What would Liberals eat?


heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

Of course when it wasn't, people were dying at 30 due to malnutrition....

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

That reminds me, think I'll have Wienerschnitzle for dinner...

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.


Produce any legitimate study that verifies this, without the use of lab rats being force fed pure nitrates.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY

It's utter bullshit.
Sure thing...

Childhood Obesity Facts
  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.1, 2
So we have to take taxpayer money to give food out in schools because obese kids are starving to death? :eek:

You Communists sure are smart.....

you do understand that obesity can be a sign of malnutrition, yes?

It's true, feed a kid candy and soda pop and other junk and he'll be obese, but malnourished.
Meh, I don't have a problem with restricted choices when taxpayer money is used to pay for it, personally. It works well for WIC. Should work fine for public school lunches and snap. One is always free to spend their own money for junk food. When my budget is tight, junk food is the first to go, then eating out. Why should I pay for someone else's donuts when I can't afford any for my own family?
But those who can afford and with to allow their kids a treat now cant
They can send lunch and a snickers with their child. IMO, that should ALWAYS be allowed.
Of course they can.

Coming to a school near you? Child s lunch confiscated over USDA rule 8211 Schools of Thought - CNN.com Blogs

I disagree with that and would be making a stink. If the gov/taxpayers pay for it, we have a say. If parents pay for it, only the courts should be able to overrule, IMO, through the proper channels.

heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

Of course when it wasn't, people were dying at 30 due to malnutrition....

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

That reminds me, think I'll have Wienerschnitzle for dinner...

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.


Produce any legitimate study that verifies this, without the use of lab rats being force fed pure nitrates.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY

It's utter bullshit.
yo to be honest with ya,

posts like this make the only reasonable response be, to pat you on the head and say "it's alright, little buddy."
Sure thing...

Childhood Obesity Facts
  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.1, 2
So we have to take taxpayer money to give food out in schools because obese kids are starving to death? :eek:

You Communists sure are smart.....

Ding ding ding!

Yes! We need to spend MORE money, because children are starving..and they are starving because they EAT TOO MUCH, so we must use MORE MONEY to FEED THEM LESS, because they are fat, and therefore starving!
I just want to know if you two could be any more disingenuous when you post........

or is it stupidity? Or a mix of both?

Are you solution seeking, or eye poking? 'Cuz your eyes are a got' damn meatball of a target, no food pun intended.

How are you referencing the topic here?
The government has set standards for school lunches. The schools are dutifully buying the new meals. No one is eating them. It is a total loss for the schools. There is a two tier lunch program. Poor children who have the free or reduced price meals. The more affluent children who bring their own or leave campus and buy something elsewhere. All the children find these lunches inedible. Only the poor children have no alternative but to go hungry.

Oh God, I guess I have to agree. It's one thing to not believe lunch programs have a place, and it's one thing to figure kids outta be getting a meat/grain, veggie, fruit and milk each meal, but Michelle and her band of merry uber regulators are another.

Two more years.
Sure thing...

Childhood Obesity Facts
  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.1, 2
So we have to take taxpayer money to give food out in schools because obese kids are starving to death? :eek:

You Communists sure are smart.....

Ding ding ding!

Yes! We need to spend MORE money, because children are starving..and they are starving because they EAT TOO MUCH, so we must use MORE MONEY to FEED THEM LESS, because they are fat, and therefore starving!
I just want to know if you two could be any more disingenuous when you post........

or is it stupidity? Or a mix of both?

Are you solution seeking, or eye poking? 'Cuz your eyes are a got' damn meatball of a target, no food pun intended.

How are you referencing the topic here?
I mean, the pun was enough to do that.
Hater dupes believe they hear all they need about food choices in inner cities, and what Sharpton actually does, from the total bs/hate Pub propaganda machine. Everything's great, the only problem is libruls lol...see sig, dumbells.

So when did you sell out in Camden, and they lost shytte service they did have?
The government has set standards for school lunches. The schools are dutifully buying the new meals. No one is eating them. It is a total loss for the schools. There is a two tier lunch program. Poor children who have the free or reduced price meals. The more affluent children who bring their own or leave campus and buy something elsewhere. All the children find these lunches inedible. Only the poor children have no alternative but to go hungry.

And as an aside, allow me to point out..if they were really starving, trust me, they would eat the veggies before they'd starve.

So..the kids weren't hungry in the first place, and the old, less expensive lunch program, was just fine. Suckers.
Hater dupes believe they hear all they need about food choices in inner cities, and what Sharpton actually does, from the total bs/hate Pub propaganda machine. Everything's great, the only problem is libruls lol...see sig, dumbells.

So when did you sell out in Camden, and they lost shytte service they did have?
Sharpton is the highest form of scumbag dude.

He jumps on cases before facts are all in, and a lot of the time to the detriment of his cause.

Which can only mean one thing: MONEY.
My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?

and even at that, I don't think two slices of white bread about 260 times a year is going to harm anyone given an otherwise sensible diet

Think again. I dropped 40 pounds, literally, by doing nothing more than cutting out bread. Nothing more.

Sir, if you had 40 lbs to lose you were not eating an otherwise sensible diet, or exercising.

I'm 43 years old and exercise VIGOROUSLY every day and eat what the hell ever I want in moderation. I eat bread EVERY day. I weight 10 lbs more today than I did when I graduated from boot camp in 1988.

The great thing about the internet....you can be anything you want. LOL!

Yes witness you pretending to be intelligent

Good God, with hundreds of thousands of US soldiers out there you find it hard to believe a few might be posting here?

