What Would Disqualify Any Candidate?

What Would Disqualify Any Candidate?

A recent poll showed 71% of liberals would want Hillary to continue to run even if the DOJ was presented with enough evidence and indicted her.

Evidently, at least to Liberals, the answer to your question is 'Death'.

Partisanshit is the road to even further societal dysfunction.
Sex has always been the domain of tabloids. It was made an issue with Bill Clinton only because there was so much of it and it happened in the White House but it really didn't have any affect on him.

SEX was made the issue in regards to Bill Clinton to divert American attention away from the fact that he was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court and forced to give testimony during a trail regarding a 'crime' (sexual harassment), that he was found In Contempt of Court for UNETHICAL behavior - for which he was DISBARRED, and that he had looked into the cameras and lied to the American people. There are liberals who still believe Clinton was Impeached over a blow job. Those are the same people who WERE distracted by the media from those other 3 things.
"A dead hooker or a live boy".

Nowadays, the live boy is okay. Unless you spent your political career excoriating homosexuality for the benefit of the rubes.

And even then the live boy might get you a free pass if you switch political parties...

Which would prove sucking dick turns you into a Democrat.

"I'm a Democrat trapped in a homosexual's body."
Eagleton: Being a mental case who might one day have his hand on The Button is still a disqualifier.

Kennedy: Caught with a dead hooker. That rule still applies.

Hart: Hubris. He shouldn't have boasted that he didn't cheat on his wife. He was begging to be caught as a hypocrite.

To cover for Kennedy's crime, you call Mary Jo a "hooker?" :eek:

You filthy democrats have no shame, no integrity.
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Eagleton: Being a mental case who might one day have his hand on The Button is still a disqualifier.

Kennedy: Caught with a dead hooker. That rule still applies.

Hart: Hubris. He shouldn't have boasted that he didn't cheat on his wife. He was begging to be caught as a hypocrite.
Eagleton wouldnt have an issue today when mental conditions are considered a disease
Kennedy wasnt caught with a dead hooker
Hart was the first one in part because he dared the press and they werent on his side.
I know she was a secretary, but she was fooling around with a married man.

You've heard that expression, haven't you? There are only two things which can kill a politician's career. To be caught in bed with a dead hooker or a live boy. Teddy fell into the "dead hooker" category.

And you can't possibly believe that if it was discovered today that Hillary Clinton had received shock therapy you guys wouldn't start three hundred and eighty-six thousand topics about it.
And you cant possibly believe the main stream media would say Clinton's campaign was over. Right?
I have one book on presidential scandals and it begins with George Washington.
Eagleton: Being a mental case who might one day have his hand on The Button is still a disqualifier.

Kennedy: Caught with a dead hooker. That rule still applies.

Hart: Hubris. He shouldn't have boasted that he didn't cheat on his wife. He was begging to be caught as a hypocrite.
Eagleton wouldnt have an issue today when mental conditions are considered a disease
Kennedy wasnt caught with a dead hooker
Hart was the first one in part because he dared the press and they werent on his side.
I know she was a secretary, but she was fooling around with a married man.

You've heard that expression, haven't you? There are only two things which can kill a politician's career. To be caught in bed with a dead hooker or a live boy. Teddy fell into the "dead hooker" category.

And you can't possibly believe that if it was discovered today that Hillary Clinton had received shock therapy you guys wouldn't start three hundred and eighty-six thousand topics about it.
And you cant possibly believe the main stream media would say Clinton's campaign was over. Right?
If she had received shock therapy, it would be over. It would never have even got off the launch pad.
Eagleton: Being a mental case who might one day have his hand on The Button is still a disqualifier.

Kennedy: Caught with a dead hooker. That rule still applies.

Hart: Hubris. He shouldn't have boasted that he didn't cheat on his wife. He was begging to be caught as a hypocrite.

Clearly you're ignorant of depression as a condition.
I'm am extremely familiar with depression as a condition. And I don't want the guy who has his finger on The Button to be someone who frequently ponders the futility of living.

He can be a racecar driver, or a world class mountain climber, or a bestselling novelist. But he can't be President.
We do this shit to ourselves. It ain't the Mexicans. All our problems are self-inflicted.
Self inflicted because dems want big government, more handouts, more spending, more jobs taken by illegals, greater employment. Dems do this shit themselves. It ain't the GOP.

We do this shit to ourselves. It ain't the Mexicans. All our problems are self-inflicted.
Self inflicted because dems want big government, more handouts, more spending, more jobs taken by illegals, greater employment. Dems do this shit themselves. It ain't the GOP.
Yeah. Only Democrats are big spenders. Okay. Please tell your drug dealer to cut your crack with more baby powder.
I'll hazard to guess that if hiLIARy had a breakdown on camera and called Obabble the "N" word, that she would bow out due to health reasons.
If she had received shock therapy, it would be over. It would never have even got off the launch pad.

If Hillary Clinton cut the head off of Donald Trumps daughter, live on Al Jazeera while screaming "Allahu Ackbar" you would still vote for her, and you would still defend her.

Everyone here knows this.

Eagleton: Being a mental case who might one day have his hand on The Button is still a disqualifier.

Kennedy: Caught with a dead hooker. That rule still applies.

Hart: Hubris. He shouldn't have boasted that he didn't cheat on his wife. He was begging to be caught as a hypocrite.

Clearly you're ignorant of depression as a condition.
I'm am extremely familiar with depression as a condition. And I don't want the guy who has his finger on The Button to be someone who frequently ponders the futility of living.

He can be a racecar driver, or a world class mountain climber, or a bestselling novelist. But he can't be President.

" ... someone who frequently ponders the futility of living."

Doesn't describe depression, sorry.
If she had received shock therapy, it would be over. It would never have even got off the launch pad.

If Hillary Clinton cut the head off of Donald Trumps daughter, live on Al Jazeera while screaming "Allahu Ackbar" you would still vote for her, and you would still defend her.

Everyone here knows this.


No, not everyone "knows" hyperbole is fact.
What 'would'...and what 'should'...disqualify a candidate differ sometimes widely, depending on what group the politician represents. The liberal minded groups tend to let a lot of things pass, including rape and murder. The Evangelicals tend to frown on cursing.

IMHO, perjury should disqualify any political candidate. Pathological LYING should disqualify any candidate, political or not. Conviction of child molestation should disqualify all candidates and send them to a firing squad.
We do this shit to ourselves. It ain't the Mexicans. All our problems are self-inflicted.
Self inflicted because dems want big government, more handouts, more spending, more jobs taken by illegals, greater employment. Dems do this shit themselves. It ain't the GOP.

Horseshit, learn where the centers of power are and how your power structure operates.
Back in the distant past McGovern was the Dem nominee. He first picked Thomas Eagleton as his VP. It came out Eagleton suffered from depression and had received shock therapy. He was off the ticket within about 48 hours.
Ted Kennedy had planned to run for president several times. Each time his involvement in Chappaquiddick came up and he was removed from consideration.
Gary Hart challenged reporters to find something on him. They found him on his boat Monkey Business with a woman not his wife. He was out.
I mention these because in the old days a politiician was held to a standard higher than "he hasnt been convicted of any crimes yet".
Are we now at the stage where conviction of crimes renders one unfit for office? Or is that even off the table now?
Today? Apparently nothing, not even shooting someone on Fifth Ave.

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