What Would You Say If You Were Over 60 ?

I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'.
good point>>>

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
Tell the country no matter how real the threat is, it's being used for control of us...
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
respect the chain of infection & touch zone...
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
I just go shopping
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
see #2
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

It's being used to control us? By whom? To do what?
media & gub'mit
to simply have us do what they demand of us
I would think the point would be to stop the spread of the virus......so everything can get back to 'normal'. Unfortunately about the only way to do that would be to shut everything down and people in their homes for 2 weeks to get this under control...….instead of tip toeing around it, while it continues to spread, the situation continues to get worse, jobs, economy and the people continue to decline and it gets further out of control.

I'm 60, disabled, and high risk...….was born with under developed lungs, have smoked for 48 years, as a kid had chronic bronchitis, double walking pneumonia and other similar health issues......not to mention degenerative bone disease, especially in my lumbar and a Triple Negative Breast cancer survivor........but other than all that I'm fine. Though I am having allergy issues with sinus's and runny nose.

I'm not worried about this virus anymore than any other virus or flu. I've never had a flu shot because I don't see the point of getting one that may not stop me from catching it anyway. Those vaccines are produced and ready for market on the assumption it will help whatever strain actually hits that year, long before an outbreak actually occurs. Like a few years ago, flu shots were being given out, but the strain that actually hit was totally different and the shots were ineffective...…..and it would take over a year to produce the correct vaccine for that strain, which would be too late. Sorry, but I'm not a pin cushion for pharma profits.

Now....having said all that? Knowing my risks with any contagion whether it be Covid this year, or any flu any year AND because of having been a caregiver, it's automatic for me to wash my hands and other similar precautions to avoid spreading germs. I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'. Spring is here with summer right around the corner, and I'd rather spend my time outside than indoors anyday….weather permitting and sometimes that doesn't stop me either.

If I do catch this Covid, I doubt I'll know it, cause I rarely go to the Dr and I'll do what I normally would when sick. If all that fails, whether I live or die, is not my call and if I do die, then it will be my time to do so.

So in other words...…what would I do? or what would I do differently??? Not a damn thing really
You can give in if you want, but I plan to fight to stay alive. I've done it before.
That's funny because you misinterpreted my post, nowhere did I say I would give in...….I just said I wouldn't do anything differently.

Whether you realize it or not, we all 'fight for our lives' every single day. I already take precautions against germs and have for most my life, so that doesn't change. I'm not a germaphobe, nor is my house spotless...….but I do use common sense all the time, every day. I see no need to 'all of a sudden' get all stressed out over some bug, that may never effect me. Stress of any kind puts a lot of strain on the body's defenses, so why weaken your immune system when you need it most? Your mind has a lot to do with your overall health. Stress, how you deal with it, how you think (positively or negatively) all contribute to how your body can handle it's response to illness.
I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'.
good point>>>


Yep, healthy food with high nutritional values are highly important...….that also includes healthy animal fats as well. But that is still only a part of the picture. Mind, body and spirit all work together when it comes to overall health.
I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'.
good point>>>


Yep, healthy food with high nutritional values are highly important...….that also includes healthy animal fats as well. But that is still only a part of the picture. Mind, body and spirit all work together when it comes to overall health.

I want to commend your attitude and I'm very sorry for the illnesses and conditions you have suffered.

There are a LOT of people out there now all over the internet going wild saying they have this and that condition or disorder so everyone must do this or that to sustain their life.


That's only going to fly, ethically and morally, for so long and into so many venues. For example, giving up leisure activities such as concerts, beach trips and sporting events: absolutely. Giving up our jobs and livelihoods and crashing the economy--I'm not so sure. Please do not think I'm saying your life is meaningless or worthless. I'm just saying all these fragile or ill people saying "you're putting me at risk!" do not understand ALL the factors that go into complex societal decisions like this when they say this.

