What will people be saying about Trump when he is near death?

President Trump requested that after he's gone, Americans continue to visit and spit on the National Memorial "Graves of the Traitors" where all the plotters of the 2016 Democrat Coup are laid to rest, "do this in memory of me"
God's will be done!
If there is a god, you spend eternity in hell.
That's the way it works, edtheliar. You chose evil, so you must be convinced there is no price for your evil.
Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.

Exactly, you have damned yourself Comrade.
Will any of you people care what someone says about you when you're on your deathbed?

I don't give a shit what anyone says about me now I don't see that changing
I say in the mid terms coming up, some of these post from liberals need to be shown to all Americans, and be stated. Is this the kind of hate you want in leadership? If so, vote Democrat.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
That's pretty morbid, Elmer. Once Trump is out of office, I plan on going back to ignoring him the way I did the entire rest of his life. I didn't know who he was until he'd been campaigning for a few months. I'm going back to that and he can die in complete peace, for all I care.
President Donald J. Trump will go down

in history as one of the Greatest Presidents

ever, make way on Mount Rushmore.......

History will not be kind to you liberal anarchist

who did your best to try and destroy Trump and America

with your lying media and all your bull shit....

Trump will be remembered for Making America Great Again...

You liberals will be remembered for the POS's you are.
Another daily laugh from the left wing nuts, thanks for the smile, hope your butt hurt ends soon but I doubt it will.

Trump has shoved all the liberals bull shit

so far up their ass that the liberal Butt Hurt

will never end, in fact it's terminal...

liberal hate is destroying the liberals....

Life is good and Trump is so funny while

he is Spanking their asses into submission...
Right-wingers, crying again. Need a tissue bro?

Communists, spewing hatred again. Need a Depends bro?

Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.

This guy is so fucking stupid, lol. I wonder if he ever opened a book in his life, let alone read a page from one.
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.


You like a good dose of authoritarianism in your dictatorship You are a prime example of the Stalinist wing that has taken over the shameful democrat party.

You are full blown Communists in the vein of Mao and Pol Pot. If you ever get enough power, the Bill of Rights and all basic liberty is gone. Economic freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association - all targeted by you Stalinists for eradication.

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