionally continue participating in the coup attempt against Trump anyway!

Enough of your lies and propaganda. These facts have been exposed, are on the record, and more keeps coming out.

Go away, little commie, Dem sac-licking, traitor apologist.
Robby Mook never said that they approved Sussmann to take anything to the FBI. You lied.

Danchenko working with the FBI is neither illegal or controversial. His work with the FBI has been valuable in over a dozen investigations. Barr and Graham outed him as a source which damaged national security according to testimony in the trial.

Danchenko’s trial centered on whether he did or didn’t talk to Sergei Millian. The entirety of the evidence that he didn’t talk to Millian was a tweet. That’s it. It was a pathetic case.
Robby Mook never said that they approved Sussmann to take anything to the FBI. You lied.

Bullshit. Her campaign manager testified the ok came directly from Hillary, which makes sense. Such a high profile candidate would not allow her lawyer to initiate the largest criminal political scandal in US history on her behalf without knowing / approving it.

FBI lawyer Baker said he immediately knew who Sussmann was working for when he showed up.

Stevie Wonder could figure out it was Hillary and what was hiing on.

It was also reported btw, that the FBI briefed Obama that Hillary was going to try something.

So you want us to believe the FBI warned Obama beforehand Hillary was going to try to initiate a scandal / try something but they did not recognize it when she did, as was expected?!

Bullshit. Her campaign manager testified the ok came directly from Hillary, which makes sense. Such a high profile candidate would not allow her lawyer to initiate the largest criminal political scandal in US history on her behalf without knowing / approving it.

FBI lawyer Baker said he immediately knew who Sussmann was working for when he showed up.

Stevie Wonder could figure out it was Hillary and what was hiing on.

It was also reported btw, that the FBI briefed Obama that Hillary was going to try something.

So you want us to believe the FBI warned Obama beforehand Hillary was going to try to initiate a scandal / try something but they did not recognize it when she did, as was expected?!

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I just provided you with a link that says her campaign manager testified that they didn't approve the OK to go to the FBI. Do you have a link that backs up your assertion?

I doubt it.

Durham's probe is a complete fishing expedition. They prosecuted two innocent people unjustly for political purposes.

You have nothing to back up any claims about a "coup" or really any illegal behavior.
I just provided you with a link that says her campaign manager testified that they didn't approve the OK to go to the FBI. Do you have a link that backs up your assertion?

I already posted the link.

I watched the testimony.


I already posted the link.

I watched the testimony.


For starters, you didn't watch the testimony. Cameras are not allowed in federal court rooms. Either you're a liar or you're delusional with false memories.

Second, every single one of your links shows that Robby Mook testified that they authorized the information to go to a REPORTER. Not the FBI.

Democrats Accuse Republicans Of What They Have Done/Do​

Of course. Oldest ploy in the books. Now when they do it and some repub comes out accusing them of trying to (or) actually stealing another election, they will look like an idiot and an echo chamber to be dismissed and laughed at by the media not even original enough to come up with something different.

Until MAGA came along, the left were used to playing chess attack always three moves ahead and a GOP always on defense playing catch up, which is why they hate MAGA so much because they are attacking putting THEM in the defense!
Are you still chasing Hillary Clinton, Sleazy??????
Hey asshole, you're still chasing Trump! Hillary PUT herself in the news with the same old usual lies.

you still haven't proven she committed a single crime.
It's been proven forwards and backwards, just can't get a conviction against a democrat crook in DC which is 99.9% all other democrat hyperpartisan crooks. We need to find a way of getting these cases heard OUTSIDE of the democrat's STRONGHOLD.

You keep calling Hillary Clinton a "criminal" and she's never been charged with any crimes at all,
You keep calling Trump a Putin colluder and an insurrectionist as well as dictator and treasonist and even a threat to democracy itself (particularly odd as we aren't a democratic nation) yet Trump isn't within a mile of even being CHARGED much less convicted of any of that bullshit you fucking lying psycho hypocrite dooshbag.

and every investigation has proven that Republicans made the whole thing up and then tried to pin it on her.
WHAT investigations? Link us to them. Or were they all just another leftwing fantasy of yours?

Yet Donald Trump, who has settled so many criminal cases without admitting guilt, but paying tens of millions of dollars in fines, penalties and settlements just to make his criminal behaviour go away without convictions, isn't a criminal because he hasn't been convicted any crimes.
So settling out of court now is proof of guilt? Boy are you a space cadet. 90% of the businesses in this country have settled out of court one time or other because it saves money, time and reputation than beating one's head going through the clunky and broken court system.
Donald Trump tried to violently overthrow the legally elected government of the United States of America,
Impressive, doosh-nozzle! You managed to squeeze THREE lies into just one phrase! (1) Donald Trump didn't try to do anything, the capitol protest was PEACEFUL until Ray Epps supported by a group of antifa rallied to incite it into a riot. This has all been documented and conspicuously IGNORED by the fraud J6 committee. Had the police simply left the doors open, or had Nancy brought the security Trump asked for, there would have been no violence at all. (2) Worse, it is IMPOSSIBLE to overthrow the US government with just a few hundred people with nothing but flags and cellphones, you twat (Joe Biden himself said it takes H-bombs and F-15s), even worse, the whole thing was caused by the democrats who know they stole the election and we (3) HAVE THEIR ADMISSION IN WRITING PUBLISHED IN TIME MAGAZINE WITH THESE PEOPLE AS THE CONFESSED PRINCIPLE PLAYERS-- mostly all subversive shadow organizations! No doubt you belong to at least one of them yourself.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

Treason" is helping the enemy
Good, then we have Biden on about 5 or more counts of treason! So far. Counter still running.
Durham’s cases were extremely weak and he failed to prove his allegations.

Even if we believed everything Durham said, it falls well short of what you described as a “coup”.
It was undoubtedly a brazen and blatant attempt to steal an election.
For starters, you didn't watch the testimony. Cameras are not allowed in federal court rooms. Either you're a liar or you're delusional with false memories.

Second, every single one of your links shows that Robby Mook testified that they authorized the information to go to a REPORTER. Not the FBI.
Hey fucktard, it doesn't matter who wrote dossier or who authorized what.

The simple undeniable fact is it was USED by you democommie pigs, for YEARS, to slander your political opponent.

You people are fucking LIARS FROM HELL. No one's ever going to believe another word you say. Ever.
Hey fucktard, it doesn't matter who wrote dossier or who authorized what.

The simple undeniable fact is it was USED by you democommie pigs, for YEARS, to slander your political opponent.

You people are fucking LIARS FROM HELL. No one's ever going to believe another word you say. Ever.
Go touch grass you lunatic.

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