What you should know about Islam

Surada lied again -----islamonazi style People were writing books and poetry in Hebrew all thurout the period of time between the 1st
century to 1948. The poetess who wrote the poetm that appears on the statue of liberty ----Emma Lazarus ---wrote most of her poetry in
hebrew. Surada has a dead soul

Strictly speaking, classical biblical Hebrew is a dead language. It is as dead as Akkadian, Ugaritic, Sumerian, or koiné Greek. We are dealing with a fixed set of texts, [ 12] not the Hebrew spoken in the nation of Israel today. Israeli Hebrew has significant differences from biblical Hebrew.
What an ugly lie. The whole Arab world condemned OBL. They revoked his Saudi citizenship in 1994 and condemned AQ. Why do you think he was buried at sea? NO Arab country would take the body.
another islamo nazi lie----it was the USA that buried surada's hero,
Osama; at sea and many of her fellow islamo nazi dogs raised objection. The USA made no attempt at all to give the muslim
HOLY MAN to an islamic country.
another islamo nazi lie----it was the USA that buried surada's hero,
Osama; at sea and many of her fellow islamo nazi dogs raised objection. The USA made no attempt at all to give the muslim
HOLY MAN to an islamic country.

No country would accept OBL's body and none protested his burial at sea. You sure are determined to foment hate, aren't you?

Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language of the Afroasiatic language family. Historically, it is regarded as the language of the Israelites, Judeans and their ancestors. It is the only Canaanite language still spoken and the only truly successful example of a revived dead language, and one of only two Northwest Semitic languages still spoken, the other being Aramaic.

Strictly speaking, classical biblical Hebrew is a dead language. It is as dead as Akkadian, Ugaritic, Sumerian, or koiné Greek. We are dealing with a fixed set of texts, [ 12] not the Hebrew spoken in the nation of Israel today. Israeli Hebrew has significant differences from biblical Hebrew.
New Jersey english has SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES from Thomas
Jefferson english TODAY-----Hebrew spoken in Israel today is
closer to the hebrew of 2000 years ago English of 1000 years ago
is completely unintelligible to English speaking people today. The
dead sea scrolls read like todays HaAretz . Saruda has no idea----
saudi arabs cannot even talk to egyptian arabs---TODAY
thanks for giving us WIKKI misinformation SARUDA. For those who do not know----Wikki is SHITTIED up with lots of islamo nazi propaganda
New Jersey english has SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES from Thomas
Jefferson english TODAY-----Hebrew spoken in Israel today is
closer to the hebrew of 2000 years ago English of 1000 years ago
is completely unintelligible to English speaking people today. The
dead sea scrolls read like todays HaAretz . Saruda has no idea----
saudi arabs cannot even talk to egyptian arabs---TODAY

Sure they can. Classic Arabic and Gulf Arabic are different, but they have no problem communicating.

Most scholars now date the demise of Hebrew as a spoken language to the end of the Roman period, or about 200 CE. It continued on as a literary language down through the Byzantine period from the 4th century CE. The exact roles of Aramaic and Hebrew remain hotly debated. A trilingual scenario has been proposed for the land of Israel.
Sure they can. Classic Arabic and Gulf Arabic are different, but they have no problem communicating.

Most scholars now date the demise of Hebrew as a spoken language to the end of the Roman period, or about 200 CE. It continued on as a literary language down through the Byzantine period from the 4th century CE. The exact roles of Aramaic and Hebrew remain hotly debated. A trilingual scenario has been proposed for the land of Israel.
BULLSHIT ^^^^^^ Hebrew never "demised"
thanks for giving us WIKKI misinformation SARUDA. For those who do not know----Wikki is SHITTIED up with lots of islamo nazi propaganda

Greek and Aramaic were the linga franca after the Babylonian exile. The languages spoken and the language of commerce. In 1948 Israel opened up many schools to teach Hebrew.

A Short History of the Hebrew Language | AHRC
When the Hebrews returned to the land of Israel, around 500 BC, it was believed that the Hebrews had abandoned the Hebrew language and instead spoke the Aramaic language, the language of …
Greek and Aramaic were the linga franca after the Babylonian exile. The languages spoken and the language of commerce. In 1948 Israel opened up many schools to teach Hebrew.

A Short History of the Hebrew Language | AHRC
When the Hebrews returned to the land of Israel, around 500 BC, it was believed that the Hebrews had abandoned the Hebrew language and instead spoke the Aramaic language, the language of …
Saruda lets her fingers do the walking thru WIKKI---NOT NEWS
SARUDA---- except the ABANDONED part----wishful thinking
in the minds of islamo nazi pigs. The ONLY people I have
encountered in the usa who are DENSELY illiterate have been
muslims ----"educated" in muslim countries----especially the
women. As to jews----even those who never attended school
(like my mother-in-law) could read and write a bit (in hebrew)
Sure they can. Classic Arabic and Gulf Arabic are different, but they have no problem communicating.

Most scholars now date the demise of Hebrew as a spoken language to the end of the Roman period, or about 200 CE. It continued on as a literary language down through the Byzantine period from the 4th century CE. The exact roles of Aramaic and Hebrew remain hotly debated. A trilingual scenario has been proposed for the land of Israel.

wrong again---both written (for the minority who can write) and spoken arabic vary WIDELY TODAY
Hebrew continued as a literary language until the 19th century AD
when it started to be a spoken language again
To what HOT debate do you refer, stupid? Aramaic remains
"literary" "trilingual"??? ladino and what else?
Muslim is a culture, tradition, social order, etc., and does not require a belief in a supreme being, just like Judaism.
What people these days forget, is that at one time government did not provide social services.
That was all the responsibility of religions.
So these older religions have many diverse social functions other than just worshiping a divine being.
Under the both the Shiite and Sunni, Muslims are called to prayer five times per day, three is an acceptable minimum is and they aren't praying to nothing, but Allah (a god), so the religion does require a belief in a supreme being and for the record, the word Islam, via its verb form, means submit, obey commands.
Unlike most of the Islamic world, Indonesia does allow "some" religious freedoms (namely the six recognized world religions) to be practiced there, the Muslim government stands aside while non-Muslims are persecuted in their communities.
All religion is basically b*llsh*t, but Islam is the most violent of the lot, largely because of the Quran and its passages, and many of those passages regarding violence, are not in the context of war.
Under the both the Shiite and Sunni, Muslims are called to prayer five times per day, three is an acceptable minimum is and they aren't praying to nothing, but Allah (a god), so the religion does require a belief in a supreme being and for the record, the word Islam, via its verb form, means submit, obey commands.
Unlike most of the Islamic world, Indonesia does allow "some" religious freedoms (namely the six recognized world religions) to be practiced there, the Muslim government stands aside while non-Muslims are persecuted in their communities.
All religion is basically b*llsh*t, but Islam is the most violent of the lot, largely because of the Quran and its passages, and many of those passages regarding violence, are not in the context of war.
Indonesia was, BEFORE ISLAM happened, a civilized land harboring
a plethora of religions regionally influenced---especially from India.
"...the six recognized world religions"?????? Indonesia is an islamo-nazi cesspit
No it is not. 9/11 was considered a pious act by Islamic religious leaders. In fact they gave Bin Laden license to kill.

That is obviously false.
No one agreed with Osama bin Laden's plan to attack the US.
I have no idea why, but it is clear no one "gave Bin Laden license to kill".
Certainly not the Taliban, who had him arrested.
Not Saudi Arabia, who wanted to execute him.

While the US clearly has committed crimes, that problem with 9/11 is that no one in the WTC was guilty.

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