What you arent hearing about the latest failures of Socialism, "CHINA".


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

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Come on libs, you are so proud of CHINA and how well they treat their people, and you so much want to be like them. Lets debate....I mean you want this country to be Socialist just like CHINA..

Capitalism has failed we need to try something different and new so lets give socialism a shot ,...ya know the system thats failed wherever its tried

CAUSE This time people like aoc and lizbith warren will get it right

From A legal Cuban refugee.... It takes balls to try and windsurf all the way to the united states
He hit a giant sea weed patch
Today he yells at his American kids for wasting food ...

Sep 01 2019
He Windsurfed 90 Miles to Tell Us This
When Big Government gets so out of control that it becomes the societal equivalent of stage IV cancer, this is called socialism. It is a matter of life and death not to succumb to this condition. Don’t take my word for it. Here is a guy who knows socialism well enough to have tried to windsurf across 90 miles of shark-infested ocean to escape from it:

Of course, Democrats wouldn’t throw you in jail for eating meat. Not yet, anyway. For now, they will settle for punitive taxes.
On a tip from Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.
The supposition of China being a so called socialist nation is laughable. When did it change from a communist dictatorship? When did the people choose socialism? Who set up the socialist government and with what goals in mind?
Now why is tRump so envious of them and North Korea? Wouldn't be cause they are doing fine and we are sucking hind end.
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
Watch Hong Kong.

The Chinese democrats are doing what the American democrats wish they could.
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
It has been shit fucks like you libtards that have always said that the US of A is a unfair country with its Income Inequality, private healthcare instead of universal healthcare that CHINA has. This is the problem with you fucking worthless retards, never ever take responsibility for your actions, just deny, deny, deny. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, got the shit out of your eyes, you would see that before CHINA and the US of A makes a deal the human rights abuses of CHINA is going to be taken care of. But you wont, because with your extreme radical hatred of the president , you will still hate him. And this is why we hate your stinking guts.
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
Obama Wishes He Was President Of China (And So Do I)
If you’re president of China, people around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help. If you’re president of China, you don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections, and then negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators. If you’re president of China, you can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content. And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, people take you seriously.

The supposition of China being a so called socialist nation is laughable. When did it change from a communist dictatorship? When did the people choose socialism? Who set up the socialist government and with what goals in mind?
Now why is tRump so envious of them and North Korea? Wouldn't be cause they are doing fine and we are sucking hind end.
North Korea is doing fine ? Are you fucking retarded ?
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.

You must not be reading the board because it is the left crying over Trump tearing up the trade deal and putting tariffs on Chinese made goods...
The supposition of China being a so called socialist nation is laughable. When did it change from a communist dictatorship? When did the people choose socialism? Who set up the socialist government and with what goals in mind?
Now why is tRump so envious of them and North Korea? Wouldn't be cause they are doing fine and we are sucking hind end.

North Korea is doing fine?

In what reality?

Also if you dig into China and it oppression of Muslims and non-supporters of the Communist Party in China you would realize they are not your friend...

China has been our enemy longer than I have been alive and Nixon biggest mistake ( which were many ) was opening Pandora Box with China!
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
It has been shit fucks like you libtards that have always said that the US of A is a unfair country with its Income Inequality, private healthcare instead of universal healthcare that CHINA has. This is the problem with you fucking worthless retards, never ever take responsibility for your actions, just deny, deny, deny. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, got the shit out of your eyes, you would see that before CHINA and the US of A makes a deal the human rights abuses of CHINA is going to be taken care of. But you wont, because with your extreme radical hatred of the president , you will still hate him. And this is why we hate your stinking guts.

Every first world country in the world has universal health care except the US. Conservatives claim that it can’t be done because the USA has 300 million people. Well China has more and they have universal health care too.

You fools keep telling us that Americans are “exceptional” yet you can’t figure out how to take care of your own people properly.

Everything is about greed and profits and screwing over the little guys.
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
It has been shit fucks like you libtards that have always said that the US of A is a unfair country with its Income Inequality, private healthcare instead of universal healthcare that CHINA has. This is the problem with you fucking worthless retards, never ever take responsibility for your actions, just deny, deny, deny. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, got the shit out of your eyes, you would see that before CHINA and the US of A makes a deal the human rights abuses of CHINA is going to be taken care of. But you wont, because with your extreme radical hatred of the president , you will still hate him. And this is why we hate your stinking guts.

Every first world country in the world has universal health care except the US. Conservatives claim that it can’t be done because the USA has 300 million people. Well China has more and they have universal health care too.

You fools keep telling us that Americans are “exceptional” yet you can’t figure out how to take care of your own people properly.

Everything is about greed and profits and screwing over the little guys.

You are correct but show the board the type of care the poor Chinese get versus the care party leaders get?

Show the type of care Muslim Chinese get versus Communist Party Leaders get?

You write about how they can do it without writing about the reality of how they implement it and who actually benefits from the top guilty care versus the standard care that is below standards...
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
It has been shit fucks like you libtards that have always said that the US of A is a unfair country with its Income Inequality, private healthcare instead of universal healthcare that CHINA has. This is the problem with you fucking worthless retards, never ever take responsibility for your actions, just deny, deny, deny. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, got the shit out of your eyes, you would see that before CHINA and the US of A makes a deal the human rights abuses of CHINA is going to be taken care of. But you wont, because with your extreme radical hatred of the president , you will still hate him. And this is why we hate your stinking guts.

Every first world country in the world has universal health care except the US. Conservatives claim that it can’t be done because the USA has 300 million people. Well China has more and they have universal health care too.

You fools keep telling us that Americans are “exceptional” yet you can’t figure out how to take care of your own people properly.

Everything is about greed and profits and screwing over the little guys.
Yeah, doing them real good, all the universal healthcare and they are still rioting. Is rioting what you want? Go to fucking CHINA.
Remember a few years ago, when all the socialists were pointing at how great China was, because of their perfection of the Socialist Dream and that the US of A should follow. Why dont we hear from the Socialists now, how great CHINA is? Or is it very hard to talk about CHINA when you have shit in your mouth, from having your head up your ass?

You know what is happening in China now, we saw in Venezuela just a little while ago. Is there something amiss with Socialism?

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon as protests turn violent

View attachment 277019

When did anyone ever declare China to be anything other than a totalitarian nightmare? Other than conservatives raving about the joys of a lack of environmental regulations and the wonders of cheap labour, and how unions were destroying American manufacturing with their demands to be paid a living wage, nobody has ever said a kind word about the Chinese government in my lifetime.

This is a dictatorship which slaughtered millions of its own people, and has a long sorry history of human rights abuses. Trump has been castigated for failing to mention Chinese human rights abuses in his dealings with them.

You must be dreaming in technicolour if you think anyone has suggested the US be more like China.
It has been shit fucks like you libtards that have always said that the US of A is a unfair country with its Income Inequality, private healthcare instead of universal healthcare that CHINA has. This is the problem with you fucking worthless retards, never ever take responsibility for your actions, just deny, deny, deny. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, got the shit out of your eyes, you would see that before CHINA and the US of A makes a deal the human rights abuses of CHINA is going to be taken care of. But you wont, because with your extreme radical hatred of the president , you will still hate him. And this is why we hate your stinking guts.

...Well China has more and they have universal health care too.



Who told you that?
Where are people getting this idea that China has universal health care?

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