What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?
What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

You left out the actual situation. A lot of us bought into the 2008 campaign rhetoric (what was really the alternative?), then discovered that Obama was a non-entity who could not lead (except from behind) and who had no convictions, just wishful thinking. And was severely delusional about the other party. If lucky, he will go down as a C- president, somewhere behind Calvin Coolidge and ahead of Rutherford B Hayes.

And worst of all, he is a corporatist Wall Street tool who surrounded himself with the worst advisors from the four previous administrations. The guy has a genius for picking the wrong people.

Like you, I doubt if I am wrong now, and I have made peace with my original mistake of taking Obama at face value. He turned out to be much less than that.
What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

You're shitting me, right? Obama is a shit bird and will always be shit bird. He's the worst President this country has ever had and Jimmy Carter is very happy about that.
I would be elated to be wrong, but I'm confident that I'm mostly correct. I don't care for pride so I won't lose something I don't have by admitting I'm wrong although it would be very difficult for someone to present a factual counter argument to even reach that point.
What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

Not likely to happen. There are in fact many people that somehow think Obama is intentionally trying to ruin the country.

But, we've had this before. There have been numerous presidents in history, that people thought were trying to destroy the country.

In the 1950s, Lucky Strikes cigarettes had a slogan writen LS/MFT Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco. People were so convinced that Harry Truman was going to ruin the country after becoming president from 45 to 53, that people were saying LSMFT Lord Save Me From Truman.

This is nothing new, and nothing special about Obama.

The difference between you and me though, is that I don't give crap about his intentions.

Intentions are meaningless. Let me give you an example....

A charity organization in Africa convinced the locals to plant and cultivate Maize (spanish for Corn). They did this because the plant was more suitable and productive than the types of farming they were doing, for that particular region.

They convinced the farmers they would be more productive, and make more money, and the hope was that this would grow the local economy.

They grew maize, and sure enough they were very productive with bumper crops. But then, when harvest came, they had some problems. No one bought the maize. The African people didn't like Maize. They saw the corn as prison food, and reviled it.

Without anyone to buy the food, the farmers started rioting, and most of the crop was left to rot.

Now.... what were the 'intentions' of the charity people? Did they intend to make the farmers poorer than ever? With an entire years harvest left to rot? Did they intend to cause riots?

Of course not. Does it matter? No, the result was exactly what it was. Their intentions didn't change anything. The results were that the poor farmers were worse off now than before they were growing Maize no one wanted, no matter how productive growing Maize was.

Same is true of Obama.

He may have had the best intentions that any man in the whole of human history has ever had. Doesn't matter. The results are, we have a crap economy, that should have recovered 5 years ago. We have a massive national debt that at this point, we have not even a chance of paying back without a massive economic ramifications. We have a screwed up health care system, worse than ever before, with companies cutting hours, and cutting employment, in order to avoid the burden of regulations.

Who cares what his intentions were? The facts are the facts.

And honestly, when in 2007, Obama first showed up, I knew he was a decent individual..... that was going to screw up the country if we let him. And we did, and he has. So the chance of me having a 'revelation' now, after all my predictions of what he would do, have come true in almost near perfection.... Just not likely.

Take a look at Venezuela.

A million people out of a country of only 28 Million, have left over the past decade.

Power outages nation wide. Shortages across the country. The biggest black market in the country is now for Rice. People can't even buy coffee in a Latin country known for growing coffee.

Used automobiles are now more expensive than new automobiles. Armed militias now roam the streets. The murder rate is now higher in Venezuela, than any other south American country, and even higher than Mexico with it's drug cartel murders.

Do you think that when Hugo Chavez became president of what was prior to, the leading economy in all of Latin America, that he intended to ruin it? What were his intentions? What was his goal?

Better still.... WHO CARES? The facts are the facts. He ruined Venezuela. Period. His intentions don't make any difference at all.

Same with Obama. Doesn't matter what his intentions were. The path to destruction is always paved with good intentions. The facts are, Obama's policies have failed. We should get rid of him and his ideologues, and change direction back to Free-market Capitalism, that has worked all over the world.
It never ceases to amaze me just how delusional Liberals can be.
It never ceases to amaze me just how delusional Liberals can be.

Hey, if you are going to join a cult, you might as well drink the entire "hope and change" / "Yes we can" pitcher of koolaid.

=Mojo2;8883233]What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...

Well ... we know this won't happen so let's move on.

Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

When this happens, pride will hinder Obama supporters from admitting their ignorance. They will sweep their dirty little secrete under the rug and start supporting a new asshat who will simply continue the liberal legacy and Socialist agenda. Business as usual!!
You left out the actual situation. A lot of us bought into the 2008 campaign rhetoric (what was really the alternative?), then discovered that Obama was a non-entity who could not lead (except from behind) and who had no convictions, just wishful thinking. And was severely delusional about the other party. If lucky, he will go down as a C- president, somewhere behind Calvin Coolidge and ahead of Rutherford B Hayes.

