What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

"Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans..."

I believe he is sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans. And that's more scary than if he were intentionally behaving in a corrupt manner.

(I don't think I will find out that I'm wrong about him.)

None of us think we will find we misunderestimated him.

And he is sneaky enough that we MAY NEVER know the truth.
You left out the actual situation. A lot of us bought into the 2008 campaign rhetoric (what was really the alternative?), then discovered that Obama was a non-entity who could not lead (except from behind) and who had no convictions, just wishful thinking. And was severely delusional about the other party. If lucky, he will go down as a C- president, somewhere behind Calvin Coolidge and ahead of Rutherford B Hayes.

And worst of all, he is a corporatist Wall Street tool who surrounded himself with the worst advisors from the four previous administrations. The guy has a genius for picking the wrong people.

Like you, I doubt if I am wrong now, and I have made peace with my original mistake of taking Obama at face value. He turned out to be much less than that.

Nice post. I don't think I could say it better.
The surprising thing to me about Obama was that he is a Corporatist/Wall Street tool.
There has never been a friendlier administration to Wall Street than Obama's. Clinton's administration is a close second.
I would never have thought by his campaign that he was a corporatist.
And the saddest thing is so many of his supporters (which is amazing he still has them) absolutely refuse to face it.

Still, things have gone pretty well under Obama. He's still better than having a republican in office. I don't think a real liberal has a chance of even getting a shot at the title. Look at how Wolf Blitzer humiliated Dennis Kucinich. "Are you electable"? on national television. And the big money won't fund a liberal.

Big money shouldn't fund a liberal, but more often than not, they do.

In the 2012 election...

You realize that Obama received $500 Million from large donation?
You realize that Microsoft and Google both, gave $800 Thousand each?
Or the Government gave Obama $700 Thousand?

Did you know that Communication and Electronic companies gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Banks gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Health Care companies gave $17 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Lawyers and Lobbyists gave $27 Million to Obama?

That sure seems like big money funding libtards to me.
What would being wrong about Obama look like.

I wasn't wrong about him.

He's a disaster.

Employment numbers look pretty good. Do you want a return of 2008? Vote republican. We'll be at war with Iran right quick also and damn the cost.

Never mind the fact that it was Democrap policies that caused the problem to begin with.

I have yet to see a solution to the Iran problem from the Democraps. What is your theory of how to deal with them? Just let them get the bomb, and go ahead and kill people with it?

Yeah, employment is recovering 4 years later than it would have if Obama hadn't screwed everything up worse.
Nice post. I don't think I could say it better.
The surprising thing to me about Obama was that he is a Corporatist/Wall Street tool.
There has never been a friendlier administration to Wall Street than Obama's. Clinton's administration is a close second.
I would never have thought by his campaign that he was a corporatist.
And the saddest thing is so many of his supporters (which is amazing he still has them) absolutely refuse to face it.

Still, things have gone pretty well under Obama. He's still better than having a republican in office. I don't think a real liberal has a chance of even getting a shot at the title. Look at how Wolf Blitzer humiliated Dennis Kucinich. "Are you electable"? on national television. And the big money won't fund a liberal.

Big money shouldn't fund a liberal, but more often than not, they do.

In the 2012 election...

You realize that Obama received $500 Million from large donation?
You realize that Microsoft and Google both, gave $800 Thousand each?
Or the Government gave Obama $700 Thousand?

Did you know that Communication and Electronic companies gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Banks gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Health Care companies gave $17 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Lawyers and Lobbyists gave $27 Million to Obama?

That sure seems like big money funding libtards to me.

Big Money funds anyone it thinks might have a channel to power. Ain't nothing new about that, welcome to America.

Big Money is not ideological. It just wants power. You get cherself a high profile, say hello to Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Internet, ad infinibig. And when they get done greasing your palm they're off to grease your opponent's. Been like that since way before O'bama was born. The reason is simple: as soon as you start paying somebody, you have bought control over them.

What do you mean that "government gave O'bama $700 thousand"?
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Still, things have gone pretty well under Obama. He's still better than having a republican in office. I don't think a real liberal has a chance of even getting a shot at the title. Look at how Wolf Blitzer humiliated Dennis Kucinich. "Are you electable"? on national television. And the big money won't fund a liberal.

