What will people be saying about Trump when he is near death?

What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.
Some will be respectful some will be saying hateful stuff what they say will likely depend on their political views as sadly that always seems to be the deciding factor in how we treat another person.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.

Possibly. But the left-wing is so hypocritical, I don't think it will be seen badly. After all, Bill was credibly accused of rape. Kennedy left a women to die, and yet the left-wing supported him for decades.

In the end, the choices the left-wing has made, has caused most of the right-wing to not care about the complaints of the left-wing.

Until the left starts caring about the morals of their politicians, i doubt you get many who give a crap what you think of Trump or anyone else.


Your legacy is clear. Your credibility is gone. Your opinion on the give-a-crap-o-meter is zero.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

At that time, we'll say, "Thankfully, former President Donald Trump stood up to and outlived all the foreign and domestic enemies of the American Republic. His legacy lives on in President Ivanka."
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.

I have no doubt he'll be tweeting from the grave "I'm not quite dead" and "Actually I think I could pull through! Sad."
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.

I have no doubt he'll be tweeting from the grave "I'm not quite dead" and "Actually I think I could pull through! Sad."

He'll say, my death was the best death ever! Ask anybody and they will tell you. Best death by a landslide. Bigly death. :lol:
Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.

I have no doubt he'll be tweeting from the grave "I'm not quite dead" and "Actually I think I could pull through! Sad."

He'll say, my death was the best death ever! Ask anybody and they will tell you. Best death by a landslide. Bigly death. :lol:

Damn you, that's where I was going.

"I will be the greatest corpse that god ever created. Believe me."

Then he'll have prewritten tweets going out calling reports of his demise "fake news".

And still .............. even then............

some wacko will STILL vote for him.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.

Possibly. But the left-wing is so hypocritical, I don't think it will be seen badly. After all, Bill was credibly accused of rape. Kennedy left a women to die, and yet the left-wing supported him for decades.

In the end, the choices the left-wing has made, has caused most of the right-wing to not care about the complaints of the left-wing.

Until the left starts caring about the morals of their politicians, i doubt you get many who give a crap what you think of Trump or anyone else.

View attachment 193301

Your legacy is clear. Your credibility is gone. Your opinion on the give-a-crap-o-meter is zero.
Comparative ratings of presidents are generally based on the following qualities of presidents.
"Public Persuasion,"
"Crisis Leadership,"
"Economic Management,"
"Moral Authority,"
"International Relations,"
"Administrative Skills,"
"Relations with Congress,"
"Vision/Setting An Agenda,"
"Pursued Equal Justice for All,"
"Performance Within the Context of His Times."

Unless Trump's performance in his last 2 years are substantially better than in in his first two year, he is not going to be very well thought of as a president.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.

I have no doubt he'll be tweeting from the grave "I'm not quite dead" and "Actually I think I could pull through! Sad."
(*thunk* as a club hits his head...) For, President Trump, who, when he seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon him.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a left-wing hate-fillled socialist, they'll only say he was a terrible racists homophobic sexist (insert long string of negatives without support here).

If you ask a normal decent human being, they'll say he did some bad stuff, some good stuff, said some crazy things on twitter, had terrible morals in his personal life, and so on.

We don't know everything they will say, because the long term effects of his policies, and what future policies he will pass, are not yet written.

But for the cruel immoral left-wigners, driven by hate and hate alone.... it's pretty clear they will never have anything good to say, even if Trump were to create world peace, and usher in prosperity across the US. That's how hate filled bigots work.

Just look at how the bigots treat Reagan. Before Reagan we had endless stagflation, and people writing about the US misery index, while worried about nuclear war with the USSR.

After Reagan we had the longest period of peace time economic growth, and the USSR was defeated.

Do they have anything good to say about Reagan? No. Again because they are nothing more than worthless hate filled bigots. If you listen to them long enough, you'd think that the 1970s were a golden age, and the 1980s were terrible. They fools. No one who lived through the 70s and 80s, would choose to live in the 70s.

So, really what the left-wing walking turds say about Trump, doesn't matter to anyone who is worth their existence.

I hope Trump's gravesite is open to the public...

Case and point, right here. This is exactly the type of people that the left-wing is. No one cares what these people think, at least no good people. I suppose other trash like this, care what he thinks.
So at worst he will be remember as the most immoral president but on the positive side he will certainly be remember as the great pussy grabber with the best looking stable of wives and mistresses of any president.
Wonder if he’ll have a yuuuge gold pyramid built to house his carcass.
Trump does not impress me as president that will give a damn about his legacy or what people think of him when he is gone.
I disagree, I think there are very few Presidents who care more about what people think about him when he is alive and when he is dead.

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