What would Liberals eat?

My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?

and even at that, I don't think two slices of white bread about 260 times a year is going to harm anyone given an otherwise sensible diet

Think again. I dropped 40 pounds, literally, by doing nothing more than cutting out bread. Nothing more.

White bread will kill ya!

Wheat ain't what it used to be.

Wheat Belly
The conundrum of having the government control the food supply is inherent in this thread.

Good job, morons.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

Hey, as long as one has a glass or two of wine each day, one can eat the good stuff!

Truth We Won t Admit Drinking Is Healthy - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
"They have to control the food supply or people will starve! They have to limit the food so the people won't be too fat!"

Chinese ex patriots everywhere remember that shit.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

As it always has been. Yup, most people die when their heart gives out...and the older you get, the more likely you are to have heart disease.

PS..nobody in my family has died of heart disease, and they all ate bologna. 3 of my grandparents lived into their late nineties (my maternal gramma was two days from her 100th..and never spent a day in a nursing home). My maternal grandfather died in his 60s, but that was from liver failure, from a lifetime of binge drinking a couple of times a year, most often from a local still (of his own).

heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY
The conundrum of having the government control the food supply is inherent in this thread.

Good job, morons.

Not only does the government control the food supply, it now makes us burn part of it for fuel!

I think we are the only major civilization ever to burn food for fuel.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

As it always has been. Yup, most people die when their heart gives out...and the older you get, the more likely you are to have heart disease.

PS..nobody in my family has died of heart disease, and they all ate bologna. 3 of my grandparents lived into their late nineties (my maternal gramma was two days from her 100th..and never spent a day in a nursing home). My maternal grandfather died in his 60s, but that was from liver failure, from a lifetime of binge drinking a couple of times a year, most often from a local still (of his own).

heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY

Lol..it's not a guarantee because it's ridiculous claptrap mouthed by anally retentive nutbags who examine every bm they pass, and compulsively obsess over the damage they are doing to the earth, and the damage the earth is doing to them.

Thank you, I am intelligent enough to not poison my own children. My four children, ages 28 - 11, are proof of this.
My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?

and even at that, I don't think two slices of white bread about 260 times a year is going to harm anyone given an otherwise sensible diet

Think again. I dropped 40 pounds, literally, by doing nothing more than cutting out bread. Nothing more.

Sir, if you had 40 lbs to lose you were not eating an otherwise sensible diet, or exercising.

I'm 43 years old and exercise VIGOROUSLY every day and eat what the hell ever I want in moderation. I eat bread EVERY day. I weight 10 lbs more today than I did when I graduated from boot camp in 1988.

The great thing about the internet....you can be anything you want. LOL!
The conundrum of having the government control the food supply is inherent in this thread.

Good job, morons.

Not only does the government control the food supply, it now makes us burn part of it for fuel!

I think we are the only major civilization ever to burn food for fuel.

I seem to recall of a couple of regimes in the deep dark past that would destroy food in order to keep it out of the hands of the peasants. And/or ship it away from the starving masses...after forcing them to produce it.
Again, nobody in my family has ever fallen ill because of the food we eat, except those times when we have been unfortunate to get a nice dose of ecoli from this cafeteria or eatery, or that one.

None of which is the point here.

The thrust of this thread is that Frank wants us to take our tax dollars and hand them out to nine-year-olds to spend at will. He doesnt' seem to grasp the concept that if I'm giving you free stuff, I just might have a say in what that stuff is. Which is a bizarrely ironic attitude coming from an OP that starts out talking about mooching.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

Hey, as long as one has a glass or two of wine each day, one can eat the good stuff!

Truth We Won t Admit Drinking Is Healthy - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
True indeed.

Break this down into parts, though.

The alcohol thins your blood which is good for your heart in small doses.
The skin of the red grapes in the wine is what fights disease and aging so efficiently.

Take those two things, minus the alcohol (wine), add an aspirin (thins blood) and red grapes, and you get the same effect minus the liver toxicity.

Not that I'd give up alcohol, I'm just saying - - - - - > to live an ample "I wanna live to be 150" lifestyle, that's what you get out of the study of drinking red wine.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

Hey, as long as one has a glass or two of wine each day, one can eat the good stuff!

Truth We Won t Admit Drinking Is Healthy - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
True indeed.

Break this down into parts, though.

The alcohol thins your blood which is good for your heart in small doses.
The skin of the red grapes in the wine is what fights disease and aging for efficiently.

Take those two things, minus the alcohol (wine), add an aspirin (thins blood) and red grapes, and you get the same effect minus the liver toxicity.

Not that I'd give up alcohol, I'm just saying - - - - - > to live an ample "I wanna live to be 150" lifestyle, that's what you get out of the study of drinking red wine.

""While the damaging effects of heavy alcohol consumption on the heart are well-established, for the last few decades we've often heard reports of the potential health benefits of light-to-moderate drinking," study senior author Juan Casas, a professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said in a university news release. "However, we now have evidence that some of these studies suffer from limitations that may affect the validity of their findings."