Big money shouldn't fund a liberal, but more often than not, they do.

In the 2012 election...

You realize that Obama received $500 Million from large donation?
You realize that Microsoft and Google both, gave $800 Thousand each?
Or the Government gave Obama $700 Thousand?

Did you know that Communication and Electronic companies gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Banks gave $20 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Health Care companies gave $17 Million to Obama?
Did you know that Lawyers and Lobbyists gave $27 Million to Obama?

That sure seems like big money funding libtards to me.

Big Money funds anyone it thinks might have a channel to power. Ain't nothing new about that, welcome to America.

Big Money is not ideological. It just wants power. You get cherself a high profile, say hello to Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Internet, ad infinibig. And when they get done greasing your palm they're off to grease your opponent's. Been like that since way before O'bama was born. The reason is simple: as soon as you start paying somebody, you have bought control over them.

What do you mean that "government gave O'bama $700 thousand"?

Open Secrets has $700K from 'government'. I would assume this is people in government, that donated to Obama, knowing he was the most likely to expand government, thus.... securing their departments, jobs and such.

I don't think you realize just how much money government gives to politicians to expand and grow itself. The biggest supporters of big government.... is..... government. That shouldn't be surprising.

Beyond that, it's not an American thing. Money and government go hand in hand. They have since the dawn of human existence. If you go back to the 1700s, money and the government of the American colonies went hand in hand. It was dominate all during the first presidents.

Nothing has changed, or will change in that regard, except possibly for the worse.

Now companies do give money to all politicians, namely as protection money. Our government today, acts very much like a mafia, and in order to have 'protection' they have to be paid off.

Microsoft was a perfect example of this. There was no logical legal reason to have Microsoft in court. You go round up on the litigation, and you find out Clinton actively solicited for lawsuits, and Netscape offered 'hey microsoft bad', and they made up fictitious accusations to take MS to court.

Now the key was, Microsoft up till that point, had never given money to any political part. You go read up on MS political activities up to the mid-90s, and they practically didn't exist.

Then the DOJ starts their BS investigation in 1994, and in 1998 it goes to court, and for 7 years Microsoft is battling the government made up BS.

Want to know how much money they spent on lobbying in 1994? Zero. Want to know how many people they had in DC in 1994? Zero.

By 1998, they had ten full time highly paid lobbyists and were tossing around $3.7 Million dollars.

Microsoft didn't want power. They were not trying to influence policy. They didn't spend a penny on government until the Mafia showed up and started demanding protection money.

Companies were not calling Algore to get power. Algore was calling companies, with an "or else" at the end. That was the whole point of the MS case. You either pay us, or what happened to MS could happen to you.

There's the problem. When Enron went to Bush to get help for their failing company, Bush sent them on their way. All the money in the world didn't save Enron, and they had as much money as any other large corporation to toss at government.

It's not "big money", it's simply 'corrupt politicians'. The problem isn't GE or Exxon, the problem is people like Clinton, and Algore. You vote in more people like Bush, and this problem will go away. The problem is, we caught Clinton and Algore red handed in the act of committing these crimes and no one cared.
Oh sleeping Jesus what a partisan hack.

No Cinderella, corruption is not a party thing. Grow up. :eusa_hand:
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What will your reaction be when you discover you were wrong about Obama?

Whether you discover he really IS a great guy and sincerely trying his best to do what's best for America and Americans...


Whether you discover he really IS a radical Leftist with an agenda to collapse America's institutions and cancel (tear up) the Constitution, impose martial law, gain complete govt. control over America and establish a Police state.

What do you think your reaction will be when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

In my opinion half of us WILL have this experience.

If I am shown to have been wrong about him I will probably break down and sob like a baby.

I would feel humbled and deeply apologetic. I would write him a letter telling him just how wrong I was and how sorry I was and hope he would forgive me.

And I would never feel sure again about anything else because i was sooooooooooo sure of his malintentions. And if I was that sure about him and was proven wrong I would forevermore question my own judgment.

But I doubt I am wrong.

And so do you.

So, what will your reaction be? What will you do when you discover you were wrong about Barack Obama?

