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What would you do if you win

As for what i'd do with it all

1) Buy a decent house. Not a manshion. Too much up keep. Just a nice house in a good, quiet neighborhood.

2) Buy a good car. A cool car that i enjoy to drive.

3) Retire. Shit im making 8mil a year for 20 years, why would i EVER have to work again.

4) Probably try to do some charitable work. I'd set it up myself though. I wouldnt trust some lefty organization with my money.
insein said:
They double dip tax you though. You get only about $120m out of $350 to begin with. Then you lose 39% on income tax that year. So your down to 73.2m. Now if you take 8m a year for 20 years, you only lose 3.12m a year to income tax. After the 20 years (with no interest gains), youd end up with 97.6m. Thats 24.4 m dollars man!

Besides, who can spend 4.88mil in a year let alone 73m in a year?

Your not married are you? They can!:D
1 thing i definitely wouldnt do is go to college and get phds. What the hell for? You goto college to make money in real life. Not to impress people with pieces of paper. If you have made the money, whats the point of college then?
insein said:
1 thing i definitely wouldnt do is go to college and get phds. What the hell for? You goto college to make money in real life. Not to impress people with pieces of paper. If you have made the money, whats the point of college then?

I like learning things and believe the truism, "If you don't use it you'll lose it." Gotta keep the mind occupied if you want to live long while prospering. It wouldn't be to impress anybody, it would be solely for my own edification.
We all have a standing rule at work.

If someone doesn't show up to work without calling on a Thursday or Monday morning, that person obviously doesn't need to work anymore.
insein said:
They double dip tax you though. You get only about $120m out of $350 to begin with. Then you lose 39% on income tax that year. So your down to 73.2m. Now if you take 8m a year for 20 years, you only lose 3.12m a year to income tax. After the 20 years (with no interest gains), youd end up with 97.6m. Thats 24.4 m dollars man!

Besides, who can spend 4.88mil in a year let alone 73m in a year?

Either the tax rates have been changed, or different states
have greatly different rates.

In the last 15-20 years several people from N.C. have made
the news by winning the Virginia lottery, and I am quite sure
their net was well over 60%, unless the papers botched the
that part of the story, which is of course quite possible.
insein said:
1 thing i definitely wouldnt do is go to college and get phds. What the hell for? You goto college to make money in real life. Not to impress people with pieces of paper. If you have made the money, whats the point of college then?

to learn?
The ClayTaurus said:
I'll tell you what I'd do, man, two chicks at the same time, man. Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I had a million dollars I could hook that up, cause chicks dig a dude with money. Well, the kind of chicks that'd double up on me do...

Office Space! :thup: My favorite movie.. Well, one of them.
Mr. P said:
Buy some cheap beer in memory of the “good old days”, then change my phone number and vanish!

Me too! Only it would be champagne instead of beer, and of course take care of my family then vanish.
Avatar4321 said:
to learn?

What have you learned? That it was cheaper to learn this stuff on your own? The point of college to me is to prepare you for a profession. That is why college is such a joke anymore requiring all these hippy classes that have no importance in real life just so they can milk another grand out of you for 3 more credits. ITs all a business. Keep the kids in school as long as you can and make them take as many classes as you can. MAkes the school money. Justifies people needing degrees to do overly simple jobs.

The only profession i think you need a degree for would be doctor. There is alot of things you need to know in order to perform you task efficiently. You cant just wing it. But software technician, IT guy, teacher, radio DJ? You can learn on the job. Most of the time the college doesnt specifically teach you what that company wants you to know anyway so you have to be trained on how to do what they want. So how is that different from a guy who doesnt have the money to spend on school but is just as smart if not smarter than the average college grad?

The point of school is to learn a specific skill. Trade school teaches you plumbing, construction, electrician, etc. College teaches you other skills in different fields. You learn these skills to get a job and provide a good life for your family. If you already have the means to provide a good life, why goto school? Anything i want to learn, theres a library down the street and an internet in my den.
insein said:
What have you learned? That it was cheaper to learn this stuff on your own? The point of college to me is to prepare you for a profession. That is why college is such a joke anymore requiring all these hippy classes that have no importance in real life just so they can milk another grand out of you for 3 more credits. ITs all a business. Keep the kids in school as long as you can and make them take as many classes as you can. MAkes the school money. Justifies people needing degrees to do overly simple jobs.

The only profession i think you need a degree for would be doctor. There is alot of things you need to know in order to perform you task efficiently. You cant just wing it. But software technician, IT guy, teacher, radio DJ? You can learn on the job. Most of the time the college doesnt specifically teach you what that company wants you to know anyway so you have to be trained on how to do what they want. So how is that different from a guy who doesnt have the money to spend on school but is just as smart if not smarter than the average college grad?

The point of school is to learn a specific skill. Trade school teaches you plumbing, construction, electrician, etc. College teaches you other skills in different fields. You learn these skills to get a job and provide a good life for your family. If you already have the means to provide a good life, why goto school? Anything i want to learn, theres a library down the street and an internet in my den.

Big Universities have a breadth of resources beyond your local library or even the internet. Plus, the facilities provide for many more opportunities. I would like to go back to school to take as many engineering labs as I can, just to see how things work, to witness out-of-the-ordinary stuff that you wouldn't be able to create in your own basement or garage.