One last thing. Being inconvenienced to sustain life--maybe after this is over, we should revisit the discussion, and open up abortion again. Since we as a society have decided it's worthwhile to be inconvenienced to sustain life.
I've never had a flu shot because I don't see the point of getting one that may not stop me from catching it anyway. Those vaccines are produced and ready for market on the assumption it will help whatever strain actually hits that year, long before an outbreak actually occurs. Like a few years ago, flu shots were being given out, but the strain that actually hit was totally different and the shots were ineffective...…..and it would take over a year to produce the correct vaccine for that strain, which would be too late. Sorry, but I'm not a pin cushion for pharma profits.

Good points. The other possible, and devastating side-effect of flu vaccines is paralysis from the waist down. One of my sister-in-laws got a flu shot. A few days later she could not walk. Thankfully the flu vaccine paralysis (Guillain-Barré syndrome) passed after a few weeks and she fully recovered after a couple months. For some folks, the flu vaccine paralysis does not resolve. Meanwhile the CDC basically denies the flu shot causes any such side effects.

Myself, never had a flu shot, never will. Sure as hell would never take a shot for the Kung Flu. :p Especially since we all know the Malaria drug cures the virus along with the anti-bacterial to prevent secondary infections cures the Chinese Flu.
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Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

I am over 60, and want this to end. Everyone dies of course. But those who are dying now aren't even getting proper funeral masses or visitation. Just getting planted, wham,bam, thank you ma'am.

The idea of a Permanent Lockdown is really attractive to liberals, but I don't see it as wonderful as they are suggesting.

Start at 6:25..........a time when we didn't have the Media we have today.

In 1957, which was on the whole a much milder illness than that of 1918, the global death toll was estimated to be around 2 million. In 1957, the Asian flu pandemic resulted in about 70,000 deaths in the United States. An excess 30,000 deaths occurred in England and Wales of which 6,716 were ascribed to influenza itself. Estimates in the UK ranged from 1.3 to 3.5 deaths/1,000 cases. An estimate from 29 British general practices was 2.3 deaths per 1,000 cases attended.
I'm 72 and I'll do nothing different except maybe miss out on a Bucket List race because of fear mongering freaks.
SMH- but, be sure to rush to tell me how terrible I am- and never, ever consider looking at me through objective eyes and trying to figure out why I rarely even get a cold when I've been smoking since I was 15, I drink coffee all day long, eat what I want when I want - I've had walking pneumonia once in my life 30+ years ago and I've had the flu in the last 12 or 13 years once really bad and once just feel really bad.
Good lord people! It's the flu

Where was all this hysteria with the above?
I'm 62 and today I played golf on a beautiful day. I went to the drug store to get flonase for my allergies. I used hand sanitizer when I entered the store. I stayed away from people and they stayed away from me. It sickens me to see the country brought to it's knees by what I consider an over reaction to a god damned cold virus.

Again, your call.

Overreaction or not....I just wonder why the whole fucking country has to hide when it is the elderly that are the most vulnerable.

If I Lived next to a 60 year old, I'd offer to do groceries, do errands (all with gloves and disinfectant.

Don't know how that would not be the same as today.

But, the coutnry would be working......
Maybe it would have been a good idea, but it's way too late now.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

Well we are all pretty much on our own aren't we?

Post an answer to the question or shove your computer up your ass.
I'm 62 and today I played golf on a beautiful day. I went to the drug store to get flonase for my allergies. I used hand sanitizer when I entered the store. I stayed away from people and they stayed away from me. It sickens me to see the country brought to it's knees by what I consider an over reaction to a god damned cold virus.

Again, your call.

Overreaction or not....I just wonder why the whole fucking country has to hide when it is the elderly that are the most vulnerable.

If I Lived next to a 60 year old, I'd offer to do groceries, do errands (all with gloves and disinfectant.

Don't know how that would not be the same as today.

But, the coutnry would be working......
Maybe it would have been a good idea, but it's way too late now.

