What would Jefferson have thought of Archie Bunker?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy” is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and it likely does reflect his opinions on these matters.
I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would have thought of Archie Bunker or Donald Trump?

“Archie Bunker”, the stereotyped fictional character in the popular TV show (written by a liberal, Norman Lear). Archie essentially gave voice to much of USA's political opinions and for many others he represented what they considered to be Archie's most illogical conclusions that supported the political policies most contrary to our nation's best interests.

In2016 there were sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers" supporting Donald Trump, and insufficient numbers supporting any other presidential candidate. Trump was favored by 62,984,828, (46.08%), and Clinton by 65,853,514, (48.18%) of USA's136,669,276 counted votes.
The2017 USA's Electoral College votes split was 304 for Donald Trump, and 227 for Hillary Clinton.

In 2020 there weren't sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers” to re-elect the then President Donald Trump. Trump was favored by 74,223,975, (46.85%), and Joseph Biden by 81,283,501, (51.30%) of USA's 158,429,631 counted votes. The2021 USA's Electoral College votes split was 306 for Joseph Biden, and 232 for Donald J. Trump.

“There lies the rub”; the left and right of our nation's spectrum of political opinions are almost equally divided. No major political faction represents a clear majority of our nation's voters. Whenever extremist can lay their hands upon the political levers, they've been willing that are government cease functioning, and then we learn that poorer governing is preferable to no governing. Each of our federal government "shutdowns" has been net detrimental to our national debt, and our GDP. Many things became worse, and nothing was improved.

How long will it be before our U.S. congress learn to conduct themselves in an adult fashion? Respectfully, Supposn

(which has been frequently occuring), frequently(wo
Extremists on both sides of our political spectrum are willing that are nation should not be governed, rather than to be governed in a manner less than acceptable to them whenever they can lay their hands upon the political levers.

Archie Bunker was a caricature meant to poke fun at racist intolerance. He didn't really represent anyone.
Today, Jefferson, et al, would all be labelled by the left as right wing-extremists.
I don't know exactly, but I can tell you one thing, he was no ignoramus and he wouldn't believe the crap that Mega does and fox pollutes the airwaves with and all those conspiracy theorists out there LOL. I believe he would side with the French more as much as the English, and thus would have a problem with GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates and policies you know the super capitalist UK way..
“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy” is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and it likely does reflect his opinions on these matters.
I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would have thought of Archie Bunker or Donald Trump?

“Archie Bunker”, the stereotyped fictional character in the popular TV show (written by a liberal, Norman Lear). Archie essentially gave voice to much of USA's political opinions and for many others he represented what they considered to be Archie's most illogical conclusions that supported the political policies most contrary to our nation's best interests.

In2016 there were sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers" supporting Donald Trump, and insufficient numbers supporting any other presidential candidate. Trump was favored by 62,984,828, (46.08%), and Clinton by 65,853,514, (48.18%) of USA's136,669,276 counted votes.
The2017 USA's Electoral College votes split was 304 for Donald Trump, and 227 for Hillary Clinton.

In 2020 there weren't sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers” to re-elect the then President Donald Trump. Trump was favored by 74,223,975, (46.85%), and Joseph Biden by 81,283,501, (51.30%) of USA's 158,429,631 counted votes. The2021 USA's Electoral College votes split was 306 for Joseph Biden, and 232 for Donald J. Trump.

“There lies the rub”; the left and right of our nation's spectrum of political opinions are almost equally divided. No major political faction represents a clear majority of our nation's voters. Whenever extremist can lay their hands upon the political levers, they've been willing that are government cease functioning, and then we learn that poorer governing is preferable to no governing. Each of our federal government "shutdowns" has been net detrimental to our national debt, and our GDP. Many things became worse, and nothing was improved.

How long will it be before our U.S. congress learn to conduct themselves in an adult fashion? Respectfully, Supposn

(which has been frequently occuring), frequently(wo
Extremists on both sides of our political spectrum are willing that are nation should not be governed, rather than to be governed in a manner less than acceptable to them whenever they can lay their hands upon the political levers.

I don't think you take the measure of Jeffeson at all.
As his biographer said


A sulfurous new biography of Jefferson asserts:
"It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the twentieth century statesman whom the Thomas Jefferson of January 1793 would have admired most is Pol Pot. . . . We cannot even say categorically that Jefferson would have condemned the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City."
The author, the eminent Irish scholar and statesman, Conor Cruise O'Brien,

IN case you do not know
Pol Pot was a political leader whose communist Khmer Rouge government led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork.
I was a young man when that show came out. It was all the rage. The next week at work, it was all the twerps and nerds could talk about. Especially the females. They loved it for some reason. Cliquey I guess

I tried to watch it just so I could join in the conversations but.....

It was on some unknown channel a few nights ago and I decided to watch an episode. What a waste of time that was.

I expected it to be dated, the acting to be subpar, the writing to be full of fluff and nonsense, the caricatures don't really bother me because it's entertainment, not a documentary.

And people -- It SUCKED. I mean it SUCKED ASS. Bad. It had absolutely no redeeming value. None. It was horrible.

Look at trendy things from the past that were popular with the "In-Crowd" and they almost Universally sucked.

