What Will It Take For McCarthy To Take The Hint?

So Kevin, where are we after three days?

You have made every concession demanded of you and that got you how many votes?
One core demand from the detractors is that McCarthy reinstate a rule that allows any single lawmaker to make a “motion to vacate the chair” — in short, to call a vote to remove the speaker from office.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that members of the House Freedom Caucus, which includes Boebert, are also demanding that McCarthy hold votes on a series of bills, including legislation that would require term limits for members of Congress, a balanced federal budget and fortifying security at the southwestern border.

Seem reasonable to me, and a tiny price to pay to be Speaker of the House. Is he really going to just be stubborn and watch Jim Jordan get the gavel?

And people say Trump has an ego . . . .
So you want a puppet? Correct?
One core demand from the detractors is that McCarthy reinstate a rule that allows any single lawmaker to make a “motion to vacate the chair” — in short, to call a vote to remove the speaker from office.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that members of the House Freedom Caucus, which includes Boebert, are also demanding that McCarthy hold votes on a series of bills, including legislation that would require term limits for members of Congress, a balanced federal budget and fortifying security at the southwestern border.

Seem reasonable to me, and a tiny price to pay to be Speaker of the House. Is he really going to just be stubborn and watch Jim Jordan get the gavel?

And people say Trump has an ego . . . .
The establishment and the interlocking directorate, the billionaires which own the entire Anglo-American system which hyped the Covid scam to outsized proportions for control and profit, and refuse to allow peace negotiations b/c they have an agenda having to do with control over all planetary energy, are behind all this. They want to make slaves of everyone, and they really don't care what your politics are, IMO.

They need to have McCarthy in charge. These things are important to them, and he is their paid stooge, just like Pelosi is. Folks that pay attention, know, that there is no difference between him and Pelosi, only partisans see a difference.

That whole FTX thing, is sorta sketchy, and The National File, as an outfit, too, should be taken with a grain of salt. It is really hard to fact check stuff like that, IMO.
I did some checking, and it seems to be on the up and up;


But, with Deep Politics, that is the nature of the business, which, I think is the point here.

This particular story, probably has more legs.

No surprise you are one of those pounding Marc's ass.

You've always seemed the type - Tinkerbell.


Fruitcake's homosexual tendencies get exposed and all he can do is parrot Peewee Herman with an, I know you are but what am I, witless retort.

Can't you do better, lyin nazi?
So Kevin, where are we after three days?

You have made every concession demanded of you and that got you how many votes?
If these Men and Women of the Freedom Resistance are for real, then the Progs and the RINOS are a little worried as their elite masters need to have no interference in their quest for global control. It is still a huge battle to win for people who want freedom though.
As McCarthy accepts the demands of the extremists, he at the same time alienates some of the others.

However, it's long past having any purpose. The R party is irreparably divided, regardless of who is the chosen one.

A coalition is needed but it's not going to be with the Democrats, it has to be between the crazies and the less insane.

I expect a fistfight in the chamber first!
If it is with the crazies that would be demscum.
I don't want the Republicans who want to actually fight for the Republican agenda to be marginalized for the gratification of the bendover-for-the-Democrats faction.
Couple of things here, 1. What is/was the Republican agenda? During the Trump Regime, the party literally decided not to have one, twice. It was whatever Trump wanted at the moment. 2. Bend over to Democrats how exactly?
If these Men and Women of the Freedom Resistance are for real, then the Progs and the RINOS are a little worried as their elite masters need to have no interference in their quest for global control. It is still a huge battle to win for people who want freedom though.
If they were for real, there would be a method to their madness

They would be holding out for a reason and be prepared to explain what needs to be done to obtain their support
"Special favors for themselves?"

How is border security a "special favor" for a small group of people?
Well, I was referring to those who are trying to get themselves committee assignments in exchange for their vote.

But several of their detractors within the party have attacked them for prioritising procedural changes over making policy, as well as for demanding personal favours like committee assignments.

so, maybe its nothing, but if true, then those people need to stop the nonsense.
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Well, I was referring to those who are trying to get themselves committee assignments in exchange for their vote.

so, maybe its nothing, but if true, then those people need to stop the nonsense.

Being on the right committees with the right people is how legislation gets written to further agendas.
These 20 are looking to ensure that proper progress is made.
Based upon Gaetz's words, there is no agreement and based upon the two (R) speakers, things are getting pissy.

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