What would Reagan think about Ed Snowden?

What would Reagan think about Ed Snowden?

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I don't care. Maybe this is controversial, but Reagan has been dead a while. I believe he was a good man and President. But we live in a different age. We need to be far more aggressive than he was in restoring the liberty of this nation and the Constitution. He was focused on taking down the Evil Empire. And it's being rebuilt as we speak.

So it doesn't matter what Reagan thinks. We need to think for ourselves. We need to make our own choices on the matter.
Where have you been for the past year?

Paying attention to news, unlike you, who bases their opinion on sound bites from TMZ.

He confirmed to the entire nation that our government was illegally spying on us. That's not the action of a traitor.

What about fleeing to China? And then Russia?

Because he [Snowden] was rightly in fear of his life and new those nations were unlikely to hand him over as opposed to an ally. I don't fault for him for that at all.

Bullshit. Daniel Ellsberg did not flee. And he actually revealed a real conspiracy.
Daniel Ellsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I call Bullshit.

And then why does he offer to sell his services to Brazil specifically against the US?
Thanks but no thanks ? Brazil uninterested in giving Edward Snowden asylum: report - NY Daily News
Brazil declined, mostly because Snowden is a low-level nitwit who ate donuts watching LEDs blink on a 1U device in a 19-inch rack; and as one might expect of such a position, he does not hold so much as a degree from DeVry.

:lol: Who cares? We are more of a threat to Brazil than they will ever be to us.

"LOL" is your response. Right.
You don't care. Because you think
"this is so super cool, man, like it's so O-M-G, like like like like like like like"
Come back when you have an informed opinion.

But for some reason, people keep praising him. What did he reveal?

He revealed that the government has been illegally downloading all of our [American] emails and phone calls.

Bullshit. I call Bullshit. Proof please. "illegally downloading all of our [American] emails and phone calls." Proof or STFU.
What do you think?

Reagan, a traitorous neocon, would consider the apparent freedom fighter, Snowden a traitor.

Another shallow liberal who parrots terms he doesn't understand because he likes the way they sound. "Neo" con means "new" conservative, not conservative. You can certainly argue the use of the military, but Reagan was a fiscal conservative dumb ass. Neocons favor military and big government spending. You people need to learn to use dictionaries. Or look them up for free on the internet.

The question is fatally flawed. Reagan would have opposed what Snowden did, but he would have opposed what the NSA did too.

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