Or let me guess , because you disagreed with my opinions on a few things you somehow translate that into believing I'm lying about who I am?

Or possibly you're just angry because not only can you not bend down and touch your toes, you can't even look down and SEE your toes....

Either way I am who I am with or without your "approval" ma'am.

No one can prove or disprove who you are, but your point, which we can address ----- has failed.
The government has set standards for school lunches. The schools are dutifully buying the new meals. No one is eating them. It is a total loss for the schools. There is a two tier lunch program. Poor children who have the free or reduced price meals. The more affluent children who bring their own or leave campus and buy something elsewhere. All the children find these lunches inedible. Only the poor children have no alternative but to go hungry.

And as an aside, allow me to point out..if they were really starving, trust me, they would eat the veggies before they'd starve.

So..the kids weren't hungry in the first place, and the old, less expensive lunch program, was just fine. Suckers.
Allow me to direct you toward post #205, which peat you to this punch by about 24 posts : )
The government has set standards for school lunches. The schools are dutifully buying the new meals. No one is eating them. It is a total loss for the schools. There is a two tier lunch program. Poor children who have the free or reduced price meals. The more affluent children who bring their own or leave campus and buy something elsewhere. All the children find these lunches inedible. Only the poor children have no alternative but to go hungry.

And as an aside, allow me to point out..if they were really starving, trust me, they would eat the veggies before they'd starve.

So..the kids weren't hungry in the first place, and the old, less expensive lunch program, was just fine. Suckers.
Allow me to direct you toward post #205, which peat you to this punch by about 24 posts : )

So money is extorted from the American people via lies about the poor starving children...and now we pay more for less food.
My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?

and even at that, I don't think two slices of white bread about 260 times a year is going to harm anyone given an otherwise sensible diet

Think again. I dropped 40 pounds, literally, by doing nothing more than cutting out bread. Nothing more.

Sir, if you had 40 lbs to lose you were not eating an otherwise sensible diet, or exercising.

I'm 43 years old and exercise VIGOROUSLY every day and eat what the hell ever I want in moderation. I eat bread EVERY day. I weight 10 lbs more today than I did when I graduated from boot camp in 1988.

The great thing about the internet....you can be anything you want. LOL!

Yes witness you pretending to be intelligent

Good God, with hundreds of thousands of US soldiers out there you find it hard to believe a few might be posting here?

Or let me guess , because you disagreed with my opinions on a few things you somehow translate that into believing I'm lying about who I am?

Or possibly you're just angry because not only can you not bend down and touch your toes, you can't even look down and SEE your toes....

Either way I am who I am with or without your "approval" ma'am.

No one can prove or disprove who you are, but your point, which we can address ----- has failed.

Take a step aside and see that you're attacking his actual character over a simple disagreement over dietary concerns, and then realize the absurdity man.

heart disease hasn't always been our leading killer

Of course when it wasn't, people were dying at 30 due to malnutrition....

also pssst......eating bologna doesn't cause heart disease (actually cancer was what was referenced).

That reminds me, think I'll have Wienerschnitzle for dinner...

eating it REGULARLY (like you said, you feed it to them DAILY) increases the PERCENT CHANCE that cancer grabs your kids in their adult lives.


Produce any legitimate study that verifies this, without the use of lab rats being force fed pure nitrates.

it's not a guarantee, but you're working against science here by increasing their odds DAILY

It's utter bullshit.

But I'm sure he entirely endorses the lie.
The government has set standards for school lunches. The schools are dutifully buying the new meals. No one is eating them. It is a total loss for the schools. There is a two tier lunch program. Poor children who have the free or reduced price meals. The more affluent children who bring their own or leave campus and buy something elsewhere. All the children find these lunches inedible. Only the poor children have no alternative but to go hungry.

And as an aside, allow me to point out..if they were really starving, trust me, they would eat the veggies before they'd starve.

So..the kids weren't hungry in the first place, and the old, less expensive lunch program, was just fine. Suckers.
Allow me to direct you toward post #205, which peat you to this punch by about 24 posts : )

So money is extorted from the American people via lies about the poor starving children...and now we pay more for less food.
I'd say, making the food healthier is at least a step in the right direction.

Now, if we can only keep these kids IN SCHOOL & PASSING.
Sure thing...

Childhood Obesity Facts
  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.1, 2
So we have to take taxpayer money to give food out in schools because obese kids are starving to death? :eek:

You Communists sure are smart.....

you do understand that obesity can be a sign of malnutrition, yes?

It's true, feed a kid candy and soda pop and other junk and he'll be obese, but malnourished.

You are correct. This must be the first post where we both agree. :biggrin:
I ate HS cafeteria food in the 60s and Iived in the dorm for all four years of college, so I do know institutional food. I remember the HS food being so bad that some of it was truly inedible. The pizza was memorably bad, making Papa John's look good -- and this is in a small town with a plurality Italian American heritage!

The boys in the in crowd used to sit at the table right off the cafeteria line and ask for whatever we girls didn't want to eat. Sometimes they got my entire lunch.

I think the problem is that a lot of so-called healthy food nuts come up with really weird combinations. Remember going to a residential training course once and getting lasagna with fruit in it. Ugh. Truly ugh.

Kids are sensitive and not adventurous eaters, so they won't touch things like that. And that's where I think the misplaced emphasis is.
In what universe is it acceptable to spend a lot of money that was obtained under the banner of "combating child hunger"...on actually reducing caloric intake of the same children?

Nazi Propaganda 101.
Obesity is not, and never has been, a sign of hunger.

Ever. It's a lie told by progressive moonbats, who are trying to trick us into starving our poor people.

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