What will people be saying about Trump when he is near death?

Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.


You like a good dose of authoritarianism in your dictatorship You are a prime example of the Stalinist wing that has taken over the shameful democrat party.

You are full blown Communists in the vein of Mao and Pol Pot. If you ever get enough power, the Bill of Rights and all basic liberty is gone. Economic freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association - all targeted by you Stalinists for eradication.

You are "full blown" cuckoo banana bird.

This guy is so fucking stupid, lol. I wonder if he ever opened a book in his life, let alone read a page from one.

Right Comrade; you are an erudite Maoist, well versed in the dialectic with a deep grasp of Hegel and Ricardo. :lmao:

One of us has actually read "Capital, Vol. 1" Comrade. But hey, you spend lots of time at DailyKOS to make up for your abysmal lack of education and knowledge.

This guy is so fucking stupid, lol. I wonder if he ever opened a book in his life, let alone read a page from one.

Right Comrade; you are an erudite Maoist, well versed in the dialectic with a deep grasp of Hegel and Ricardo. :lmao:

One of us has actually read "Capital, Vol. 1" Comrade. But hey, you spend lots of time at DailyKOS to make up for your abysmal lack of education and knowledge.

Yes, keep telling yourself that you're educated and I'm not. If you believe it hard enough, it must be true. That's how it works, right?
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.


You like a good dose of authoritarianism in your dictatorship You are a prime example of the Stalinist wing that has taken over the shameful democrat party.

You are full blown Communists in the vein of Mao and Pol Pot. If you ever get enough power, the Bill of Rights and all basic liberty is gone. Economic freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association - all targeted by you Stalinists for eradication.

You are "full blown" cuckoo banana bird.

See, there is that high intellect that your Comrade Shaw so appriciates. You certainly craft a convincing argument...


You Stalinists are truly the most stupid creatures on the planet.

Serious question, you seek to destroy the United States and establish a brutal Soviet Style dictatorship because you think you will personally profit, the party bosses will put you in charge, or because you want revenge against your betters and don't care that it personally hurts you?
Yes, keep telling yourself that you're educated and I'm not. If you believe it hard enough, it must be true. That's how it works, right?

Well that and all the letters after my name.

But I'll bite Comrade, tell me how very educated you are? Are you like franco with a "Masters in history?" :lol:

If I keep responding, will you keep responding forever? Even though I clearly think you're an idiot and don't take you the least bit seriously? Lol.
Most of you right-wingers don't have any clue what you're talking about. You don't actually know what "liberal" "the left" or "communism" means. So why would anyone care when you start up your petty namecalling routine? You're calling people names randomly when you don't even know what you're talking about. Like small children, basically. I'll give you one thing; it is comical.

You should cut down on your drinking and dope smoking. You tried this lie yesterday and I smacked your commie ass down on it.

You're too stupid or too stoned to remember.

{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Yes, the filthy democrat party is a Communist party

Socialism and Communism aren't the same things.

I like a good dose of socialism in my capitalism...but you can definitely hold the communism.


You like a good dose of authoritarianism in your dictatorship You are a prime example of the Stalinist wing that has taken over the shameful democrat party.

You are full blown Communists in the vein of Mao and Pol Pot. If you ever get enough power, the Bill of Rights and all basic liberty is gone. Economic freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association - all targeted by you Stalinists for eradication.

You are "full blown" cuckoo banana bird.

See, there is that high intellect that your Comrade Shaw so appriciates. You certainly craft a convincing argument...


You Stalinists are truly the most stupid creatures on the planet.

Serious question, you seek to destroy the United States and establish a brutal Soviet Style dictatorship because you think you will personally profit, the party bosses will put you in charge, or because you want revenge against your betters and don't care that it personally hurts you?

I've never claimed to be an intellectual. I'm just a dumb working stiff trying to stay in the dwindling middle class. I graduated high school, joined the military and never looked back...or went to college.

I'm just working my ass off until I can retire, get my socialist SS and spend some time fishing (if there is clean water left after Republican deregulation) while we travel the socialist highways of this great county in our capitalist markets RV. (If the Republicans haven't turned them into toll roads)
Yes, keep telling yourself that you're educated and I'm not. If you believe it hard enough, it must be true. That's how it works, right?

Well that and all the letters after my name.

But I'll bite Comrade, tell me how very educated you are? Are you like franco with a "Masters in history?" :lol:

If I keep responding, will you keep responding forever? Even though I clearly think you're an idiot and don't take you the least bit seriously? Lol.

Where I clearly have the highest respect for your regurgitation of DailyKOS talking points...

Yer not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, are you now, sploogy?
Yes, keep telling yourself that you're educated and I'm not. If you believe it hard enough, it must be true. That's how it works, right?

Well that and all the letters after my name.

But I'll bite Comrade, tell me how very educated you are? Are you like franco with a "Masters in history?" :lol:

If I keep responding, will you keep responding forever? Even though I clearly think you're an idiot and don't take you the least bit seriously? Lol.

Where I clearly have the highest respect for your regurgitation of DailyKOS talking points...

Yer not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, are you now, sploogy?

I guess the answer to my question is "yes", then.

I've never claimed to be an intellectual. I'm just a dumb working stiff trying to stay in the dwindling middle class. I graduated high school, joined the military and never looked back...or went to college.

I'm just working my ass off until I can retire, get my socialist SS and spend some time fishing (if there is clean water left after Republican deregulation) while we travel the socialist highways of this great county in our capitalist markets RV. (If the Republicans haven't turned them into toll roads)

Well good news for you; now that Trump is in office and the Bolshevik policies of little gay Barry are being reversed, the middle class is rapidly expanding.

1 Year In, What Has President Trump Done to Help The Middle-Class?
Years ago I was on a forum that was discussing how they wished obama would be assassinated. I told them that i didn't agree with that and if he were Joe Biden would become president and it would cause a much larger division in the country and I just hoped he finished his term and went away. well he got elected again. You can image the flack I got for that. So all of a sudden I was an obama lover! lol. Any fool can see from the past assassinations how bad it was for the country as a whole. Why would anyone want that? I just hoped they would stop him from doing a great amount of damage but "they" didn't.
One of our greatest Presidents is spending his last moments with his friends and family, as a more peaceful world also mourns his imminent passing.
THis is what the thin skinned whiny little bitch will be remembered as.
One of our greatest Presidents is spending his last moments with his friends and family, as a more peaceful world also mourns his imminent passing.
He has no friends and his family hates him. Nice fantasy bro.
Wow, more left wing wishful fantasies disguised as political discussions. The crazy left has become redundant and pathetic.
One of our greatest Presidents is spending his last moments with his friends and family, as a more peaceful world also mourns his imminent passing.
He has no friends and his family hates him. Nice fantasy bro.
and all his exes won't show up either except to spit in his coffin

He made them quite rich, set them up for life...they may not like him, but without him they wouldn't be rich.
One of our greatest Presidents is spending his last moments with his friends and family, as a more peaceful world also mourns his imminent passing.
He has no friends and his family hates him. Nice fantasy bro.
and all his exes won't show up either except to spit in his coffin

To be fair, at least a few of his "exes" have said he was very good to them.

I mean, he was cheating on his wife at the time, but at least he was good at pretending.
One of our greatest Presidents is spending his last moments with his friends and family, as a more peaceful world also mourns his imminent passing.
He has no friends and his family hates him. Nice fantasy bro.
and all his exes won't show up either except to spit in his coffin

To be fair, at least a few of his "exes" have said he was very good to them.

I mean, he was cheating on his wife at the time, but at least he was good at pretending.

Only the first wife gets to play that game, all the others knew what they were getting into...

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