For the most part I have seen nothing to suggest I was wrong about him he has been much tougher on terrorism than I thought he would be by continuing a lot of Bush anti terror policies and expanding the drone program which was a nice surprise.
There was a survey not long ago of a couple hundred historians (I think it was posted somewhere on here before?) and Barack came out with a B-. I thought that sounded about right.
There was a survey not long ago of a couple hundred historians (I think it was posted somewhere on here before?) and Barack came out with a B-. I thought that sounded about right.

As spokesman for the Left Opposition and Spartacist Movement, I'd have to give Comrade Obama a C-. His unwavering support for increased military adventurism ("the surge") abroad and a secretive national security apparatus spying on every American tarnish his credentials as a peacemaker and civil rights advocate. His corporatist economic policy has enriched Wall Street and impoverished America. He starts every social and economic initiative with a rousing speech of what he would like to do and then, rather than fighting for it, talks himself into surrendering to the other side in the name of what is "politically possible". Instead of leading a social and economic revolutionary vanguard, he surrendered the high ground to the class enemy and whimpered his way through protecting the profits of Big Pharma and the corrupt health insurance industry.

After betraying his base, he shifted seamlessly into "Grand Bargain" mode, to be saved only by the stupidity of his partners in crime who could not accept yes for an answer. He almost succeeded in dooming a generation of Americans to permanent depression in this debacle and had to settle for merely a decade or two of economic stagnation and economic inequality not seen since the Robber Barons.

History will place Obama somewhat lower than Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford in ranking of recent presidents. LBJ and Nixon have the distinction of both being the best and worst presidents of my lifetime; compared to them Obama is colorless, not good enough or bad enough to stand out. He reminds me most of Chester A Arthur and Benjamin Harrison, both notable for being forgettable. Try naming all the presidents in order and I bet these are two you leave out. "So let it be with Caesar."
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As a firm Obama believer and a proud supporter (at one point) I have to admit that I am highly disappointed with what he has shown while in office. I would figure that we would see a radical shift that he kept promising. Even though we can blame the Republicans for being petty and not playing ball on a number of different things, I still think that Obama has not offered the change many of us believed in. I think he will go down in history as a major disappointment for those who believed.
There was a survey not long ago of a couple hundred historians (I think it was posted somewhere on here before?) and Barack came out with a B-. I thought that sounded about right.

As spokesman for the Left Opposition and Spartacist Movement, I'd have to give Comrade Obama a C-. His unwavering support for increased military adventurism ("the surge") abroad and a secretive national security apparatus spying on every American tarnish his credentials as a peacemaker and civil rights advocate. His corporatist economic policy has enriched Wall Street and impoverished America. He starts every social and economic initiative with a rousing speech of what he would like to do and then, rather than fighting for it, talks himself into surrendering to the other side in the name of what is "politically possible". Instead of leading a social and economic revolutionary vanguard, he surrendered the high ground to the class enemy and whimpered his way through protecting the profits of Big Pharma and the corrupt health insurance industry.

After betraying his base, he shifted seamlessly into "Grand Bargain" mode, to be saved only by the stupidity of his partners in crime who could not accept yes for an answer. He almost succeeded in dooming a generation of Americans to permanent depression in this debacle and had to settle for merely a decade or two of economic stagnation and economic inequality not seen since the Robber Barons.

History will place Obama somewhat lower than Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford in ranking of recent presidents. LBJ and Nixon have the distinction of both being the best and worst presidents of my lifetime; compared to them Obama is colorless, not good enough or bad enough to stand out. He reminds me most of Chester A Arthur and Benjamin Harrison, both notable for being forgettable. Try naming all the presidents in order and I bet these are two you leave out. "So let it be with Caesar."

That's about as astute an analysis as there is. :thup:

Third paragraph though -- do you mean LBJ and Nixon were each both the best and worst?
In February 1952 a Gallop poll revealed that only 22 percent of Americans approved of President Truman’s job performance.

