what will dems have to say to someone that is alive because Roe V Wade was overturned?

it will happen ... one day in 20 or 30 years someone will speak out about the fact that they are alive because after the SC ruling their state ended abortion on demand ... one day a young doctor or scientist or someone who makes a difference in society will tell the story their mother told them ... and that story was their mother was contemplating having an abortion when he or she was in the womb because their mother felt is was bad timing to have a baby and if the state she was living in hadnt [sic] made it more difficult to get an abortion on demand they would have ended the lfe [sic] of their child .... will the left call this person that was born a symbol of oppression ? will they say you have no right to be alive ! you shouldnt [sic] exist ? what will dems have to say about people that are born because the states they were born in ended abortion on demand ?

In 1965 a rape victim in Colorado gave birth to a baby girl. That was before Roe vs. Wade, and I do not know if abortion was even an available option for her, then. In any event, rather than falling victim to abortion, that baby girl was allowed to live, and she was adopted into a good, loving family.

Todays, she has five children, and three grandchildren

Who here wants to tell me that my sister should have been put to death, because of the crime that her biological father committed; and that my niece, nephews, and grand-nephews should never have been allowed to exist at all? Anyone want to come here to Sacramento in person, and tell me that to my face, that you wish my sister was dead?
"what will dems have to say to someone that is alive because Roe V Wade was overturned?"
"I'm sorry, but your parole was denied."
so all children that arent [sic] aborted will be criminals ? believe it or not most people arent [sic] felons .

My guess is that dblack only associates with criminals, and has no idea what it is like to associate with actual human beings.
so all children that arent aborted will be criminals ? believe it or not most people arent felons .
Most people aren't. Most democrats? Probably.
and also most democrats support abortion on demand .... interesting correlation ...

Supporting the cold-blooded murder of innocent children certainly makes one much more similar to a criminal than to a human being.

Legal or not, it takes a special sort of subhuman shit to support killing innocent children in cold blood.

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