What Would You Say If You Were Over 60 ?

Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

I'm over 70 and carrying on as usual. Those with underlying medical conditions should sequester themselves. The rest, keep calm and carry on.

Again....the point is that we could do things to help without fucking up the country.
Absolutely. The focus should not be a unilateral shutdown. The focus should be on people helping people, especially the old and vulnerable. And maybe the best scenario is healthy old people like me helping less healthy old people and let the young people work and raise their families. They have plenty to do already.
The point of the shutdown is to slow the spread of the virus. As I posted elsewhere, the spread is accelerating. If too many people get sick at once, people will die who could have been saved.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I would wonder if I would be left to die in pain, gasping for breath, because doctors refuse to treat anyone with the virus that is over 60 years old like Italy is doing.

We are entering the Soylent Green period.
That's the reality of this situation. If you don't have enough equipment to treat everyone who's sick, you have to make decisions about who to treat. Essentially, you have to decide who will live and who will die. We're going to get there soon enough. I just hope that I don't get denied a ventilator because some asshole who ignored the warnings and got sick is already using the only one that I might have gotten.
In reply to the OP's question...I am doing what I usuallly do, but less often. Market when I need something, fresh air with doors and windows open, reading, jigsaw puzzles, texting, tv,internet. In short..living. But being more careful. I will be 68 in October and am in semi decent sorta health. Could be worse. Could be better. Its life. But I worry about where we all are headed.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

I'm over 70 and carrying on as usual. Those with underlying medical conditions should sequester themselves. The rest, keep calm and carry on.
I am over 70, disabled and playing on the computer and my son gets me what I need. Will have dinner with the grandkids when it's safe.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I would wonder if I would be left to die in pain, gasping for breath, because doctors refuse to treat anyone with the virus that is over 60 years old like Italy is doing.

We are entering the Soylent Green period.
That's the reality of this situation. If you don't have enough equipment to treat everyone who's sick, you have to make decisions about who to treat. Essentially, you have to decide who will live and who will die. We're going to get there soon enough. I just hope that I don't get denied a ventilator because some asshole who ignored the warnings and got sick is already using the only one that I might have gotten.
And..if it did come to that, they would have mercy on us and put us down like we do our old faithful dogs so they feel no pain.
And..as long as some idiot millennial that insists on enjoying spring break at the beach at parties does not get what I should have gotten. Medical help.
I'm 62 and today I played golf on a beautiful day. I went to the drug store to get flonase for my allergies. I used hand sanitizer when I entered the store. I stayed away from people and they stayed away from me. It sickens me to see the country brought to it's knees by what I consider an over reaction to a god damned cold virus.
As you can see Your Honor, Republicanism has rotted the subject's brain.
I'm smarter than you'll ever be.
I'm 65 and my wife turns 65 next month, both retired (thank goodness), both in good or excellent health. We are taking sensible precautions of distancing around people, avoiding crowds and using good hygiene. We limit supply runs, buying marginally more to increase our stores. Looking forward to yard/garden work, will be opening the pool on schedule, kayaking spring and early summer as usual. Kids and grandkids have been over, but that may have to curtail some as Covid-19 runs though the community, my paramedic son (also finishing nursing school) already figures he will be exposed and does not want us exposed if possibly avoidable Probably will not do usual extended family summer vacation on the coast, because we cannot adequately control that environment, but looking forward to a good year. Hope everything works out soon, but personally optimistic of our situation.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I'm 62 and not at all concerned
I pay bills online. I order groceries online and have them delivered. My housekeeper runs my errands if necessary - or did until last week when I fired her because she refuses to social distance. I've been doing that for several years so self quarantine is nothing. My daughter teaches HS from home now, and her 3 girls are keeping their distance until this shit blows over. I'll see them sooner or later, and making damn sure I'm alive so I can. I fit the at risk age profile, and healthy as can be. Good luck to all, stay healthy and alive. Nobody can do it but YOU !
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

Well we are all pretty much on our own aren't we?
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I'm 62 and not at all concerned

It's a hoax afterall.
Just like when the establishment handed out condoms to everyone in the 1980's to allegedly stop the disease "AIDS" that basically only homosexuals acquired, everyone should at least get a packet of hydroxychloroquine (200 mg X 3 per days for 10 days) and Azithromycin (500 mg on the 1st day then 250 mg per day for 5 more days) in the mail instead of the $1,000 check. At least we know the anti-Malaria drug combo actually works.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I'm 62 and not at all concerned

It's a hoax afterall.
^TRIGGERED...not scared at all bro, not even a little bit
Just like when the establishment handed out condoms to everyone in the 1980's to allegedly stop the disease "AIDS" that basically only homosexuals acquired, everyone should at least get a packet of hydroxychloroquine (200 mg X 3 per days for 10 days) and Azithromycin (500 mg on the 1st day then 250 mg per day for 5 more days) in the mail instead of the $1,000 check. At least we know the anti-Malaria drug combo actually works.
That combo actually works? According to who? YOU???
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

I'm limiting my actions outside the house to only that which is necessary. I want to do my part to be respectful and help the economy, even as I just want to go about a normal life. I am thinking of others who are now over 60, and, being under 60 is a guarantee anyways. Though, odds are on your side.