Why is that ?
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
I am over 60, and here's what I'm doing: I'm staying home as much as possible, I haven't seen the grandkids in over a week (I usually see them twice a week), I go shopping when necessary, I'm trying to support local businesses as much as I can. Otherwise, I'm watching TV, looking at stuff online, reading, or listening to music. In some ways, it's not so bad!
About what I do

I minimize my trips to the store and keep my hands in my pockets as much as possible.
I take my dog for a walk at the nearby county park and ride my bike for exercise
I would think the point would be to stop the spread of the virus......so everything can get back to 'normal'. Unfortunately about the only way to do that would be to shut everything down and people in their homes for 2 weeks to get this under control...….instead of tip toeing around it, while it continues to spread, the situation continues to get worse, jobs, economy and the people continue to decline and it gets further out of control.

I'm 60, disabled, and high risk...….was born with under developed lungs, have smoked for 48 years, as a kid had chronic bronchitis, double walking pneumonia and other similar health issues......not to mention degenerative bone disease, especially in my lumbar and a Triple Negative Breast cancer survivor........but other than all that I'm fine. Though I am having allergy issues with sinus's and runny nose.

I'm not worried about this virus anymore than any other virus or flu. I've never had a flu shot because I don't see the point of getting one that may not stop me from catching it anyway. Those vaccines are produced and ready for market on the assumption it will help whatever strain actually hits that year, long before an outbreak actually occurs. Like a few years ago, flu shots were being given out, but the strain that actually hit was totally different and the shots were ineffective...…..and it would take over a year to produce the correct vaccine for that strain, which would be too late. Sorry, but I'm not a pin cushion for pharma profits.

Now....having said all that? Knowing my risks with any contagion whether it be Covid this year, or any flu any year AND because of having been a caregiver, it's automatic for me to wash my hands and other similar precautions to avoid spreading germs. I prefer a more natural/holistic approach to health and a belief in 'Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food'. Spring is here with summer right around the corner, and I'd rather spend my time outside than indoors anyday….weather permitting and sometimes that doesn't stop me either.

If I do catch this Covid, I doubt I'll know it, cause I rarely go to the Dr and I'll do what I normally would when sick. If all that fails, whether I live or die, is not my call and if I do die, then it will be my time to do so.

So in other words...…what would I do? or what would I do differently??? Not a damn thing really

You sound at high risk and it seems our resources should be pointed at preventing you from catching it.

My 30 year old neighbors should be working to support their kids.

We can both protect you and let them work.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.

I'm over 70 and carrying on as usual. Those with underlying medical conditions should sequester themselves. The rest, keep calm and carry on.

Again....the point is that we could do things to help without fucking up the country.
Absolutely. The focus should not be a unilateral shutdown. The focus should be on people helping people, especially the old and vulnerable. And maybe the best scenario is healthy old people like me helping less healthy old people and let the young people work and raise their families. They have plenty to do already.
The point of the shutdown is to slow the spread of the virus. As I posted elsewhere, the spread is accelerating. If too many people get sick at once, people will die who could have been saved.

That is correct.

But, if you look at the numbers, New York is every place eventually.

You are not going to stop it.

The country can't stay holed up for that long.

It just isn't feasible.

My question is pointed at what would you do if you were 60.

If I were 60:

I'd tell the country to go back to work. Deal with the sniffles and whatnot.

But keep the elderly or vulnerable in a situation where they are protected and can be managed in a way that won't create the situation you described.
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
Ewww, 60?

Who cares what old people think (If they are not wealthy)....they are too busy watching Matlock...

By the age of 60, you lived a good life -- you shouldn't be so selfish as to hurt the rest of the country just because you are afraid of a cold....
Thought experiment:

If you were 60, what would you do in the face of this crisis ?

I would:

1. Tell the country to go back to work.
2. Help me isolate myself by using common sense.
3. I would not go shopping. I'd ask someone to do it for me....maybe using gloves.
4. I would not want people in my home unless necessary.
5. I would get outside as much as possible and breath fresh air (unless I lived in L.A.).

What would you do.
Ewww, 60?

Who cares what old people think (If they are not wealthy)....they are too busy watching Matlock...

By the age of 60, you lived a good life -- you shouldn't be so selfish as to hurt the rest of the country just because you are afraid of a cold....

Did you read the OP...what you quoted.

What did number 1 say ?

2 and 3 are not that hard. You certainly would not want them all living together. Keep them home and keep them protected. Don't do stupid stuff.

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