And worst of all, he is a corporatist Wall Street tool who surrounded himself with the worst advisors from the four previous administrations. The guy has a genius for picking the wrong people.

Like you, I doubt if I am wrong now, and I have made peace with my original mistake of taking Obama at face value. He turned out to be much less than that.

Nice post. I don't think I could say it better.
The surprising thing to me about Obama was that he is a Corporatist/Wall Street tool.
There has never been a friendlier administration to Wall Street than Obama's. Clinton's administration is a close second.
I would never have thought by his campaign that he was a corporatist.
And the saddest thing is so many of his supporters (which is amazing he still has them) absolutely refuse to face it.
I think the right knows he's a good president and has consistently worked for the good of middle, working and poor classes. They also know the Republican party is now the party of the wealthy.

Honestly, watching some rw's vote against their own best interest, as well as the best interest of their families, their children, the country - its a fascinating phenomenon.
What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

Not likely to happen. There are in fact many people that somehow think Obama is intentionally trying to ruin the country.

But, we've had this before. There have been numerous presidents in history, that people thought were trying to destroy the country.

In the 1950s, Lucky Strikes cigarettes had a slogan writen LS/MFT Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco. People were so convinced that Harry Truman was going to ruin the country after becoming president from 45 to 53, that people were saying LSMFT Lord Save Me From Truman.

This is nothing new, and nothing special about Obama.

The difference between you and me though, is that I don't give crap about his intentions.

Intentions are meaningless. Let me give you an example....

A charity organization in Africa convinced the locals to plant and cultivate Maize (spanish for Corn). They did this because the plant was more suitable and productive than the types of farming they were doing, for that particular region.

They convinced the farmers they would be more productive, and make more money, and the hope was that this would grow the local economy.

They grew maize, and sure enough they were very productive with bumper crops. But then, when harvest came, they had some problems. No one bought the maize. The African people didn't like Maize. They saw the corn as prison food, and reviled it.

Without anyone to buy the food, the farmers started rioting, and most of the crop was left to rot.

Now.... what were the 'intentions' of the charity people? Did they intend to make the farmers poorer than ever? With an entire years harvest left to rot? Did they intend to cause riots?

Of course not. Does it matter? No, the result was exactly what it was. Their intentions didn't change anything. The results were that the poor farmers were worse off now than before they were growing Maize no one wanted, no matter how productive growing Maize was.

Same is true of Obama.

He may have had the best intentions that any man in the whole of human history has ever had. Doesn't matter. The results are, we have a crap economy, that should have recovered 5 years ago. We have a massive national debt that at this point, we have not even a chance of paying back without a massive economic ramifications. We have a screwed up health care system, worse than ever before, with companies cutting hours, and cutting employment, in order to avoid the burden of regulations.

Who cares what his intentions were? The facts are the facts.

And honestly, when in 2007, Obama first showed up, I knew he was a decent individual..... that was going to screw up the country if we let him. And we did, and he has. So the chance of me having a 'revelation' now, after all my predictions of what he would do, have come true in almost near perfection.... Just not likely.

Take a look at Venezuela.

A million people out of a country of only 28 Million, have left over the past decade.

Power outages nation wide. Shortages across the country. The biggest black market in the country is now for Rice. People can't even buy coffee in a Latin country known for growing coffee.

Used automobiles are now more expensive than new automobiles. Armed militias now roam the streets. The murder rate is now higher in Venezuela, than any other south American country, and even higher than Mexico with it's drug cartel murders.

Do you think that when Hugo Chavez became president of what was prior to, the leading economy in all of Latin America, that he intended to ruin it? What were his intentions? What was his goal?

Better still.... WHO CARES? The facts are the facts. He ruined Venezuela. Period. His intentions don't make any difference at all.

Same with Obama. Doesn't matter what his intentions were. The path to destruction is always paved with good intentions. The facts are, Obama's policies have failed. We should get rid of him and his ideologues, and change direction back to Free-market Capitalism, that has worked all over the world.

I mostly agree with you, except on the intentions not mattering part. Myself and millions of other people knew his intentions from the start. To those of us who pay attention and do a little research his intentions were obvious, totally transform the United States of America into a Fascist, Socialist State. (in Fascism people own companies but they are totally controlled by Government Laws and Regulations).

If so many people were not dazzled by his Hitler like speeches, he would never have won.

"Five days away from the total transformation of the United States Of America" should have struck such a fear in most Americans that they would have 'tared and feathered him and ran him our of town on a rail', at the polls, not real tar and feathers, so stop with the racist shit before you even start!!
Now, to deal with the topic:

He is exactly what I thought he was in 2008 so it's a moot question.
I think the right knows he's a good president and has consistently worked for the good of middle, working and poor classes. They also know the Republican party is now the party of the wealthy.

Honestly, watching some rw's vote against their own best interest, as well as the best interest of their families, their children, the country - its a fascinating phenomenon.

It's time to take your meds!

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