How many of you still have a Leisure Suit stashed away waiting for the style to come back? Women still waiting for the Beehive to return.
“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy” is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and it likely does reflect his opinions on these matters.
I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would have thought of Archie Bunker or Donald Trump?

“Archie Bunker”, the stereotyped fictional character in the popular TV show (written by a liberal, Norman Lear). Archie essentially gave voice to much of USA's political opinions and for many others he represented what they considered to be Archie's most illogical conclusions that supported the political policies most contrary to our nation's best interests.

In2016 there were sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers" supporting Donald Trump, and insufficient numbers supporting any other presidential candidate. Trump was favored by 62,984,828, (46.08%), and Clinton by 65,853,514, (48.18%) of USA's136,669,276 counted votes.
The2017 USA's Electoral College votes split was 304 for Donald Trump, and 227 for Hillary Clinton.

In 2020 there weren't sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers” to re-elect the then President Donald Trump. Trump was favored by 74,223,975, (46.85%), and Joseph Biden by 81,283,501, (51.30%) of USA's 158,429,631 counted votes. The2021 USA's Electoral College votes split was 306 for Joseph Biden, and 232 for Donald J. Trump.

“There lies the rub”; the left and right of our nation's spectrum of political opinions are almost equally divided. No major political faction represents a clear majority of our nation's voters. Whenever extremist can lay their hands upon the political levers, they've been willing that are government cease functioning, and then we learn that poorer governing is preferable to no governing. Each of our federal government "shutdowns" has been net detrimental to our national debt, and our GDP. Many things became worse, and nothing was improved.

How long will it be before our U.S. congress learn to conduct themselves in an adult fashion? Respectfully, Supposn

(which has been frequently occuring), frequently(wo
Extremists on both sides of our political spectrum are willing that are nation should not be governed, rather than to be governed in a manner less than acceptable to them whenever they can lay their hands upon the political levers.

The better question would be what would Jefferson have thought of all the illiterate low IQ dumbass ghetto Negros being the main voting block of the Democrat Party? And allowing them to count votes in swing districts? We saw how that played out in the 2020 stolen election, didn't we?

I doubt he would have approve of welfare queens having the ability to vote in candidates that promised to raid the treasury to give them more welfare.
Our Founding Fathers were mostly religious Libertarians and would be ashamed of this filthy ass woke welfare state this once great country has become.

As far as Archie Bunker goes he believed in low taxes and the right to keep and bear arms. Our Founding Fathers fought a war over those two issues. He was also a veteran that had patriotically served his country and they would have approved of that.

As far as "The Darkies" that Archie ridiculed so much we all have to remember that the Darkies were not citizens in Colonial America and they did not vote. In fact the voters were land owning White men, which Archie would have also supported.

Face it Moon Bats. Our country was founded by Archie Bunkers and that is a good thing.
Tom Jefferson was an intelligent fellow.

He would know without being told that every generation in every nation contains a vast diversity of intellect and opinion.

After all, a great many Americans of his own time weren't exactly shining examples of learning and higher order thought.

Nor were a great many Americans of his own time unprejudiced or unbiased or even non-partisan throughout his lifetime.

If nothing else, Old Tom may have thought: "Huh... same old $hit... different calendar and outer wrappings... I should've figured."
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“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy” is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and it likely does reflect his opinions on these matters.
I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would have thought of Archie Bunker or Donald Trump?

“Archie Bunker”, the stereotyped fictional character in the popular TV show (written by a liberal, Norman Lear). Archie essentially gave voice to much of USA's political opinions and for many others he represented what they considered to be Archie's most illogical conclusions that supported the political policies most contrary to our nation's best interests.

In2016 there were sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers" supporting Donald Trump, and insufficient numbers supporting any other presidential candidate. Trump was favored by 62,984,828, (46.08%), and Clinton by 65,853,514, (48.18%) of USA's136,669,276 counted votes.
The2017 USA's Electoral College votes split was 304 for Donald Trump, and 227 for Hillary Clinton.

In 2020 there weren't sufficient numbers of USA's “Archie Bunkers” to re-elect the then President Donald Trump. Trump was favored by 74,223,975, (46.85%), and Joseph Biden by 81,283,501, (51.30%) of USA's 158,429,631 counted votes. The2021 USA's Electoral College votes split was 306 for Joseph Biden, and 232 for Donald J. Trump.

“There lies the rub”; the left and right of our nation's spectrum of political opinions are almost equally divided. No major political faction represents a clear majority of our nation's voters. Whenever extremist can lay their hands upon the political levers, they've been willing that are government cease functioning, and then we learn that poorer governing is preferable to no governing. Each of our federal government "shutdowns" has been net detrimental to our national debt, and our GDP. Many things became worse, and nothing was improved.

How long will it be before our U.S. congress learn to conduct themselves in an adult fashion? Respectfully, Supposn

(which has been frequently occuring), frequently(wo
Extremists on both sides of our political spectrum are willing that are nation should not be governed, rather than to be governed in a manner less than acceptable to them whenever they can lay their hands upon the political levers.

George or Thomas?
Archie Bunker was a caricature meant to poke fun at racist intolerance. He didn't really represent anyone.
He Represented the Preppy Progressives' Contempt for the White Working Class

All in the Family revealed the fact that Whites who are born rich deplore, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. What was so "daring" about the show was the rejection of the Old Left's attempt to take over that class.

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