What Would You Do?

PM or Skype? Maybe you two should put your clothes on. :lol:
No cybering... It is stupid, I do not know how people can get off on that shit. It is fucking awkward even to think abut it.
Ok, since Bonzi likes blunt honesty...I'll spell out what I think. Again, it is not judging thing but still...informative in a nosey way.

Defcon and Bonzi are "not yet ready" to "commit". Defcon is ready. Bonzi is not because she is not really that attracted to him him and doesn't know how to end what she started, hence the thread. And this has been going on for some time now, ever since she first began flirting with him and he responded, then left for a couple of months but is now back for whatever reason. Maybe more lures because Bonzi needs what he is willing to give but only after he figures out how to go about it without hurting his other half whereas Bonzi wants away from her other half but is afraid to the take the plunge because the unhappy known is better than the possible unhappy unknown with someone she is not really attracted to. And needs advice. So this thread came into being.

She is not attracted to him like he is to her, but she wants to keep him on her leash because she is lonely. However, he has more to lose than she does since he said himself he would not want to betray his wife and children in such a matter. Which is in itself a contradiction of what Bonzi says in other topics. Which means "I don't want him, but I want him to think I want him so I can have a playtoy".

So...Ms Blunt I Am Honest.....amirite?
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If Defcon is "for the time being" working on hooking up with you Bonzi...and he is not what you have in mind....wouldn't this thread now be the place to say so? I mean, the door has been flung wide open, hasn't it?
Oops. I guess the pms/skypes are flying now, eh?

"What did you mean when you said...."

"Why did you start that thread?"

"Tell me the truth..is all you said bullshit?"

"Calm down and let me explain......"
Well..I see Bonzi browsing the thread yet...silence.

I guess watching too much NCIS, CSI and other detective shows paid off. I think I pushed a few buttons.
Well..I see Bonzi browsing the thread yet...silence.

I guess watching too much NCIS, CSI and other detective shows paid off. I think I pushed a few buttons.

Or they ate dinner, watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy like I did.
I think I have seen enough right here in public just by looking at posts all over USMB and putting two and two together. And..silence speaks volumes.

Nuff said.
I always try to think the best of people, so I am sticking with good internet friends.
I must confess.....I have read this thread a couple of times so I am positive that my intuition and what has been said by whom about what and the thread in general fits with the scenario in my head. It does. And still....silence by the OP and the steer with the ring in his nose that is too blinded by flies to see what is so obvious.

Good luck with that, dude. And Bonzi? Your slip is showing.

That is all.
If you were getting to be close friends with someone of the opposite sex (or same sex if the attraction could go that way) and they got a little TOO interested and told you as much....

Would you back off?

Or would you leave it up to them to back off?

Would you make it clear in no uncertain terms you did not find them attractive?

How would you handle it?
Simple. I'd tell the truth. I'm happily married.
If you were getting to be close friends with someone of the opposite sex (or same sex if the attraction could go that way) and they got a little TOO interested and told you as much....

Would you back off?

Or would you leave it up to them to back off?

Would you make it clear in no uncertain terms you did not find them attractive?

How would you handle it?
Simple. I'd tell the truth. I'm happily married.
But if you are not happily married....and you are miserable in your life and marriage...and decide to go fishing....and caught one...but were not attracted to him after awhile or seeing his pic and know he is married....would you tell him and know you will lose him or do you continue whispering sweet nothings until you find another steer with a better looking nose ring? Methinks you would continue whispering because that is better than being miserable in your own marriage even if it ruins someone elses over empty promises.

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