What will the vindictive commie (community organizer) do?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.
He'll probably start with cutting off our parks and memorials again to PUNISH all of us for saying we can't stand him or his party. and then the skies the limit to how this vengeful little person President will go to punish US the people he says he, REPRENTS

AND then we'll see more of this:
BO will do whatever he wants and the Rs will bend over and take it...because they like it.

McConnell and Boner are very much like Big Ears.

It is all a big game. Like professional wrestling. Yet amazingly, many Americans can't or refuse to see the fraud that is American politics and government.
He should be expected to agitate Ferguson into a full scale spreading riot.
He should be expected to agitate Ferguson into a full scale spreading riot.

Don't worry that is already in the works from that thug we call a President

Obama Powwows With Civil Rights Agitators

Obama is going to triple down with the race card. Jesse Jackson wasn’t in attendance at the powwow, Sharpton has replaced him.
Via The Hill
President Obama huddled with top civil rights leaders at the White House on Wednesday, hours after his party lost control of the Senate.
The meeting included a discussion of ObamaCare implementation, education, and criminal justice issues, according to a White House official.
“The president also highlighted how we are looking forward to working with the leaders over the next two years to advance these and other critical issues facing the country,” the official said.
Attendees at the meeting included NAACP president Cornell Brooks, National Urban League president Marc Morial, and Rev. Al Sharpton.
An interview between Obama and Sharpton made waves in the final weeks of the campaign, prompting consternation from some vulnerable Democrats. During the interview, Sharpton asked Obama about members of his party who were seeking distance on the campaign trail.
“So some of the candidates there — it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turnout,” Obama said.

ALL of it here:
Obama Powwows With Civil Rights Agitators Weasel Zippers
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
I am sure the commie will nationalize the oil industry..
Do you think that would be a good thing?
If T. Boone Pickens jr. is the head of it..why not..?
If you nationalize the oil and gas industry, what would happen to all the mom and pop privately owned drilling firms that are independent of the majors?

You should hate oil. It is black after-all. lol
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
You know jack shit about civil right because you were taught by liberal democrats. Fact is the democrats opposed civil rights and it took republicans to pass it. Bull ?Connor and his ilk remained democrats to their dying day. Only one Dixiecrat became a republican...Strom Thurmond and he was never a threat to the black man. Al Gore Sr. was and Robert KKK Byrd was.
He'll probably start with cutting off our parks and memorials again to PUNISH all of us for saying we can't stand him or his party. and then the skies the limit to how this vengeful little person President will go to punish US the people he says he, REPRENTS

No, dummy, that was the Teabrains in the Congress that did that.

Wake up, idiot.
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
You know jack shit about civil right because you were taught by liberal democrats. Fact is the democrats opposed civil rights and it took republicans to pass it. Bull ?Connor and his ilk remained democrats to their dying day. Only one Dixiecrat became a republican...Strom Thurmond and he was never a threat to the black man. Al Gore Sr. was and Robert KKK Byrd was.

Thanks for proving my point, or was my post intellectually above your head???
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

Some of the democrooks are just as pissed off at the moonbat messiah, and just as vindictive.

I'm holding out a little hope that some things that need to be done can get passed with a veto proof vote.
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
You know jack shit about civil right because you were taught by liberal democrats. Fact is the democrats opposed civil rights and it took republicans to pass it. Bull ?Connor and his ilk remained democrats to their dying day. Only one Dixiecrat became a republican...Strom Thurmond and he was never a threat to the black man. Al Gore Sr. was and Robert KKK Byrd was.

Thanks for proving my point, or was my post intellectually above your head???

You do not provide anything intellectually. Are you pissed that your pathetic victimology narrative did not work this time? Are you pissed that you fall for the robin hood utopia myth that YOU PEOPLE usually fall for?

You know what I see? I see a group of totally unappreciative people who seemingly have no idea who actually set them free, desegregated the schools, voted for the civil rights bill in 1964, and insist that black people are competent enough to make it with out the perpetual help of the government.

I see a group of people who have been utterly ruined by a democratic party whose intentions have always been putting YOU PEOPLE under their thumbs for automatic votes. I see a group of unappreciative people who have come to believe that they will never make it, cause of the color of their skin.

It is simply too bad that YOUR PEOPLE are ignorant about history. Your ignorance really shines through.

