What you should know about Islam

Muslim is a culture, tradition, social order, etc., and does not require a belief in a supreme being, just like Judaism.
What people these days forget, is that at one time government did not provide social services.
That was all the responsibility of religions.
So these older religions have many diverse social functions other than just worshiping a divine being.
What is this nonsense? Islamic teaching is an Abrahamic teaching, it is built on the same scripture as Judaism, Islamists recognize as the highest god the Jewish god Yahweh and they respect Jewish and Christians, calling them people of scripture
What is this nonsense? Islamic teaching is an Abrahamic teaching, it is built on the same scripture as Judaism, Islamists recognize as the highest god the Jewish god Yahweh and they respect Jewish and Christians, calling them people of scripture
you should speak to christians and jews who have or had the "good
fortune" of being born in lands controlled by muslims. Were you
educated in a madrassa?
you should speak to christians and jews who have or had the "good
fortune" of being born in lands controlled by muslims. Were you
educated in a madrassa?
What is this reasoning? Islamists themselves are at war with each other, this is just a tool of politics.
It was such and initially, when the Arabs attracted adepts on the side of the enemies to their side in order to colonize Central Asia and Turkestan, then they used this as an instrument of control and exploitation of the enslaved peoples, the same was done by the Franks and Goths under the flags of Christianity in Europe.
What is this reasoning? Islamists themselves are at war with each other, this is just a tool of politics.
It was such and initially, when the Arabs attracted adepts on the side of the enemies to their side in order to colonize Central Asia and Turkestan, then they used this as an instrument of control and exploitation of the enslaved peoples, the same was done by the Franks and Goths under the flags of Christianity in Europe.
yes-----christians did HISTORICALLY act as disgusting as do muslims
to this day
and jews who have or had the "good
By the way, this is especially funny considering that the same Pashtuns consider themselves Jews and have every reason for this. They have Jewish rituals and so on.
I think that in the early stages, all the Abrahamic movements were generally indistinguishable, their differences are explained only by mimicry under the local traditions of the colonized lands. So in particular, Islam borrowed a lot from Zoroastrianism, including even the symbol of the star and the crescent.
Here it is this symbolism on the coins of the Sassanids.

They had to accept this even though the Abrahamic teachings were full of hatred for the "polytheists" and their heavenly attributes.
By the way, this is especially funny considering that the same Pashtuns consider themselves Jews and have every reason for this. They have Jewish rituals and so on.
I think that in the early stages, all the Abrahamic movements were generally indistinguishable, their differences are explained only by mimicry under the local traditions of the colonized lands. So in particular, Islam borrowed a lot from Zoroastrianism, including even the symbol of the star and the crescent.
your historic revisionism is hilarious. The pashtuns do not have
jewish rituals. Their language does include lots of FARSI but they
are by no means zoroastrians nor does islam borrow from Zoroastrianism. Muslims in Southeast Asia----LOVE to describe
themselves as jewish converts to islam------I know this stuff because
I worked with SCORES AND SCORES of muslims from south east Asia
upon whom islam was imposed by conquest ---another reality that they like to deny
Here it is this symbolism on the coins of the Sassanids.

They had to accept this even though the Abrahamic teachings were full of hatred for the "polytheists" and their heavenly attributes.
you have made no point
It seems that this is not even a Sassanian, but an even more ancient Aryan symbol, judging by the fact that it is found together with chariots. They use the symbolism of "polytheists", their main enemies.

It seems that this is not even a Sassanian, but an even more ancient Aryan symbol, judging by the fact that it is found together with chariots. They use the symbolism of "polytheists", their main enemies.

you get stupider by the minute
no means zoroastrians
Judaism also borrows a lot from Zoroastrianism, for example, ritual purity came there from Zoroastrianism.
Christians and Islamists quite transparently borrowed from there the ideas of the heaven and hell and purgatory and retribution. Christian fire hordes are from there too. Christian and Jewish attributes of light and candles too, moreover, in the theory of Judeo-Christianity, fire rituals do not have any intelligible explanations.
your historic revisionism is hilarious. The pashtuns do not have
jewish rituals. Their language does include lots of FARSI but they
are by no means zoroastrians nor does islam borrow from Zoroastrianism. Muslims in Southeast Asia----LOVE to describe
themselves as jewish converts to islam------I know this stuff because
I worked with SCORES AND SCORES of muslims from south east Asia
upon whom islam was imposed by conquest ---another reality that they like to deny

Just How Similar are Pashtun and Jewish People? | Sharnoff ...
The Pashtun people who live in Afghanistan and Pakistan have common historical, linguistic and cultural similarities with Jewish people. Previously, we have compared the Pashtunwali , an unwritten code of conduct for the Pashtun people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, with the Jewish Torah.
The Pashtuns are the Tribes of Israel
The Pashtuns are the Tribes of Israel. The Pashtuns, who live in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, have a very special tradition, which says they are Bene Israel, and is widely spread among some of the Pashtun tribes. In this article we intend to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this tradition is true, and they are in fact the descendants of the 10 tribes of Israel, who were taken to Afghanistan thousands of years ago.
Lost Ten Tribes Have Been Found and You Will Never …
Pashtun men wear four-cornered fringed garments that are similar, though not completely identical to, Jewish prayer shawls. The Pashtun are Muslims and therefore, observe the Sabbath on Friday. Nevertheless, many of the Pashtun light Sabbath candles in their homes on Friday evening like Jewish world at large, which celebrates the Sabbath from Friday evening until Saturday evening.
Many Christian icons are directly inherited images of the Anahita. The type of Christian icon of the Intercession is a typical prayer gesture in Zoroastrianism. The same goes for the palm-to-chest gesture. The very epithet of the Virgin Mary "immaculate" is the translation of the name of Anahita.
Old Judaism is not what is now understood by this word. "Temple" Judaism was more like Brahmanism and the pagan cults of old Europe, where the main ritual was the burning of the sacrifice on the altar. Maybe modern Judaism inherited something from there, but in fact, it has almost nothing in common with it, even Christianity with its Eucharist is closer to it, through Dionysianism and pagan cults, than modern Judaism. If in Judaism there is something left from there, it is only kosher slaughter of cattle.

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