What will Trump use in the debates now that he’s gone full socialist?

Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
That’s actually our money it’s very republican

Lol. Tell yourself that .

Hypocrisy is very republican.
Do you think that money grows on fucking trees it’s my money motherfucker

How do you figure ? Was Trump just holding it for you ?
Huh? You never heard of sales tax? Income tax? Is all the shit new to you motherfucker? Lol
Well, little Timmy IS a bit dim. This is most likely caused by his severe TDS. Unfortunately, MANY that post on this site suffer from the same affliction.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
The globalists in which you support are a powerful bunch. All the money and power in the world because they own the world. Look at what you are seeing people do. Imagine a Hitler type in this environment....mmmmmm mmmmmm...mmmmmm!
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Stimulus does not equal to socialism...
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Stimulus does not equal to socialism...
Really? Then why do repugs always cry socialism whenever dems help someone? It was socialism to the repugs when Obama put forth a stimulus plan to get us out of the Great Republican Recession. What do you call Trump's stimulus then? Free market capitalism?
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Stimulus does not equal to socialism...
Really? Then why do repugs always cry socialism whenever dems help someone? It was socialism to the repugs when Obama put forth a stimulus plan to get us out of the Great Republican Recession. What do you call Trump's stimulus then? Free market capitalism?

Clearly you forgot this is declared an emergency now. Stop trying to twist it.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
Socialist policies are fine if they're Trump-approved.

All one can do is laugh at this point.
You dems try to make things like this permanent Republicans try to fix issues when needed
Not really we would be independent More self-reliant if we kept our money
Let's see you condemning Comrade Trump.

I'm pissed at Trump for not declaring open season on socialist tripe.
I'm pissed at Trump for not declaring open season on socialist tripe.
How can he? He's exploded the deficit, cheered the NY Fed on as it poured half a TRILLION into markets to grease the system, and is now asking for another trillion of big government tax dollars because of the virus.

Holy shit, he LOVES government!!!
I'm pissed at Trump for not declaring open season on socialist tripe.
How can he? He's exploded the deficit, cheered the NY Fed on as it poured half a TRILLION into markets to grease the system, and is now asking for another trillion of big government tax dollars because of the virus.

Holy shit, he LOVES government!!!

What would a democrat do about the situation? Biden and Bernie are calling for more taxes.
I'm pissed at Trump for not declaring open season on socialist tripe.
How can he? He's exploded the deficit, cheered the NY Fed on as it poured half a TRILLION into markets to grease the system, and is now asking for another trillion of big government tax dollars because of the virus.

Holy shit, he LOVES government!!!

What would a democrat do about the situation? Biden and Bernie are calling for more taxes.
Who knows? They're not in the White House. Big gubmit Don is.
Y’all didn’t answer the question on trumps gameplan ?
Trump is not a socialist, he just realizes hard working American businessmen are in a financial bind because Dems have put our country in panic mode for political reasons.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

What industries has the government taken over?

Trump invokes Defense Production Act to expand production of hospital masks and more - CNNPolitics

The order also states that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar may consult with other agency heads to determine "the proper nationwide priorities and allocation of all health and medical resources, including controlling the distribution of such materials ... in the civilian market, for responding to the spread of COVID-19 within the United States."
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

I would say ease restrictions on businesses even more when it comes time to jump start the economy again. Drill for more oil... , i would say put a temporary at least, moratorium on the idiotic designer fuel formulas and let people use the same gas in California that they use in Texas. Drive energy costs down to help manufacturing, truckers and farmers. That would be a good start among others

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