What would a Warren Presidency look like?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
What she really wants,” says Reason’s Scott Shackford, “is to put the federal government in a position of evaluating and approving how companies grow. She would substitute the decisions of people who run businesses with the prejudices and preferences of people who think like she does. And she wants to use the courts to enforce her ideas of how corporations should be managed.”

Warren claims to be a “capitalist to my bones” — not a bad example of Lenin’s call to make use of deceit, making “all necessary practical compromises, to maneuver, to make agreements, zig-zags, retreats and so on” for the sake of political objectives. But her claim is further undermined by her economic plan, which we pointed out not long ago “is rife with massive self-imposed shocks that would destroy one entire industry, throw millions out of work, double the size of the federal government, raise taxes to unheard-of levels, and give Washington effective control over corporate decision-making.”

The cost of a Warren White House would be 2.4 million people out of work because she would gleefully kill the health insurance industry, incinerating an enormous amount of wealth in the process; the loss of another 1.3 million jobs due to a $15 minimum wage; and the elimination of 5 million more through the Green New Deal, a despicable backdoor plan to take over the economy and limit personal liberty that she’s thrown her support behind.

Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade. She doesn’t care that most of the European nations that enacted wealth taxes repealed them — nine of the 12 since 1990 — because they were unworkable; that a wealth tax encourages avoidance, evasion, and capital flight; that it is “toxic,” and will “put a bullseye on those” too poor to be taxed under the plan. Warren simply wishes to dictate the wealthy pay their “fair share.” Her tyrannical urges don’t lie far below the surface."

Elizabeth Warren, The Most Dangerous Candidate For President Ever

Full on destruction of capitalism. (More good news at the source)
What would a Warren Presidency look like?

Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade.

Would require a new constitutional amendment.....Both Princess Lying Dog and Batshit Bernie know this....They're just blowing smoke up the asses of their ignoramus zombie disciples.
What she really wants,” says Reason’s Scott Shackford, “is to put the federal government in a position of evaluating and approving how companies grow. She would substitute the decisions of people who run businesses with the prejudices and preferences of people who think like she does. And she wants to use the courts to enforce her ideas of how corporations should be managed.”

Warren claims to be a “capitalist to my bones” — not a bad example of Lenin’s call to make use of deceit, making “all necessary practical compromises, to maneuver, to make agreements, zig-zags, retreats and so on” for the sake of political objectives. But her claim is further undermined by her economic plan, which we pointed out not long ago “is rife with massive self-imposed shocks that would destroy one entire industry, throw millions out of work, double the size of the federal government, raise taxes to unheard-of levels, and give Washington effective control over corporate decision-making.”

The cost of a Warren White House would be 2.4 million people out of work because she would gleefully kill the health insurance industry, incinerating an enormous amount of wealth in the process; the loss of another 1.3 million jobs due to a $15 minimum wage; and the elimination of 5 million more through the Green New Deal, a despicable backdoor plan to take over the economy and limit personal liberty that she’s thrown her support behind.

Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade. She doesn’t care that most of the European nations that enacted wealth taxes repealed them — nine of the 12 since 1990 — because they were unworkable; that a wealth tax encourages avoidance, evasion, and capital flight; that it is “toxic,” and will “put a bullseye on those” too poor to be taxed under the plan. Warren simply wishes to dictate the wealthy pay their “fair share.” Her tyrannical urges don’t lie far below the surface."

Elizabeth Warren, The Most Dangerous Candidate For President Ever

Full on destruction of capitalism. (More good news at the source)

Chaos will referee and the redheaded stepchild wins.
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Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade.

Would require a new constitutional amendment.....Both Princess Lying Dog and Batshit Bernie know this....They're just blowing smoke up the asses of their ignoramus zombie disciples.

You keep using the world "With". Is that the new catch word for today? The Wealth tax isn't "With". If a person has 50 million in the bank, they have already paid the tax on the 50 million so they have already paid for the normal tax rate of 28% earning it. But in a given year, if that same person makes more than 50 million, they pay the 2 or 3% tax on the amount over the 50 million. and 28% on the amount under 50 million. It used to be that it was 70 to 90% for anything above 250,000 and that is what we built our water works with. That's what we built our Interstates with. That's what put people on the moon and more.

