What will you do if The President is re-elected in 2020?

How will I react to the re-election of President Trump

  • Party!

    Votes: 20 62.5%
  • Suicide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Move to Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Move to North Korea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dust off my 'Resistance' flags and head to the mall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Go to work, pay the bills, watch Netflix

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters
I will continue to make more money over the next four years than the past four years, just I have over every four-year period since 1990 when I entered the workforce.

Go to work, pay the bills, watch Netflix hits the mark closest to my thought. Would have nailed it if I wasn't retired. Well that and replacing Netflix with watching old westerns and film noir on YouTube.
I also watch film noirs and westerns on YouTube.
I will go to work pay the bills and continue to live my life I don't watch Netlifx though.
Post this all over the place:

It's just some young talented jewboy rocknrollers, nothin' to see here.

(actually it's pretty kickass)
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

Ill be flippin back and forth between MSNBC and CNN
Orange Monkey wrench thrown 2020!
we need more monkey wrenches
a lot of em
I support Trump. I’d be content with his victory, but I still think this country is moving future to the left in the long run. It’s not my choice but it seems like it is what it is. Trump being elected for a second term would just be another small victory.
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I support Trump. I’d be content with his victory, but I still this country is moving future to the left in the long run. It’s not my choice but it seems like it is what it is. Trump being elected for a second term would just be another small victory.
This country can’t really continue to move left.
I support Trump. I’d be content with his victory, but I still this country is moving future to the left in the long run. It’s not my choice but it seems like it is what it is. Trump being elected for a second term would just be another small victory.
This country can’t really continue to move left.

The democrats are better at getting this done. The GOP never has any plans to practice what they preach. Single payer is coming. Carbon tax coming. By the time people realize socialism is a cancer it will be too late. I agree that the left is more radical than they’ve ever been, but over time their views have poisoned the well of the mainstream. People will vote for more government. That’s whats concerning.
I support Trump. I’d be content with his victory, but I still this country is moving future to the left in the long run. It’s not my choice but it seems like it is what it is. Trump being elected for a second term would just be another small victory.
This country can’t really continue to move left.

The democrats are better at getting this done. The GOP never has any plans to practice what they preach. Single payer is coming. Carbon tax coming. By the time people realize socialism is a cancer it will be too late. I agree that the left is more radical than they’ve ever been, but over time their views have poisoned the well of the mainstream. People will vote for more government. That’s whats concerning.
The GOP has never even tried.
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

It just bewilders me that you delude yourself into thinking Trump is a good president. It is just bat shit crazy. If you said this about Bush’s second term, I would disagree obviously, but I wouldn’t think you would be at the level delusion you are with Trump. You insane people have lost all ability to think for yourselves.
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

Continue to fight our country's slow march to fascism.
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

Eat bags of popcorn all night watching the mass suicides and hearing the screams to impeach.

Yup. Loads of buttered popcorn and sit watching the lefty loons self destruct screaming impeachment. It will be grand.
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

Since I don't live vicariously thru politicians, I will continue with my life as usual....I wouldn't be too happy about having to endure the idiocy of another 4 yrs of Trump -- but I survived 8 years of Bush and his supporters, so this will be no different....especially considering there will be no Trump supporters a few years from now -- just like with Bush...
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...


Thinking that far down the road? How desperate. I guess when you have that weak of an incumbent, it's a reasonable tactic. Did you here that he has two Republican challengers now? Also, there are now 18 states that may not even have his name on the ballot.

There are a lot of things that are happening right now, and a lot more to happen between now and then.

If he wins, he puts off his inevitable state prison sentence for another 4 years.

If not, there are several jurisdictions waiting for him with the cuffs, when federal protections no longer protect him.

If he isn't impeached before then, he will be if he does win. Pelosi will make sure when he does leave, he has that stain on his record, so he has to live with the tweets that he was impeached and Obama wasn't for the rest of his life.

While he watches a Democratic President erase his legacy in about 18 months. Which will include all of the new taxes he has to pay now.

So those eighteen states are denying the voters their right to vote their choice? Hypocritical bunch of anti American scum.
The election is less than two years away, there is a good chance that President Trump will be re-elected.

How will you, personally, react to that happening?

I'll lead off with ...

Same thing I have done after every other election, get up, go to work, come home.

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