Now, study these two quotes, from the party that founded the KKK and passed the Indian Removal Act.



How does it feel to be on the wrong side, ALL OF THIS TIME?
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
You know jack shit about civil right because you were taught by liberal democrats. Fact is the democrats opposed civil rights and it took republicans to pass it. Bull ?Connor and his ilk remained democrats to their dying day. Only one Dixiecrat became a republican...Strom Thurmond and he was never a threat to the black man. Al Gore Sr. was and Robert KKK Byrd was.

Thanks for proving my point, or was my post intellectually above your head???

You do not provide anything intellectually. Are you pissed that your pathetic victimology narrative did not work this time? Are you pissed that you fall for the robin hood utopia myth that YOU PEOPLE usually fall for?

You know what I see? I see a group of totally unappreciative people who seemingly have no idea who actually set them free, desegregated the schools, voted for the civil rights bill in 1964, and insist that black people are competent enough to make it with out the perpetual help of the government.

I see a group of people who have been utterly ruined by a democratic party whose intentions have always been putting YOU PEOPLE under their thumbs for automatic votes. I see a group of unappreciative people who have come to believe that they will never make it, cause of the color of their skin.

It is simply too bad that YOUR PEOPLE are ignorant about history. Your ignorance really shines through.

Now, study these two quotes, from the party that founded the KKK and passed the Indian Removal Act.



How does it feel to be on the wrong side, ALL OF THIS TIME?


People this stupid don't have the intellectual capacity to even consider the points you've made.
If we think the democrats will all of a sudden break away from their race dividing, gender dividing, class dividing political tactics, then we are sadly mistaken. This vindictive piece of shit in chief will really turn up the heat behind the more vindictive main stream media.

Next up, immigration reform. We already know what will be pushed. My fear is that most of the rhinos are pushing amnesty. The political farce is just that. If the republicans think they will all of a sudden be viewed as heroes for the Hispanic people,then they are kidding themselves. Reagan granted mass amnesty and Mondale at the time went down to Texas to push for sealing the borders. Mondale and the democrats still got the majority of the vote. In fact, after Reagan granted amnesty, the Hispanic vote increased for the democrats.

This is through skillful campaigning and main stream media reporting. Hell, most blacks do not know or care that more republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill. They certainly do not care republicans desegregated the schools, freed the slaves and passed MLK Day as an official holiday.

If you really want to piss off a pissant like Lakota, tell her it was a republican that passed the Indian citizenship act and that republican president became an official member of the........Lakota tribe. Yes, that is true. Calvin Coolidge.

Anyway, what pathetic victimology tactics. It will continue.

So when did you conduct the survey to determine what "most Blacks do not Know"???...
Further, what many Blacks do know and resent is the intellectual dishonesty of the modern Republican Party.

I along with many Black People (we do talk amongst ourselves) don't care what name a party goes by, we look at the actions and mindset of that party.

The Republican Party of today shares the actions and inclusiveness of yesterday's Republican Party in name only...today's Republicans have and did turn their collective backs on moderate Republicans who championed the Civil Rights act and other societal remedies to systemic discrimination and disenfranchisement.

What we don't like is your arrogance that we are so ignorant of history and the experiences of our own grandparents that you can feed us a bunch of lies as to the modus operandi of today's Republican Party...

Addressing the President of the United States of America as a pos says more about your true mindset than anything you can say...
You know jack shit about civil right because you were taught by liberal democrats. Fact is the democrats opposed civil rights and it took republicans to pass it. Bull ?Connor and his ilk remained democrats to their dying day. Only one Dixiecrat became a republican...Strom Thurmond and he was never a threat to the black man. Al Gore Sr. was and Robert KKK Byrd was.

Speaking of Thurmond, didn't he have a hybrid love child with a black woman?

Seems hard to think that a guy could hate black people, but have an intimate relationship with them.
I am sure the commie will nationalize the oil industry..
Do you think that would be a good thing?
If T. Boone Pickens jr. is the head of it..why not..?
If you nationalize the oil and gas industry, what would happen to all the mom and pop privately owned drilling firms that are independent of the majors?

You should hate oil. It is black after-all. lol

That's the thing about conservatives. We don't hate color.

I can't speak for anyone else of course but there's only one kind of people I hate, and that's the stupid ones.

Liberals generally qualify for my contempt.

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