What you should know about Islam

That is obviously false.
No one agreed with Osama bin Laden's plan to attack the US.
I have no idea why, but it is clear no one "gave Bin Laden license to kill".
Certainly not the Taliban, who had him arrested.
Not Saudi Arabia, who wanted to execute him.

While the US clearly has committed crimes, that problem with 9/11 is that no one in the WTC was guilty.
No it is not the heads of Islam, its scholars, told Bin Laden he could kill up to 1 million, children included. Advancing Islam is piety.
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That is obviously false.
No one agreed with Osama bin Laden's plan to attack the US.
I have no idea why, but it is clear no one "gave Bin Laden license to kill".
Certainly not the Taliban, who had him arrested.
Not Saudi Arabia, who wanted to execute him.

While the US clearly has committed crimes, that problem with 9/11 is that no one in the WTC was guilty.
Obviously false? in my town there was so much celebration
that the arab bakery ran out of mamoul
Surada lied again -----islamonazi style People were writing books and poetry in Hebrew all thurout the period of time between the 1st
century to 1948. The poetess who wrote the poetm that appears on the statue of liberty ----Emma Lazarus ---wrote most of her poetry in
hebrew. Surada has a dead soul

Not somebody I know much about.
Lazarus was a friend and admirer of the American political economist Henry George. She believed deeply in Georgist economic reforms and became active in the "single tax" movement for land value tax. Lazarus published a poem in the New York Times named after George's book, Progress and Poverty.[29]

Lazarus became more interested in her Jewish ancestry as she heard of the Russian pogroms that followed the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881. As a result of this anti-Semitic violence, and the poor standard of living in Russia in general, thousands of destitute Ashkenazi Jews emigrated from the Russian Pale of Settlement to New York. Lazarus began to advocate on behalf of indigent Jewish immigrants. She helped establish the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York to provide vocational training to assist destitute Jewish immigrants to become self-supporting. Lazarus volunteered in the Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society employment bureau; she eventually became a strong critic of the organization.[30] In 1883, she founded the Society for the Improvement and Colonization of East European Jews.[8]

The literary fruits of identification with her religion were poems like "The Crowing of the Red Cock", "The Banner of the Jew", "The Choice", "The New Ezekiel", "The Dance to Death" (a strong, though unequally executed drama), and her last published work (March 1887), "By the Waters of Babylon: Little Poems in Prose", which constituted her strongest claim to a foremost rank in American literature. During the same period (1882–87), Lazarus translated the Hebrew poets of medieval Spain with the aid of the German versions of Michael Sachs and Abraham Geiger, and wrote articles, signed and unsigned, upon Jewish subjects for the Jewish press, besides essays on "Bar Kochba", "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow", "M. Renan and the Jews", and others for Jewish literary associations.[20] Several of her translations from medieval Hebrew writers found a place in the ritual of American synagogues.[5] Lazarus's most notable series of articles was that titled "An Epistle to the Hebrews" (The American Hebrew, November 10, 1882 – February 24, 1883), in which she discussed the Jewish problems of the day, urged a technical and a Jewish education for Jews, and ranged herself among the advocates of an independent Jewish nationality and of Jewish repatriation in Palestine. The only collection of poems issued during this period was Songs of a Semite: The Dance to Death and Other Poems (New York, 1882), dedicated to the memory of George Eliot.
Jesus bullshit. You've never seen or heard of him but now suggest you know him like a brother. You're a batshit crazy godbotherer .
I don't hear the gentle Jesus who has pleasant speech through you. No one will be saved without that. Their body will be burned up. I am not kidding. Judge as to has Jesus in them, and who does not. It is not good to walk in the dark. I am talking about dark, that is not seen. The battle is in the unseen.
Under the both the Shiite and Sunni, Muslims are called to prayer five times per day, three is an acceptable minimum is and they aren't praying to nothing, but Allah (a god), so the religion does require a belief in a supreme being and for the record, the word Islam, via its verb form, means submit, obey commands.
Unlike most of the Islamic world, Indonesia does allow "some" religious freedoms (namely the six recognized world religions) to be practiced there, the Muslim government stands aside while non-Muslims are persecuted in their communities.
All religion is basically b*llsh*t, but Islam is the most violent of the lot, largely because of the Quran and its passages, and many of those passages regarding violence, are not in the context of war.

Good point about Islam and "submission", but any religion that believes in an after life, has to also then believe we each have an immortal soul that is superior to us in our physical bodies. So prayers to Allah can be towards our own divine and immortal soul. Instead of the outer communication to a separate entity, it could be inward to our own higher self, much like Hindi contemplation.
But let us not forget Salam, meaning that Islam is also the religion of peace.
There are no passages in the Quran that promote violence except in defense.
I don't hear the gentle Jesus who has pleasant speech through you. No one will be saved without that. Their body will be burned up. I am not kidding. Judge as to has Jesus in them, and who does not. It is not good to walk in the dark. I am talking about dark, that is not seen. The battle is in the unseen.

Don't threaten me. Again, you do not know what happens to any one you do not have exclusive access to gods silly punishments and certainly no evidence of past events to support it.

Why do you continue to come here and belch religious crap when You know you cannot support it? Youre making a fool of yourself. You have no evidence and no brains.

You can attack me all day ducky and I love it. It gives me pleasure to expose the utter bullshit the thumpers peddle as fact. You must be mentally disturbed if you think you can ever convince me.
Oh I celebrate the Pentagon being attack, but only because that is justified retribution for previous crimes.
What crimes did the WTC commit?
dancing on the dead bodies of 200 people for the glory of allah
New Jersey english has SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES from Thomas
Jefferson english TODAY-----Hebrew spoken in Israel today is
closer to the hebrew of 2000 years ago English of 1000 years ago
is completely unintelligible to English speaking people today. The
dead sea scrolls read like todays HaAretz . Saruda has no idea----
saudi arabs cannot even talk to egyptian arabs---TODAY

The Dead Sea Scrolls were written after 70 AD, and before that, any written material was on Aramaic or Greek.
There is no contemporary writing in Hebrew, because there was no Hebrew alphabet before 70 AD.

And the Saudis and Egyptians I know say they can communicate fine.
No, I have read all of the Quran, (English translation), and it never suggest violence is ever good, and is only permitted in defense.
You must have no comprehension skills. You believe myths about Islam not Islam.

Start reading. The verses are there to prove what is said.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were written after 70 AD, and before that, any written material was on Aramaic or Greek.
There is no contemporary writing in Hebrew, because there was no Hebrew alphabet before 70 AD.

And the Saudis and Egyptians I know say they can communicate fine.
the dead sea scrolls were written BEFORE 70 AD and there was a
hebrew alphabet-----your saudi and egyptian friends LIED. What
there was not-----was an arabic alphabet. Were you educated in a
No, the idea is that if you punish past crimes, it prevent future murders.
the idea is KILL KILL KILL----I read the koran and I have worked with scores of jerks like you----educated in muslim countries
I know that there are overwhelming homosexuals among Pashtun Islamists.
how do you know?
From materials of American studies of the time spent by American peacekeepers in Pashtun villages and studies of their traditions. They used makeup and manicure, molested the American military with obscene proposals, they have homosexual stripteases and orgies with young boys.
By the way, one cannot say at all that Islam denies homosexuality in the usual sense of the word. This is praised by many Islamic writers. Their scholastics have a very complex hypocritical "Talmudism" in this regard, they may not recognize any same-sex sex as homosexuality. For example, there is an interpretation of "women for children, boys for pleasure", and simple pleasure is not considered homosexuality. There is also an interpretation that if it is not for love, then everything is ok.

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