What will you do if Trump wins?

What will you do if Trump wins?

  • Cry

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  • Die

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leave the country

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commit suicide

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I'll be having a huge party. A party with plenty of beef, beer, and boobs. It'll be the trifecta of happiness. :)
Stay out of highly populated areas likely to have riots. Conservatives have proven peaceful transfer of power. Can the Liberals?
It's an outside chance that Trump win. He's a novice and he's went up against a seasoned lifelong politician who has a political machine behind her. The fact that he's even this close says volumes.
Finish making my list. Check it twice. And wait for the green light...
I'll probably get in touch with some militant organizations and see what's up.

After that I'll play it by ear.
Not sure how much worse it can get after Obamacare screwed me over. Haven't voted yet but might just play the Trump card. Tired of the bashing whites RACISM holier than thou crap. But not quite, but getting there.
It's an outside chance that Trump win. He's a novice and he's went up against a seasoned lifelong politician who has a political machine behind her. The fact that he's even this close says volumes.

It speaks volumes about the Unwashed Electorate and the nature of political campaign as commodity salesmanship.

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