What Will It Take For McCarthy To Take The Hint?

For anyone that usually votes Republican - But doesn't want McCarthy

What viable Candidate do you want to see win?
I do not want any specific candidate (but like tbe possibility of Scalise); however,it is clear McCarthy is not going to get the 218 he seeks. Still, seeing this, he refuses to step aside, knowing he does not have full / sufficient support and will not get it.

At this point McCarthy has proven he continues because his top priority is 'McCarthy', not America, not Americans, not the GOP.

I think Americans are tired of self-serving politicians.
Why do you hit the bold button every time some dude rams his cock up your ass?
More perverted posts from yet another penis-obsessed, alleged straight male, far rightwing, USMB poster.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepbulicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
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Why bother? Joe Biden's presidency is over. He's dead in the water and doesn't have a paddle. He might as well pack his shit and go back to Scrotum, PA.

:laughing0301: :21::lmao::auiqs.jpg:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #LoserBiden #NoCongressForJoe

You evidently missed the 2022 elections in which Biden came out stronger than ever

Any perception of Biden weakness is negated by the disfunctional Republicans who can’t even lead itself let alone a country
A few more days of embarrassing headlines and another mountain of concessions to the far right might do it.

Then again, it might not.
Look, this group of 20 is a bunch of damn morons. Most of them haven't served a full two terms yet. I mean I know the making of sausage that is government is not pretty, but damn, at least I know what goes in the sausage, these yahoos don't even know that. I watched the Hannity clip, and I can't stand the guy. But damn he had the patience of Job while dealing with that ditzy bitch Boebert.

And I don't like McCarthy either, he has his finger in the wind and goes wherever the wind blows. But damn, he gave in on the biggest thing the group of 20 wanted, the motion to vacate, and that took some huge ass balls. If anyone is negotiating under false pretenses it is the group of 20, because as Boebert said, he granted the motion to vacate and yet she claims he has not completely obligated to it. Bullshit. And the motion to vacate is stupid. It has been used once in American history. The result, a failed motion but in the end, possibly the most powerful speaker of the house in American history was removed from office because his party, the Republican party, lost their majority come the next election.

And that is just it. This group of 20, they are stupid. Hell, I bet they don't know the history of the motion to vacate. I bet they couldn't name more than ten signors of the Declaration of Independence. I bet every damn one of them would say that George Washington signed it. And I know for a fact not a damn one of them knows what the Boston Tea Party was all about. It is insulting that they are in Congress. It is insulting that they are paid six figures. I mean Boebert, for real, high school dropout, teen mom, McDonald's cashier, are you flippin kidding me. Is that the direction the Republican party wants to take?

Let's be honest, this whole thing is a shit show, and a preview of precisely what the Congress of 2022 will be like, a clusterfuck. For thirty years the Republican party has continually shifted to the right, but 2022 will go down as the year they pushed it too far. It will be their downfall, and their path to the scrap heap of history.

Republicans have demonstrated a complete inability to lead

But beyond that a desire to bring our Government to its knees.

You evidently missed the 2022 elections in which Biden came out stronger than ever

Any perception of Biden weakness is negated by the disfunctional Republicans who can’t even lead itself let alone a country

Your news sources probably didn't tell you this, but Biden called Kamala "President Harris" again today.

He also stated this:

"For example, since August of last year, Customs and Border Patrol have seized more than 20,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl. That’s enough to kill — kill as many as 1,000 people in this country. Twenty thousand pounds of fentanyl. It’s a killer. It’s a flat killer."

Remarks by President Biden on Border Security and Enforcement | The White House

As many as 1,000 people.

Try 4.8 billion people Joe.
Your news sources probably didn't tell you this, but Biden called Kamala "President Harris" again today.

He also stated this:

"For example, since August of last year, Customs and Border Patrol have seized more than 20,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl. That’s enough to kill — kill as many as 1,000 people in this country. Twenty thousand pounds of fentanyl. It’s a killer. It’s a flat killer."

Remarks by President Biden on Border Security and Enforcement | The White House

As many as 1,000 people.

Try 4.8 billion people Joe.
ummm…..whoop de do
Got some facts wrong

President Biden is getting shit done

The Republicans in Congress are jerking each other off

You evidently missed the 2022 elections in which Biden came out stronger than ever

Any perception of Biden weakness is negated by the disfunctional Republicans who can’t even lead itself let alone a country

You could tell he was "stronger" by the way he lost the house...


The lies you Nazis tell..

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