Today Truman is considered among our greatest presidents.
Hmm...in my opinion...if u felt that Obama was to be a messiah who would bring all disparate factions if the U.S. together in harmony, foster absolute world peace and solve all of our economic and social problems...u will find that u were wrong about Obama.
At the same time, if u felt from the onset, that Obama was completely incompetent or somehow an "illegitimate" prez born in Kenya with Muslim terrorist leanings and an overweening desire to destroy our nation...u are also wrong about Obama.
If u feel that Obama was duly elected twice and came into office at a time of severe economic recession and extreme war weariness...and not only pulled us back from disaster but initiated a slow but steady recovery despite endless opposition...
AND is not only ending the pointless and destructive wars, but got rid of OBL without war and is tirelessly seeking alternatives to outright war while keeping us safe..AND was the first prez to neutralize bias against gays in the military and initiate a comprehensive healthcare coverage system which enables all Americans to have access to medical insurance thru private industry....U would be right about Obama.
Like the prez himself has said repeatedly..."Don't let the good be a casualty of the perfect"...Perfect Obama isn't, but he has attempted more good for more Americans than most in recent memory...How much it all survives the ignorance spread by endless prevarication in ads and rhetoric by heavily monied opposition depends on the steady political involvement of those who see him more clearly and support his work.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
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History is told by the victors. Like Lincoln being a hero, even though he is responsible for 750,000 dead Americans, the winners of that war continue to lie about his bigotry and greed. So the truth is not told.

The more color this country becomes, the more popular Obama will be seen in history. Whites have screwed their own race, by making having children expensive, and a high standard of living so important to whites. So whites are busy making tons of money, while the other races don't have anything to do but make babies. And whites compound the problem by stopping abortion, and making them have even more babies. Whites are soooooo dumb.
Obama is no prize, but the alternative in the first election was Palin, who was a heartbeat away from being president, and was not qualified to head a church pot-luck committee, and Mitt was an empty suit, so it comes out pretty much even. However, with Palin in office, I would not have been able to sleep at night.
There was a survey not long ago of a couple hundred historians (I think it was posted somewhere on here before?) and Barack came out with a B-. I thought that sounded about right.

As spokesman for the Left Opposition and Spartacist Movement, I'd have to give Comrade Obama a C-. His unwavering support for increased military adventurism ("the surge") abroad and a secretive national security apparatus spying on every American tarnish his credentials as a peacemaker and civil rights advocate. His corporatist economic policy has enriched Wall Street and impoverished America. He starts every social and economic initiative with a rousing speech of what he would like to do and then, rather than fighting for it, talks himself into surrendering to the other side in the name of what is "politically possible". Instead of leading a social and economic revolutionary vanguard, he surrendered the high ground to the class enemy and whimpered his way through protecting the profits of Big Pharma and the corrupt health insurance industry.

After betraying his base, he shifted seamlessly into "Grand Bargain" mode, to be saved only by the stupidity of his partners in crime who could not accept yes for an answer. He almost succeeded in dooming a generation of Americans to permanent depression in this debacle and had to settle for merely a decade or two of economic stagnation and economic inequality not seen since the Robber Barons.

History will place Obama somewhat lower than Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford in ranking of recent presidents. LBJ and Nixon have the distinction of both being the best and worst presidents of my lifetime; compared to them Obama is colorless, not good enough or bad enough to stand out. He reminds me most of Chester A Arthur and Benjamin Harrison, both notable for being forgettable. Try naming all the presidents in order and I bet these are two you leave out. "So let it be with Caesar."

I guess I rate Barack slightly higher than you do on these issues because I feel the terrain was strongly against changing any of that. The political opposition since 2006 from the Republican party has been unprecedented. The level of filibustering in the Senate alone is a clue to how unwilling the GOP has been to negotiate.

And though some time has passed, the identity of our politics concerning national security is still markedly post-9/11. Public opinion no longer supports new wars, but it's still significantly in favor of aggressive pre-emptive action such as drone strikes.

Maybe a modern-day Lincoln or Truman could have spun past these obstacles, but that's who it would have taken to bring in the results we wanted in this environment.
Obama is no prize, but the alternative in the first election was Palin, who was a heartbeat away from being president, and was not qualified to head a church pot-luck committee, and Mitt was an empty suit, so it comes out pretty much even. However, with Palin in office, I would not have been able to sleep at night.

Amen to that. :eusa_clap:

Lotta wags in here delude themselves that O'bama's election had something to do with race, conveniently forgetting what the alternative was.
The POTUS actually exceeded my expectations so I already know what I would do. I'm happy with his performance in the face of unimaginable odds. We know that those that oppose him would have fainted trying to handle the job and thats why they didnt run for POTUS.

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