While I agree that some portions of college have become worthless, not all of it has. If college is just for getting a job in your mind, then it makes sense you wouldn't want to go... but for many, college is a continued stimulation of the brain, with qualified guidance. I know there was a ton of classes I would have liked to have taken that I didn't have a chance at school, I would definitely go back.
The ClayTaurus said:
Big Universities have a breadth of resources beyond your local library or even the internet. Plus, the facilities provide for many more opportunities. I would like to go back to school to take as many engineering labs as I can, just to see how things work, to witness out-of-the-ordinary stuff that you wouldn't be able to create in your own basement or garage.

While I agree that some portions of college have become worthless, not all of it has. If college is just for getting a job in your mind, then it makes sense you wouldn't want to go... but for many, college is a continued stimulation of the brain, with qualified guidance. I know there was a ton of classes I would have liked to have taken that I didn't have a chance at school, I would definitely go back.

With the income that 120 mil would bring you, you could pick real research facilities and invest in them which would permit you access to the facilities where you could learn from people that actually do the work. I learned more about being a real Architect in 2 weeks while working at a firm than I did with 5 years of college. College instructors generally teach a lot of theory out of a book, the real world is a lot different.
insein said:
What have you learned? That it was cheaper to learn this stuff on your own? The point of college to me is to prepare you for a profession. That is why college is such a joke anymore requiring all these hippy classes that have no importance in real life just so they can milk another grand out of you for 3 more credits. ITs all a business. Keep the kids in school as long as you can and make them take as many classes as you can. MAkes the school money. Justifies people needing degrees to do overly simple jobs.

The only profession i think you need a degree for would be doctor. There is alot of things you need to know in order to perform you task efficiently. You cant just wing it. But software technician, IT guy, teacher, radio DJ? You can learn on the job. Most of the time the college doesnt specifically teach you what that company wants you to know anyway so you have to be trained on how to do what they want. So how is that different from a guy who doesnt have the money to spend on school but is just as smart if not smarter than the average college grad?

The point of school is to learn a specific skill. Trade school teaches you plumbing, construction, electrician, etc. College teaches you other skills in different fields. You learn these skills to get a job and provide a good life for your family. If you already have the means to provide a good life, why goto school? Anything i want to learn, theres a library down the street and an internet in my den.
I agree with you 100%. The problem though is society uses a college degree as a filter not as a measure of intelligence, knowledge or ability. That is my biggest problem with “if you don’t have a 4 year degree, you ain’t shit”.

I’ve seen this in the aviation industry for 30 years. A kid with little experience can get hired over a highly experienced pilot, just because the kid has a degree in something, even art.

Now tell me, what the hell does history or foreign language, literature, art etc have to do with the competent piloting of an aircraft? Or any other specialized profession?

The answer is NOTHING!
insein said:
What have you learned? That it was cheaper to learn this stuff on your own? The point of college to me is to prepare you for a profession. That is why college is such a joke anymore requiring all these hippy classes that have no importance in real life just so they can milk another grand out of you for 3 more credits. ITs all a business. Keep the kids in school as long as you can and make them take as many classes as you can. MAkes the school money. Justifies people needing degrees to do overly simple jobs.

The only profession i think you need a degree for would be doctor. There is alot of things you need to know in order to perform you task efficiently. You cant just wing it. But software technician, IT guy, teacher, radio DJ? You can learn on the job. Most of the time the college doesnt specifically teach you what that company wants you to know anyway so you have to be trained on how to do what they want. So how is that different from a guy who doesnt have the money to spend on school but is just as smart if not smarter than the average college grad?

The point of school is to learn a specific skill. Trade school teaches you plumbing, construction, electrician, etc. College teaches you other skills in different fields. You learn these skills to get a job and provide a good life for your family. If you already have the means to provide a good life, why goto school? Anything i want to learn, theres a library down the street and an internet in my den.

Much like a personal trainer, etc. Some people need more than books in the library to keep themselves occupied. Taking classes in enjoyable subjects and mastering them can be fun for some. That it isn't to you is no reason to take from another what they might think is fun and attempt to convert them to your sense of fun. That a person who wins this kind of money may want to go to school to have fun shouldn't be a bone of contention or something that you need to convert them away from.
manu1959 said:
university is a check box....the ability to check it allows you greater access to things .....

It is also a place to learn things. That I might choose to learn things as fun doesn't make what I choose to do for fun any less valid to another form of fun done by another.

I mean really, are you actually judging what I do for fun and attempting to say that it is wrong because 'universities are a checkbox'?
no1tovote4 said:
It is also a place to learn things. That I might choose to learn things as fun doesn't make what I choose to do for fun any less valid to another form of fun done by another.

I mean really, are you actually judging what I do for fun and attempting to say that it is wrong because 'universities are a checkbox'?

It is understandable that learning can be fun but when you find yourself with millions of dollars you are suddenly open to a wide variety of options to learn from. I always hated the ego problems the instructors had in college. In 5 years of study 25 years ago only 1 of my instructors stands out in my mind. . . wait 2 but only because the second one went away one summer and came back as a woman. I had the misfortune of seeing it in a bikini and believe me that is something you don't forget.

If the University environment is what the attraction is that is one thing but there are plenty of ways of getting true expert opinions on anything when you have the funds.

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