What would it take for you to abandon your political party?

Unions are less than 15% of the worker. Why are you against the real workers of this nation so much that you support the elites?

The real workers are the union people,they have the balls to stand up for what is right while the underpaid non union sheep listen to millionaires on the radio telling them they should be envious of the union guys wages and benefits and therefore should take action to take those good wages and benefits away from them.

so the 85% of us who are not in unions are not Real workers?

Thanks for shedding light on your warped vision of the world.

Funny coming from somebody that thinks union ditch diggers are amongst the "elite"
I am registered NPA in Florida meaning No Party Affiliation. I cannot ever foresee me going back to either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party both of which I tried to find a niche in. For that to happen, I would have to see a complete change of philosophy from one of these parties or the other and not so much on issues but rather on honesty and integrity. I would have to believe that the members of the party put country ahead of self.

I can deal with a disagreement in regards to issues. I have even come to discover that there is common ground between myself (who is pro-life) and people who are pro-choice (and believe me, if you knew me ten years ago you would believe that change to have been a miracle) and that common ground has convinced me that in reference to this question, issues are not the important factor. If politicians put the country first, then they would seek the best solutions to the problems facing this country and those solutions would suit me just fine.

My reason for leaving both parties is not because of any issues at all, but rather because I believe that the members of the parties (I mean politicians not we who follow) have all put their own welfare ahead of the welfare of the good people of this country. Until that changes, I refuse to join a party, any party.

The real workers are the union people,they have the balls to stand up for what is right while the underpaid non union sheep listen to millionaires on the radio telling them they should be envious of the union guys wages and benefits and therefore should take action to take those good wages and benefits away from them.

So you arent really a worker unless you refuse to do your job? You aren't a real worker unless you are willing use thug tactics to extort from businesses and politicians?

This nation would be far better without the corruption the union brings.

If union workers are "elite"
then non union worker arent real workers

Yes this nation would be better off without workers rights, it was so much better when the robber barons ran things and the little people knew their place and took what was given to them.
The idiocy of calling non-union people "sheep"


The idiocy of claiming union people are elites


You've made it clear that you think you are elites. You've clearly stated that you think your 12% of the American people is better than the 88% of people who actually work.

You think you're superior to nonunion people. Your elitists. You can't deny it. You're own words betray you
The idiocy of claiming union people are elites


Funny.. please quote where I said any such thing


The post I replied to that you commented on put forth that idea.

No... it did not... as I made no comment towards that at all... what I did comment on was the humorous notion that people not in unions are 'sheep'... which was your direct comment...

Nice try... epic fail

I may call unions useless in today's society... I may call union workers overly protected and under-productive... but I never, and I mean NEVER have considered them 'elites' in any way, shape or form....

If union workers are "elite"
then non union worker arent real workers

Yes this nation would be better off without workers rights, it was so much better when the robber barons ran things and the little people knew their place and took what was given to them.

That you actually believe this twisted caricature is at all indicitive of reality is pretty sad.

You've made it clear that you think unions are elites and the nonunion workers are pathetic sheep.

Maybe if you treated people decently, you wouldnt have to extort people for money.
The idiocy of calling non-union people "sheep"


The idiocy of claiming union people are elites


They are the very definition of Elite you moron.

The constitute only 15% of the work force and are paid higher wages than the rest of us.

What is not elite about that again?

You think union ditch diggers are elite and you call somebody else a moron? My god where do these imbeciles come from?
I may call unions useless in today's society... I may call union workers overly protected and under-productive... but I never, and I mean NEVER have considered them 'elites' in any way, shape or form....


I disagree. I think they are very elitist. They think they are superior to non union workers. To the point where they pretend that 88% of the population doesn't do real work. It's bullcrap.

I will tear down pride and corruption wherever it's found and it's found in modern unions.
Republicans trying to pit Aemrican workers against American workers while the people who caused this whole mess and made money off of it get more tax cuts.
If union workers are "elite"
then non union worker arent real workers

Yes this nation would be better off without workers rights, it was so much better when the robber barons ran things and the little people knew their place and took what was given to them.

That you actually believe this twisted caricature is at all indicitive of reality is pretty sad.

You've made it clear that you think unions are elites and the nonunion workers are pathetic sheep.

Maybe if you treated people decently, you wouldnt have to extort people for money.

