What Would You Do? (Education)

I think it would behoove us to examine the truth of the claims.

Maybe U.S. public schools don't stink

...It’s a debate with broad power to shape the nation’s $600-billion-a-year investment in public education. Where’s the truth? That’s not always easy to discern. Here’s a look at four key talking points — and the facts (and spin) behind them.

1. China is eating us for lunch

Well, that’s where the U.S. came out in the PISA international math test, given to 15-year-olds around the world in 2009. Only 32 percent of American kids scored proficient, which put us at 32nd in the world, miles behind perennial powerhouses like Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea — and also far behind nations less frequently thought of as academic superstars, including Estonia, Iceland and Slovenia.

Sounds grim. And Harvard education professor Paul Peterson argues that it is. “If we’re 32nd in the world, that’s a pretty serious matter,” said Peterson, a co-author of the new book “ Endangering Prosperity: A Global View of the American School,” which the video was produced to promote.

Then again, we’re 32nd on just one test. American kids do better relative to the world — though they’re still far from elite — on the PISA science and reading exams.

And they do better as well on a different, equally respected, international math test known as TIMSS.

On the most recent TIMSS test, from 2011, American eighth-graders handily outscored seven nations that had the edge on the U.S. in the 2009 PISA exam, including Great Britain, Australia — and, yes, Slovenia. Fourth-graders rocked the TIMSS test even more: They came out ahead of a dozen countries that had beaten the U.S. on the PISA exam.

As for China, it doesn’t participate as an entire nation; only students from three relatively wealthy regions — Shanghai, Macao and Hong Kong — are tested. That’s important to note because income correlates with success on standardized tests. Finland, often at the top of the global rankings, has a child poverty rate of just 5 percent. In the U.S., it’s 23 percent.

3. We’re spending more, but schools are getting worse

Warnings on this theme are generally accompanied by graphs showing steep growth in per-pupil spending — juxtaposed against a flat line representing academic achievement.

That’s misleading, however, on two fronts.

Spending has certainly jumped. But a huge part of the increase — about half, according to economist Richard Rothstein — has been dedicated to serving students with disabilities who were not guaranteed (and often did not receive) a free public education until the 1970s. Schools are also serving far more immigrant students who come in speaking a dizzying array of languages.

As for the academic flat line: The percentage of kids scoring “below basic” on the National Assessment of Educational Progress — widely considered the most reliable measure — has plummeted in both reading and math in both fourth and eighth grade for every racial group except Native Americans. Average reading and math scores for each subgroup in the fourth and eighth grades have also climbed steadily over the past 20 years.

But demographic changes in U.S. schools mean that a greater percentage of test takers now come from groups that traditionally score lower on the NAEP tests, such as Hispanic students. So when test scores are aggregated nationwide, it doesn’t look like there’s been much progress — even though taken individually, each group of students has dramatically improved...

Are private schools that much better?

Maybe not.
Are private schools better than public schools? New book says ‘no’
Greater school choice for families and greater autonomy for schools leads to greater academic outcomes, right? Maybe not. Using two nationally representative datasets, we recently conducted one of the most comprehensive studies ever performed of school type and achievement in mathematics—a subject widely held to be the best measure of in-school learning. We analyzed instruction and performance for over 300,000 elementary and middle school students in 15,108 public, charter, and private schools. What we found surprised us. Students in public schools actually outperform those in private schools.

...We found that once we account for the fact that private schools serve families with more advantages associated with academic success—things like money and highly-educated parents—we find that public elementary schools are, on average, simply more effective at teaching mathematics. Indeed, demographic differences more than explain any apparent edge in the raw scores of private school students, and by the time they reach middle school, public school students score ahead of their demographically similar, private school peers, with differences ranging from a few weeks to a full grade level, depending on the type of private school.

Are Private Schools Really Better Than Public? - are private schools better? maybe yes maybe no...

In this article, they've found the 5 top reasons parents choose private schools:

    • Better student discipline: 50.9 percent
    • Better learning environment: 50.8 percent
    • Smaller class sizes: 48.9 percent
    • Improved student safety: 46.8 percent
    • More individual attention: 39.3 percent
Not academic reasons - private schools cost considerably more than public schools. But each of these reasons can be addressed by changing things in public schools. Class size is huge problem - it's been increasing along with decreased teacher and assistant support. How can you have better discipline and more individual attention when you've got 60 students in a class? How can you even get to know them, know what's going on at home, know if they're even getting breakfast in the morning?

The article also points out:
Public school fans may argue that private school students have higher scores simply because those institutions tend to attract families with high-achieving students. And they may have a point. A book published last year made waves by asserting elementary public schools outperform private schools when adjustments are made to account for demographic differences.
You aren't paying for my child's private school - you are reimbursing me for NOT using your public school.

All other costs I will cover out of pocket.

No. I'm paying for YOUR child's school through MY taxes. It's not MY public school. I have NO kids. Our taxes pay for our social safety net as well. That doesn't mean we should be paying for mansions out of welfare money simply because folks aren't happy with section 8 apartments. Same applies to schools.
His point was that if he chooses to send his kids to a private school because the public school is inferior he should be reimbursed for the taxes he paid. I agree.


Where is there any guarantee that he has the right to a tax payer funded Harvard education?

My taxes pay for roads. If I'm unhappy with the quality of the roads should I be reimbursed?

My taxes pay for other people's kids to be educated. Should I be reimbursed since I have no kids?
No guarantees needed. That isn't the issue. The issue is that their performance is not meeting expectations and we need to change that. How? By creating competition.

Is it unreasonable to hold the government accountable for their performance?

There already is competition, no need to create it. Generally, if there is a problem - you fix it. You fill in the potholes. You don't privatize the roads.

