Zone1 What Would Post Racial America Look Like?

You support a genocidal ideology and I'm the racist??

Ok then... :rolleyes:


Stop being ashamed of your own opinion, Unkotare!

If you're too embarrassed to recognize that the logical long-term consequence of flooding America with millions of non-whites and brainwashing the american youth with pro-miscegenation propaganda is a drastic reduction in the number of white americans, aka, genocide, then stop supporting this multiracialist obscenity now!!
As I said in my first participation:

If the obvious consequence of the ideology you support makes you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, embarrassed to the point you try and deny it... then it stands to reason something must be wrong, either with you or with the ideology you profess.

There's nothing more sad and pathetic than someone who's ashamed of his own beliefs, Unkotare.
Unkotare and his false comparisons...

The tiny immigrant population in Japan is almost entirely composed of Peruvians and Brazilians of japanese descent...

The agencies that recruit workers in those two countries explicitly state: For Japanese descendants only.

Japan is an ethnically and culturally homogeneous society, the Japanese people form 98.1% of the country's population. Minority ethnic groups in the country include the indigenous Ainu and Ryukyuan people. Zainichi Koreans, Chinese, Filipinos, Brazilians mostly of Japanese descent, and Peruvians mostly of Japanese descent are also among Japan's small minority groups.

Japan - Wikipedia
Chickenshit's info is out of date by several decades. It's sad what fear can do to a person.

If you're too embarrassed to recognize that the logical long-term consequence of flooding America with millions of non-whites [sic] and brainwashing the american [sic] youth with pro-miscegenation propaganda is a drastic reduction in the number of white americans [sic], aka, genocide, then stop supporting this multiracialist [sic] obscenity now!!
Feel the frustration right down to your bones over the fact that your segregationist, "racial purity" bullshit will NEVER become reality. It never was what your want to imagine, and it never will be. You are left with nothing but your own impotent fear and weakness. Enjoy.

Oh, and learn English.
As I said in my first participation:

If the obvious consequence of the ideology you support makes you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, embarrassed ....
That is ridiculous. Why would I "feel uncomfortable...etc."?

Does reality make YOU feel "ashamed"?
Unkotare is a fanatic multiracialist trying to portray the giant madhouse America has become as a normal country.
America is not a "normal country," we are an EXCEPTIONAL COUNTRY. Deal with it.
You don’t know what the Nazis used to make lampshades after they slaughtered Jews? It’s too awful for me to even say.
I do know. That’s the first quote. And it is awful.

But the other two? I still don’t know Wtf he’s babbling about.
The conerstone of the ideology I profess is extremely simple and can be summed up in a single word:


A reasonably successful liberal democracy without America's genocidal plan for her main racial group.
You would be considered a nutjob there just as much as you are here.

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