What will Trump use in the debates now that he’s gone full socialist?

Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
That’s actually our money it’s very republican

Lol. Tell yourself that .

Hypocrisy is very republican.
Trump is giving tax payers their money back when they need it most. He will be YOUR president till 2025.
What?....Trump has nationalized all industry?....How did I miss that?
Which industry was Sander's going to nationalize?
This is what Bernie will do, he has already proven it.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Honestly, its an unprecidented situation, that calls for extreme measures of some sort in a short amount of time...it's a national crisis now where people need to pull together, but your like the little kid in the back of the station wagon as its sailing over the guardrail because it just had a front wheel blow out.... screaming "daddy daddy are we still going to Disney Land?"
I agree. It's be ignored TOOOO long
Lower respiratory tract infections remain leading infectious cause of death worldwide
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

What is your excuse of why you will not vote for Trump now seeing he has a lot more in common with Biden?
Since Trump is going full Biden and by extension admits that Trump’s own policies were failures, then let us elect Biden. Let’s have the real thing rather than a pretender. America has had enough of the pretender president.

I stated in 2015 that Trump was a liberal, and we keep seeing that he is more and more. For the last 20 plus years we have continued to ruin this country by voting in morons and idiots, we aren’t learning. Biden will be the same as Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, we are content with electing these people.
What is your excuse of why you will not vote for Trump now seeing he has a lot more in common with Biden?
Since Trump is going full Biden and by extension admits that Trump’s own policies were failures, then let us elect Biden. Let’s have the real thing rather than a pretender. America has had enough of the pretender president.

1. I am voting for Biden, so just for your mental midget mind to know.

2. If Trump is turning into Biden why change the leadership then and just stay the course.

Trump was a Democrat for decades until Obama, so why not just vote for him again and forget the last twelve years ( I am including his Birther Days when Obama was President ).
:uhoh3::uhoh3: I was only answering a question you posed that is all. We seem to be on agreement so I don’t get the attack.

I am not attacking you but making you think for once.

If Trump is being like Biden in this time of need then why change?

Isn't Trump becoming what you want?

In the end he is not Biden and I doubt Biden would be any better when dealing with what we are facing...

Trump and Biden are not what this country need during this hour of need and America would be better off with someone like Romney or even Bill Clinton instead but alas neither of them will be our choice in November...
Biden is the only choice and the best choice for what we face. Given Trump’s misfeasance and negligence in handling the coronavirus crisis Biden will have his work cut out for him. No doubt about that.

Biden is a fit to be President as Trump, neither is our best or brightest, yet we continue to settle. Not sure why you settle for below average candidates. Maybe one day Americans will learn but I doubt it.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Are the welfare checks one-time or perpetual? That will truly answer your question. Socialists expect checks and perks from the government to be ongoing.

Nah, it's only socialism when it helps the other person. When it helps me it's a birthright. The mantra of all CONservatives.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
Good question: He can run on tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves or bring the promised growth. Or maybe the tariffs that slowed manufacturing. Or trillion dollar deficits. Or the wall we don’t have that Mexico isn’t paying for...
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
Good question: He can run on tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves or bring the promised growth. Or maybe the tariffs that slowed manufacturing. Or trillion dollar deficits. Or the wall we don’t have that Mexico isn’t paying for...
Do republicans still believe they don't pay for Trumps tariffs ? Are they that stupid?? Really?
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
Good question: He can run on tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves or bring the promised growth. Or maybe the tariffs that slowed manufacturing. Or trillion dollar deficits. Or the wall we don’t have that Mexico isn’t paying for...

Trump is and always has been a fiscal liberal and because our country has added to the debt for the last century, we are in trouble when we really do need emergency spending to save the economy, that would have been stronger to begin with had we kept the debt down.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Are the welfare checks one-time or perpetual? That will truly answer your question. Socialists expect checks and perks from the government to be ongoing.

Nah, it's only socialism when it helps the other person. When it helps me it's a birthright. The mantra of all CONservatives.

The problem with Liberals is that what constitutes a birthright is pretty extensive. It’s also the basis for Liberals to buy votes.

Liberals think they are in a gotcha position because Trump is having the Government write checks to the people as an endorsement of socialism. The people - their taxes, their businesses, their risk - pay into to make Government possible. The Government supports US.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .
He can say, "See? I can do what Biden would do, only I wouldn't sniff your baby while you weren't looking."
Are you saying we really didn't need that trillion or so tax cut trump "gave" us?

I said it was bad from the get go. We needed to raise taxes on everyone and cut spending in every department. I'm a fiscal conservative and wouldn't vote for a fiscal liberal, which is what Trump is and always has been.
Are you saying we really didn't need that trillion or so tax cut trump "gave" us?

I said it was bad from the get go. We needed to raise taxes on everyone and cut spending in every department. I'm a fiscal conservative and wouldn't vote for a fiscal liberal, which is what Trump is and always has been.
Deficits should have declined the last 3 years, not increased. If we had responsible government that is.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Some variation of "they want to grab you by the pursey" I esspect. Festooned of course with relentless chants of "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME" as per usual.
Trump was gearing up to pound the “evil socialist “ angle during the election .

Well that argument is gone Now that he’s literally going to send welfare checks to everyone . Toss some bailouts on top . And don’t forget the healthcare freebies ! You’d think Andrew Yang mind swapped with him .

So what will be Trumps gameplan now .

Are the welfare checks one-time or perpetual? That will truly answer your question. Socialists expect checks and perks from the government to be ongoing.

Nah, it's only socialism when it helps the other person. When it helps me it's a birthright. The mantra of all CONservatives.

The problem with Liberals is that what constitutes a birthright is pretty extensive. It’s also the basis for Liberals to buy votes.

Liberals think they are in a gotcha position because Trump is having the Government write checks to the people as an endorsement of socialism. The people - their taxes, their businesses, their risk - pay into to make Government possible. The Government supports US.

It is only socialism when it helps the other guy, got it thanks for confirming.

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