Actually, what you do is strip the road down to its base .... then, build it back up, making the changes necessary to permanently repair the problem.

Strip filling (what you propose for potholes) only ensures that the problem will come back in short order (you know, kinda like our education systems)
The time has come.

It is time for us to take control of our government. Rather than wait to see how the government is going to fix our problems, we need to TELL them how to fix our problems.

Lesson 1. Education

What would you do to turn around our obviously malfunctioning education system?

All options are on the table --- what's your recommendations?

(Yes, I have some ideas ... but I'm going to read yours first. If they're good, I'm going to claim them as my own!!)
Teach only the academics! Children in K-3 should have the subjects, reading, math and language arts. No one goes to fourth grade without being on grade level in reading and math. Stop with the superfluous social engineering!
The time has come.

It is time for us to take control of our government. Rather than wait to see how the government is going to fix our problems, we need to TELL them how to fix our problems.

Lesson 1. Education

What would you do to turn around our obviously malfunctioning education system?

All options are on the table --- what's your recommendations?

(Yes, I have some ideas ... but I'm going to read yours first. If they're good, I'm going to claim them as my own!!)
Teach only the academics! Children in K-3 should have the subjects, reading, math and language arts. ...!

No science? No art? Music? Languages? Computers?
The time has come.

It is time for us to take control of our government. Rather than wait to see how the government is going to fix our problems, we need to TELL them how to fix our problems.

Lesson 1. Education

What would you do to turn around our obviously malfunctioning education system?

All options are on the table --- what's your recommendations?

(Yes, I have some ideas ... but I'm going to read yours first. If they're good, I'm going to claim them as my own!!)
Teach only the academics! Children in K-3 should have the subjects, reading, math and language arts. ...!

No science? No art? Music? Languages? Computers?
No, not in the first four grades. Concentrate on the very basic fundamentals before starting with the content areas and fluff. Once all students are prepared in the basic reading, math and language arts, they will successfully apply their knowledge to other subjects. What is a horror is that students below grade level are expected to read and comprehend books that are above their reading levels in the upper elementary and middle schools.

You wouldn't want to build your house in a weak foundation, would you? The house would not be stable, just as the students' success would be tenuous at best.
..... Once all students are prepared in the basic reading, math and language arts, they will successfully apply their knowledge to other subjects. ......

They won't all be, just like they aren't all now. You'd just have all the average to above average kids four years behind in everything else. Brilliant plan.

You wouldn't want to build your house in a weak foundation, would you? The house would not be stable, just as the students' success would be tenuous at best.

It doesn't work that way. Students don't have to 'wait' until they are at X reading level before they can be introduced to Math, or Science, or any other subject.

You wouldn't want to build your house in a weak foundation, would you? The house would not be stable, just as the students' success would be tenuous at best.

It doesn't work that way. Students don't have to 'wait' until they are at X reading level before they can be introduced to Math, or Science, or any other subject.

Math is considered one of the foundation subjects. If all the teaching and learning experiences are dominated by reading, the students well be far ahead if they are reading at or above grade level when the content areas (science, history geography, history and foreign languages are introduced. What good does it do to give a 5th grader a geography book on the 5th grade level when they are reading at a 3rd grade level.

Physical education, art and music are generally considered planning time for the teachers. Subjects that teach what firemen and policemen do, is not going to aid the students to read or do math on grade level.

You wouldn't want to build your house in a weak foundation, would you? The house would not be stable, just as the students' success would be tenuous at best.

It doesn't work that way. Students don't have to 'wait' until they are at X reading level before they can be introduced to Math, or Science, or any other subject.
And that is why the students are so far behind grade level by the time 6th grade comes along.

You wouldn't want to build your house in a weak foundation, would you? The house would not be stable, just as the students' success would be tenuous at best.

It doesn't work that way. Students don't have to 'wait' until they are at X reading level before they can be introduced to Math, or Science, or any other subject.
And that is why the students are so far behind grade level by the time 6th grade comes along.

No, it's not.
The time has come.

It is time for us to take control of our government. Rather than wait to see how the government is going to fix our problems, we need to TELL them how to fix our problems.

Lesson 1. Education

What would you do to turn around our obviously malfunctioning education system?

All options are on the table --- what's your recommendations?

(Yes, I have some ideas ... but I'm going to read yours first. If they're good, I'm going to claim them as my own!!)

Abolish the DEA. Let state and local governments run their education system without interference from the federal government. Many will allow for a voucher system that will allow poorer families to enroll in higher performing schools. Public schools will be forced to perform or perish.

Physical education, art and music are generally considered planning time for the teachers. Subjects that teach what firemen and policemen do, is not going to aid the students to read or do math on grade level.

Say what now?
... What good does it do to give a 5th grader a geography book on the 5th grade level when they are reading at a 3rd grade level.....

Why would you assume they are?
It is a fact.
Test results: 7 in 10 kids below grade level

Not because students are studying other subjects. Withholding other subjects will not address whatever is causing some students to fall behind.
You know nothing that is going on in our schools.
... What good does it do to give a 5th grader a geography book on the 5th grade level when they are reading at a 3rd grade level.....

Why would you assume they are?
It is a fact.
Test results: 7 in 10 kids below grade level

Not because students are studying other subjects. Withholding other subjects will not address whatever is causing some students to fall behind.
You know nothing that is going on in our schools.

I'm pretty sure I know much, much better than you. I'm in "our schools" every day. Are you?
... What good does it do to give a 5th grader a geography book on the 5th grade level when they are reading at a 3rd grade level.....

Why would you assume they are?
It is a fact.
Test results: 7 in 10 kids below grade level

Not because students are studying other subjects. Withholding other subjects will not address whatever is causing some students to fall behind.
In your opinion, what IS causing other students to fall behind?

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