What will you do if The President is re-elected in 2020?

How will I react to the re-election of President Trump

  • Party!

    Votes: 20 62.5%
  • Suicide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Move to Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Move to North Korea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dust off my 'Resistance' flags and head to the mall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Go to work, pay the bills, watch Netflix

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters
First we had CDS...Clinton derangement. Then OBS...Obama derangement....now we have TDS...Trump derangement. Hyper partisan fervent political fans are waaaay out there.
I voted the last one but instead of degenerate hollywood jew netflix, I watch degenerate jap anime
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...


Thinking that far down the road? How desperate. I guess when you have that weak of an incumbent, it's a reasonable tactic. Did you here that he has two Republican challengers now? Also, there are now 18 states that may not even have his name on the ballot.

There are a lot of things that are happening right now, and a lot more to happen between now and then.

If he wins, he puts off his inevitable state prison sentence for another 4 years.

If not, there are several jurisdictions waiting for him with the cuffs, when federal protections no longer protect him.

If he isn't impeached before then, he will be if he does win. Pelosi will make sure when he does leave, he has that stain on his record, so he has to live with the tweets that he was impeached and Obama wasn't for the rest of his life.

While he watches a Democratic President erase his legacy in about 18 months. Which will include all of the new taxes he has to pay now.

If Trump wins Pelosi might not even be Speaker.
Yep...just like Hillary will win the election. More and more patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how very badly a strong third party will set the other two whiny parties on edge. It will take time though.
Yep...just like Hillary will win the election. More and more patriotic Americans are waking up and seeing how very badly a strong third party will set the other two whiny parties on edge. It will take time though.
Trump is the 3rd party.
First we had CDS...Clinton derangement. Then OBS...Obama derangement....now we have TDS...Trump derangement. Hyper partisan fervent political fans are waaaay out there.

I'll vote Trump just to spite the left, drive them even further over the edge and compel them to show their true nature to sane Americans. That's the main reason I voted for him the first time but damn I did not expect the reaction to be anywhere near as extreme as what we got. Honestly I feel sorry for the poor orange bastard.
Go to work, pay the bills, watch Netflix hits the mark closest to my thought. Would have nailed it if I wasn't retired. Well that and replacing Netflix with watching old westerns and film noir on YouTube.
Someday an average Joe, making a pittance of 50 grand, runs for president. If I'm still alive he gets my vote hands down.

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