What Will It Take For McCarthy To Take The Hint?

Republicans have demonstrated a complete inability to lead

But beyond that a desire to bring our Government to its knees.

In what way does challenging the speakership of McCarthy bring the government to it's knees, shitflinger?

And why are you Nazi filth so invested in McCarthy?
Trump made the swamp deeper. By the time he left office his administration was full of nothing but swamp critters
Not only that, he started making the swamp deeper the minute he was sworn in. It was non-stop swamp creatures flooding the system when that fat bastard was in Office.

Thank God we kicked his ass out of there!
According to your boy Hannity of FOXNEWS fame, he's asking what will it take for Bobo and her 19 co-horts to take the hint...

So who's wrong here, Hannity or Bobo and her 19 far rightwing co-horts?


Boebert has a brain full of rocks.
According to your boy Hannity of FOXNEWS fame, he's asking what will it take for Bobo and her 19 co-horts to take the hint...

He's siding with what he perceives as the mainstream of the Republican Party, as he always has.
So who's wrong here, Hannity or Bobo and her 19 far rightwing co-horts?
Hannity is wrong. Very wrong. Here is his wrong demand that he stated twice:

Kevin McCarthy has two hundred and two, three votes, you have twenty. Isn't it time for you, your side to pack it in?

He doesn't get, or pretends that he doesn't get the purpose of the opposition to McCarthy. "Her side" isn't trying to get another speaker elected. They are trying to get the presumed speaker to agree to be a freaking Republican. How hard are these simple and obvious demands?

Republicans hold a slim 222-212 majority in the House, meaning that only a few hold-outs in the caucus can obstruct the speaker vote. One core demand from the detractors is that McCarthy reinstate a rule that allows any single lawmaker to make a “motion to vacate the chair” — in short, to call a vote to remove the speaker from office.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that members of the House Freedom Caucus, which includes Boebert, are also demanding that McCarthy hold votes on a series of bills, including legislation that would require term limits for members of Congress, a balanced federal budget and fortifying security at the southwestern border.

Those sound like perfectly reasonable conditions for giving him the job that puts him in control of the congressional agenda, as well as next in line in case a tragedy should befall both Biden and Harris. They sound like the kind of demands Republicans might make if they were needed to elect a Democratic Speaker.

Which demand exactly is McCarthy so opposed to that he is willing to stall his own ascension to the Speaker position?

Term limits? Security at the border? A balanced budget? They're not even demanding that he push those laws through, just that he allow a vote for them.

The Times reported that before the vote, McCarthy privately made the case that the lawmakers opposing him were selfishly disrupting what was supposed to be a day of unity for their own personal gain.

“I earned this job,” he said.

That sounds like McCarthy making it personal, not those who don't actually oppose him, but want him to be a leader for all Republicans, not just the RINO's eager to cave to Democrats at every turn.

How exactly did he "earn this job?" I'd love for one of his Democratic cheerleaders on this forum to explain that. Please be specific.

For his Republican cheerleaders, what bills has he sponsored that he should be most proud of? What were his accomplishments as minority leader? How'd you like his handling of the Jan 6 Committee?

Bobo needs to stick to her guns. Give McCarthy a choice: cut a deal with Republicans or cut a deal with Democrats. Doing the latter will reveal his true colors.
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Exactly! All they'll do is jerk off over Hunter Biden who holds no office, and waste taxpayer dollars.

....says the snowflake whose Democrats committed treason, and spent the last 6 years wasting time and MILLIONS on their failed, manufactured 'Get Trump' crusade.



There are roughly 20 who can't tolerate the 200 who accept McCarthy. The 20 have some reason in common with each other and I'm suggesting that it's so extreme that it will drive some of the 200 away from McCarthy.

You seem to disagree.

You might say that the 200 are too extremist?

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