To nutjob conservatives collective bargaining equals extortion, we will fight the conservative effort to bring back the company store and the robber barons.
If union workers are "elite"
then non union worker arent real workers

Yes this nation would be better off without workers rights, it was so much better when the robber barons ran things and the little people knew their place and took what was given to them.

That you actually believe this twisted caricature is at all indicitive of reality is pretty sad.

You've made it clear that you think unions are elites and the nonunion workers are pathetic sheep.

Maybe if you treated people decently, you wouldnt have to extort people for money.

To nutjob conservatives collective bargaining equals extortion, we will fight the conservative effort to bring back the company store and the robber barons.

Yeah... because we don't have labor laws and laws against things such as monopolies... :rolleyes:

You are brainwashed
You think union ditch diggers are elite and you call somebody else a moron? My god where do these imbeciles come from?

Yes. I think people who think they are superior to others, especially on something as baseless as union membership are elitists.

Stop pretending your superior to the "little people" and you wont have to worry about it.

Be humble and not arrogant for once in your life.
To nutjob conservatives collective bargaining equals extortion, we will fight the conservative effort to bring back the company store and the robber barons.

Bargaining as a group has absolutely nothing to do with the intimidation and violent tactics unions use to get their way. They think that by intimidating people they can get more money. They use threats of violence and force to get more money from people. That's extortion and robbery genius.
I am a Democrat, if the Democratic party pushed the anti worker agenda that the Republican party does I would move on to a third party.

Unions are less than 15% of the worker. Why are you against the real workers of this nation so much that you support the elites?

The real workers are the union people,they have the balls to stand up for what is right while the underpaid non union sheep listen to millionaires on the radio telling them they should be envious of the union guys wages and benefits and therefore should take action to take those good wages and benefits away from them.

Kind of a broad brush there Noose and very inaccurate.

You state that non-union members are "sheep" and all of them listen to millionaires on the radio? Sorry, but by saying so, you have really hurt your argument. Just because we do not belong to a union, (maybe we don't even have one we can belong to) does not mean that we are stupid sheep who only listen to right wing talking heads on the radio.

Unions have played their parts in the development of our country. They have done good in many respects and still can depending on the issues. Unfortunately, it seems to me that unions are suffering in the same way as our country has suffered. The leaders of the unions have gone the way of the politicians of the country and now put their own advancements ahead of those of the workers.

I am not "anti-union". I am anti-corruption. Unions have brought about many things that have aided the workers including things like workplace safety, employee benefits and protection. If we eliminated the unions then eventually corporate greed would wipe out all the protections that unions have brought about. However, that being said, corruption has found itself into some of the unions as well.

Funny.. please quote where I said any such thing


The post I replied to that you commented on put forth that idea.

No... it did not... as I made no comment towards that at all... what I did comment on was the humorous notion that people not in unions are 'sheep'... which was your direct comment...

Nice try... epic fail

I may call unions useless in today's society... I may call union workers overly protected and under-productive... but I never, and I mean NEVER have considered them 'elites' in any way, shape or form....


Though it is a valiant effort it appears that your fight against personal illiteracy is a losing battle


Post I replied to that you deemed to only make a comment regarding my reply but chose not to address what was being replied to.:
Unions are less than 15% of the worker. Why are you against the real workers of this nation so much that you support the elites?
Unions are less than 15% of the worker. Why are you against the real workers of this nation so much that you support the elites?

The real workers are the union people,they have the balls to stand up for what is right while the underpaid non union sheep listen to millionaires on the radio telling them they should be envious of the union guys wages and benefits and therefore should take action to take those good wages and benefits away from them.

Kind of a broad brush there Noose and very inaccurate.

You state that non-union members are "sheep" and all of them listen to millionaires on the radio? Sorry, but by saying so, you have really hurt your argument. Just because we do not belong to a union, (maybe we don't even have one we can belong to) does not mean that we are stupid sheep who only listen to right wing talking heads on the radio.

Unions have played their parts in the development of our country. They have done good in many respects and still can depending on the issues. Unfortunately, it seems to me that unions are suffering in the same way as our country has suffered. The leaders of the unions have gone the way of the politicians of the country and now put their own advancements ahead of those of the workers.

I am not "anti-union". I am anti-corruption. Unions have brought about many things that have aided the workers including things like workplace safety, employee benefits and protection. If we eliminated the unions then eventually corporate greed would wipe out all the protections that unions have brought about. However, that being said, corruption has found itself into some of the unions as well.


My sheep comment was a reply to union people being derogatorily called elites.

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