If I were over 60, I would take it more seriously, but, I really wouldn't change that much as I'm not going out to parties or lining up for things as some are right now in Toronto. We had people lining up for video games and now others lining up for the beer stores, which are staying open as they are "essential services" apparently.

I can't live in fear, but, caution and respect of minimizing risk is important. Outside of the fact it is extremely contagious and particularly harmful to those with underlying health conditions, this really just seems to be a very strong flu. As we all know, even the common cold kills many each year.
I would think the point would be to stop the spread of the virus......so everything can get back to 'normal'. Unfortunately about the only way to do that would be to shut everything down and people in their homes for 2 weeks to get this under control...….instead of tip toeing around it, while it continues to spread, the situation continues to get worse, jobs, economy and the people continue to decline and it gets further out of control.

I'm 60, disabled, and high risk...….was born with under developed lungs, have smoked for 48 years, as a kid had chronic bronchitis, double walking pneumonia and other similar health issues......not to mention degenerative bone disease, especially in my lumbar and a Triple Negative Breast cancer survivor........but other than all that I'm fine. Though I am having allergy issues with sinus's and runny nose.

I'm not worried about this virus anymore than any other virus or flu. I've never had a flu shot because I don't see the point of getting one that may not stop me from catching it anyway. Those vaccines are produced and ready for market on the assumption it will help whatever strain actually hits that year, long before an outbreak actually occurs. Like a few years ago, flu shots were being given out, but the strain that actually hit was totally different and the shots were ineffective...…..and it would take over a year to produce the correct vaccine for that strain, which would be too late. Sorry, but I'm not a pin cushion for pharma profits.

Now....having said all that? Knowing my risks with any contagion whether it be Covid this year, or any flu any year AND because of having been a caregiver, it's automatic for me to wash my hands and other similar precautions to avoid spreading germs. I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'. Spring is here with summer right around the corner, and I'd rather spend my time outside than indoors anyday….weather permitting and sometimes that doesn't stop me either.

If I do catch this Covid, I doubt I'll know it, cause I rarely go to the Dr and I'll do what I normally would when sick. If all that fails, whether I live or die, is not my call and if I do die, then it will be my time to do so.

So in other words...…what would I do? or what would I do differently??? Not a damn thing really
1. Tell the country to go back to work.
Tell the country no matter how real the threat is, it's being used for control of us...
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
respect the chain of infection & touch zone...
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
I just go shopping
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
see #2
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

I would think the point would be to stop the spread of the virus......so everything can get back to 'normal'. Unfortunately about the only way to do that would be to shut everything down and people in their homes for 2 weeks to get this under control...….instead of tip toeing around it, while it continues to spread, the situation continues to get worse, jobs, economy and the people continue to decline and it gets further out of control.

I'm 60, disabled, and high risk...….was born with under developed lungs, have smoked for 48 years, as a kid had chronic bronchitis, double walking pneumonia and other similar health issues......not to mention degenerative bone disease, especially in my lumbar and a Triple Negative Breast cancer survivor........but other than all that I'm fine. Though I am having allergy issues with sinus's and runny nose.

I'm not worried about this virus anymore than any other virus or flu. I've never had a flu shot because I don't see the point of getting one that may not stop me from catching it anyway. Those vaccines are produced and ready for market on the assumption it will help whatever strain actually hits that year, long before an outbreak actually occurs. Like a few years ago, flu shots were being given out, but the strain that actually hit was totally different and the shots were ineffective...…..and it would take over a year to produce the correct vaccine for that strain, which would be too late. Sorry, but I'm not a pin cushion for pharma profits.

Now....having said all that? Knowing my risks with any contagion whether it be Covid this year, or any flu any year AND because of having been a caregiver, it's automatic for me to wash my hands and other similar precautions to avoid spreading germs. I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'. Spring is here with summer right around the corner, and I'd rather spend my time outside than indoors anyday….weather permitting and sometimes that doesn't stop me either.

If I do catch this Covid, I doubt I'll know it, cause I rarely go to the Dr and I'll do what I normally would when sick. If all that fails, whether I live or die, is not my call and if I do die, then it will be my time to do so.

So in other words...…what would I do? or what would I do differently??? Not a damn thing really
You can give in if you want, but I plan to fight to stay alive. I've done it before.
1. Tell the country to go back to work.
Tell the country no matter how real the threat is, it's being used for control of us...
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
respect the chain of infection & touch zone...
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
I just go shopping
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
see #2
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

It's being used to control us? By whom? To do what?

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