There were special taxes on the Rich. Like the 10 cent tax on phones that was enacted in 1917 to pay for WWI. Back then, only the Rich had phones so it was thought to be normal to tax the rich man's luxury to repay for the war. Unfortunately, like all things, once the tax was started, it didn't shut off and when phones became every day American's part of life, the tax continued into well into the 90s. WWI was paid for and more until they finally stopped the 10 cent tax.

When you notice that train come lumbering by that is the laughing stock of the rest of the world, at one time, our train system was the envy of the world. What paid for it? You guessed it, the Wealth Tax. Why do other countries have high speed rail and safer rail than we have? They pay for it. We no longer have a method to pay for it. You honestly believe Capitalism is going to pay for something that is good for a Social Program that everyone (including the Poor) will benefit from it? Not going to happen unless they can figure out a way to make really big bucks from it. And how do they make really big bucks initially from it? You guess it, from the Government with the Tax Money. And where does the Government get those big bucks from? Certainly not from the poor or middle class. So we just either do without or allow the system to deteriorate. A good case in point is the Water Works in Flint Michigan. That was paid by taxing the Rich using the Wealth and Corporate Tax. When that went away, the system deteriorated to the point where the water works is deadly and there is no end in sight.

You want to MAGA? Well, in order to make America Great Again, learn from our Grand Fathers who made America Greater than any other nation of Earth. Unfortunately, they are no longer in charge to guide us with their wisdom.
Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade.

Would require a new constitutional amendment.....Both Princess Lying Dog and Batshit Bernie know this....They're just blowing smoke up the asses of their ignoramus zombie disciples.

You keep using the world "With". Is that the new catch word for today? The Wealth tax isn't "With". If a person has 50 million in the bank, they have already paid the tax on the 50 million so they have already paid for the normal tax rate of 28% earning it. But in a given year, if that same person makes more than 50 million, they pay the 2 or 3% tax on the amount over the 50 million. and 28% on the amount under 50 million. It used to be that it was 70 to 90% for anything above 250,000 and that is what we built our water works with. That's what we built our Interstates with. That's what put people on the moon and more.

There were special taxes on the Rich. Like the 10 cent tax on phones that was enacted in 1917 to pay for WWI. Back then, only the Rich had phones so it was thought to be normal to tax the rich man's luxury to repay for the war. Unfortunately, like all things, once the tax was started, it didn't shut off and when phones became every day American's part of life, the tax continued into well into the 90s. WWI was paid for and more until they finally stopped the 10 cent tax.

When you notice that train come lumbering by that is the laughing stock of the rest of the world, at one time, our train system was the envy of the world. What paid for it? You guessed it, the Wealth Tax. Why do other countries have high speed rail and safer rail than we have? They pay for it. We no longer have a method to pay for it. You honestly believe Capitalism is going to pay for something that is good for a Social Program that everyone (including the Poor) will benefit from it? Not going to happen unless they can figure out a way to make really big bucks from it. And how do they make really big bucks initially from it? You guess it, from the Government with the Tax Money. And where does the Government get those big bucks from? Certainly not from the poor or middle class. So we just either do without or allow the system to deteriorate. A good case in point is the Water Works in Flint Michigan. That was paid by taxing the Rich using the Wealth and Corporate Tax. When that went away, the system deteriorated to the point where the water works is deadly and there is no end in sight.

You want to MAGA? Well, in order to make America Great Again, learn from our Grand Fathers who made America Greater than any other nation of Earth. Unfortunately, they are no longer in charge to guide us with their wisdom.
You talk of all the physical foundation projects. They ended when the human foundation projects started. Its not the 1950's anymore as you like to spout. We peaked in the 1960's. We live off the fiat currency now. Pay attention to the growth of it. We export our inflation to other nations and to tangible assets like homes and the stock market domestically as other nations build for us with cheap labor and we have people on fixed incomes sliding further and further towards poverty.
Now we come to Warren’s wealth tax, a Sanders-like scheme that would impose a 2% annual tax on individuals with more than $50 million in wealth and a 3% tax on those worth more than $1 billion, seizing more than $3 trillion in private property over a decade.

Would require a new constitutional amendment.....Both Princess Lying Dog and Batshit Bernie know this....They're just blowing smoke up the asses of their ignoramus zombie disciples.

You keep using the world "With". Is that the new catch word for today? The Wealth tax isn't "With". If a person has 50 million in the bank, they have already paid the tax on the 50 million so they have already paid for the normal tax rate of 28% earning it. But in a given year, if that same person makes more than 50 million, they pay the 2 or 3% tax on the amount over the 50 million. and 28% on the amount under 50 million. It used to be that it was 70 to 90% for anything above 250,000 and that is what we built our water works with. That's what we built our Interstates with. That's what put people on the moon and more.