A Little Alcohol May Not Be Good for Your Heart After All MedlinePlus
Its about choice being denied


Why on earth should the feds be micromanaging school lunches?

Uhhh... "because they're buying" might be a good start...


No they're not. WE'RE paying for it. The Feds just take our money and give it to other people.

Addressed in 128. Once again, if my tax dollars are used for some public benefit I want it used judiciously, not just thrown to the wind.

Because that's freedumb!!! :happy-1:

^^^ Paste Eater ^^^

Organic paste. LOL!
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

Hey, as long as one has a glass or two of wine each day, one can eat the good stuff!

Truth We Won t Admit Drinking Is Healthy - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
True indeed.

Break this down into parts, though.

The alcohol thins your blood which is good for your heart in small doses.
The skin of the red grapes in the wine is what fights disease and aging for efficiently.

Take those two things, minus the alcohol (wine), add an aspirin (thins blood) and red grapes, and you get the same effect minus the liver toxicity.

Not that I'd give up alcohol, I'm just saying - - - - - > to live an ample "I wanna live to be 150" lifestyle, that's what you get out of the study of drinking red wine.

""While the damaging effects of heavy alcohol consumption on the heart are well-established, for the last few decades we've often heard reports of the potential health benefits of light-to-moderate drinking," study senior author Juan Casas, a professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said in a university news release. "However, we now have evidence that some of these studies suffer from limitations that may affect the validity of their findings."

A Little Alcohol May Not Be Good for Your Heart After All MedlinePlus
Try reading my post.
Funny how the hypocrites on the left want to dictate the food our kids eat and at the same time authorize pot heads to be able to sell marijuana to them.
Funny how the hypocrites on the left want to dictate the food our kids eat and at the same time authorize pot heads to be able to sell marijuana to them.
Hey, look a red herring.

How many liberals want pot sold to CHILDREN?

Raise your hands!
My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?

and even at that, I don't think two slices of white bread about 260 times a year is going to harm anyone given an otherwise sensible diet

Think again. I dropped 40 pounds, literally, by doing nothing more than cutting out bread. Nothing more.

Sir, if you had 40 lbs to lose you were not eating an otherwise sensible diet, or exercising.

I'm 43 years old and exercise VIGOROUSLY every day and eat what the hell ever I want in moderation. I eat bread EVERY day. I weight 10 lbs more today than I did when I graduated from boot camp in 1988.

The great thing about the internet....you can be anything you want. LOL!

Yes witness you pretending to be intelligent

Good God, with hundreds of thousands of US soldiers out there you find it hard to believe a few might be posting here?

Or let me guess , because you disagreed with my opinions on a few things you somehow translate that into believing I'm lying about who I am?

Or possibly you're just angry because not only can you not bend down and touch your toes, you can't even look down and SEE your toes....

Either way I am who I am with or without your "approval" ma'am.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

Hey, as long as one has a glass or two of wine each day, one can eat the good stuff!

Truth We Won t Admit Drinking Is Healthy - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
True indeed.

Break this down into parts, though.

The alcohol thins your blood which is good for your heart in small doses.
The skin of the red grapes in the wine is what fights disease and aging for efficiently.

Take those two things, minus the alcohol (wine), add an aspirin (thins blood) and red grapes, and you get the same effect minus the liver toxicity.

Not that I'd give up alcohol, I'm just saying - - - - - > to live an ample "I wanna live to be 150" lifestyle, that's what you get out of the study of drinking red wine.

""While the damaging effects of heavy alcohol consumption on the heart are well-established, for the last few decades we've often heard reports of the potential health benefits of light-to-moderate drinking," study senior author Juan Casas, a professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said in a university news release. "However, we now have evidence that some of these studies suffer from limitations that may affect the validity of their findings."

A Little Alcohol May Not Be Good for Your Heart After All MedlinePlus
Try reading my post.

Oh I did:

"The alcohol thins your blood which is good for your heart in small doses.
The skin of the red grapes in the wine is what fights disease and aging for efficiently."

It appears your dietary info might not be altogether accurate.
It's funny the older folks who are all like "in my day, we had bologna, salsberry steak, fries, chips, etc etc but we got exercise so we were all fine and dandy!"

While the #1 killer in America became heart disease in their now later years.


At least causes pause long enough to make me giggle.

As it always has been. Yup, most people die when their heart gives out...and the older you get, the more likely you are to have heart disease.

PS..nobody in my family has died of heart disease, and they all ate bologna. 3 of my grandparents lived into their late nineties (my maternal gramma was two days from her 100th..and never spent a day in a nursing home). My maternal grandfather died in his 60s, but that was from liver failure, from a lifetime of binge drinking a couple of times a year, most often from a local still (of his own).

heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY

Lol..it's not a guarantee because it's ridiculous claptrap mouthed by anally retentive nutbags who examine every bm they pass, and compulsively obsess over the damage they are doing to the earth, and the damage the earth is doing to them.

Thank you, I am intelligent enough to not poison my own children. My four children, ages 28 - 11, are proof of this.
I'll take science over anecdotal and gleefully prideful internet posters any day, but thanks for offering your information.

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