There were special taxes on the Rich. Like the 10 cent tax on phones that was enacted in 1917 to pay for WWI. Back then, only the Rich had phones so it was thought to be normal to tax the rich man's luxury to repay for the war. Unfortunately, like all things, once the tax was started, it didn't shut off and when phones became every day American's part of life, the tax continued into well into the 90s. WWI was paid for and more until they finally stopped the 10 cent tax.

When you notice that train come lumbering by that is the laughing stock of the rest of the world, at one time, our train system was the envy of the world. What paid for it? You guessed it, the Wealth Tax. Why do other countries have high speed rail and safer rail than we have? They pay for it. We no longer have a method to pay for it. You honestly believe Capitalism is going to pay for something that is good for a Social Program that everyone (including the Poor) will benefit from it? Not going to happen unless they can figure out a way to make really big bucks from it. And how do they make really big bucks initially from it? You guess it, from the Government with the Tax Money. And where does the Government get those big bucks from? Certainly not from the poor or middle class. So we just either do without or allow the system to deteriorate. A good case in point is the Water Works in Flint Michigan. That was paid by taxing the Rich using the Wealth and Corporate Tax. When that went away, the system deteriorated to the point where the water works is deadly and there is no end in sight.

You want to MAGA? Well, in order to make America Great Again, learn from our Grand Fathers who made America Greater than any other nation of Earth. Unfortunately, they are no longer in charge to guide us with their wisdom.
You talk of all the physical foundation projects. They ended when the human foundation projects started. Its not the 1950's anymore as you like to spout. We peaked in the 1960's. We live off the fiat currency now. Pay attention to the growth of it. We export our inflation to other nations and to tangible assets like homes and the stock market domestically as other nations build for us with cheap labor and we have people on fixed incomes sliding further and further towards poverty.

Most, let me say it again MOST, people aren't in the Stock Market. Playing to that group is playing to a very minor group of citizens. And yet, look how much time and expense is given to that one group of the others. And, yeah, you will want to count the IRA and the Roths but that's not really playing the Stock Market. MOST people that actually are aware of what stocks they actually own are of such a small percentage of the population they shouldn't be mentioned at all. Yet we spent way too much time, effort and money catering to this one small group almost ignoring all the rest.

You bring up the 50s and 60s. The Nation grew at leaps and bounds during that time period. Wealth was not just a dream, it was a reality. The American Dream could be had for all if you came up with an idea, worked hard and smart. Yes, there were other problems that we have almost done away with but we need to get back to that "Physical Foundation" as you call it. The improvements we made are falling apart around us. We not only don't have enough resources to build new foundations, we don't even have enough resources to fix the ones we have.

I don't give a damned who gets into office as long as they want to do what I believe that a real live Fiscal Conservative would do and that is do the things that Fiscal Conservatives do and that is be fiscally responsible and get us back on track. It used to be that you voted Democrat to expand the Social Programs when you needed it and right after that, you voted Republican to bring everything back into fiscal sense. Today, the Democrats are still the Social Party but the Republicans are NOT even close to being the party of Fiscal Conservatives. The Democrat Party hasn't really changed in over 50 years (it's always moved from center to socialist) but the Republican party has gone south for the entire 4 seasons. Right now, we have only two choices, the Left leaning Democrats or the "OMG". Right at the time we need the old Fiscal Conservative Republicans.

Most of the really great Public Works programs we see today came from when the Republicans of old were in charge. The Interstate, the National Parks, the Water Works and more. And they figured out ways to pay for it. But that Republican Party died sometime about the Nixon time and has never returned. Yes, for you Reagan Worshipers, Reagan was NOT a fiscal Conservative either. The last Fiscal Conservative that was President was my all time favorite, Ike.

So when you so called "Republicans" cry and scream and throw temper tantrums about the Wealth Tax, it was the Fiscal Conservatives that invented it and made America Great. You really want to start making American Great Again, restarting the Wealth Tax would be a very good start. Just because a Democrat says it's a good idea doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Republicans, pick up the mantle, own it. Afterall, Fiscal Conservatives invented it made it great. Otherwise, you need to start wearing a new hat......

Make America Milk Toast Again.

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