What you should know about Islam

yes AL ISKANDER does excite them----mostly for his fondness of
young boys and brutality in war and keen zeal for EMPIRE
He was not brutal in the war, just the Macedonians colonized the Achaemenid empire, and then made coups. It was dirty politics and not real war. His army consisted of paltry foot soldiers recruited from slaves and peasants. Alexander himself at that time was a preteen sucker, moreover, he was a libertine glutton and an alcoholic, there are no such wariors.

The Seleucids did not build the empire either, they were there for only a few decades, and they were finally swept away by the Parthians less than a hundred years later. They could not organize anything in such a time, they only tried to suppress the uprisings all this time.
not only "colonized" TAKEN OVER
On the western side, this has never been a pure war. They were mainly engaged in political intrigues, organized sects, bribed the authorities and the like. When they seized power there, they were joined by detachments of local colonists and religious fanatics.
When they faced a direct military battle from Genghis Khan, they fled like cockroaches, were quickly defeated everywhere, this shows their real "military qualities".
In any case they fought with someone else's hands, and then when they used mercenary units from Central Asia.
Colonization took place there even before the war clashes.
He was not brutal in the war, just the Macedonians colonized the Achaemenid empire, and then made coups. It was dirty politics and not real war. His army consisted of paltry foot soldiers recruited from slaves and peasants. Alexander himself at that time was a preteen sucker, moreover, he was a libertine glutton and an alcoholic, there are no such wariors.

The Seleucids did not build the empire either, they were there for only a few decades, and they were finally swept away by the Parthians less than a hundred years later. They could not organize anything in such a time, they only tried to suppress the uprisings all this time.
the empire was CONSIDERABLY enlarged during the time of
Alexander's "rule"------his "rule" was brutal. I do not address his
chariot skills or lack thereof
the empire was CONSIDERABLY enlarged during the time of
Alexander's "rule"------his "rule" was brutal. I do not address his
chariot skills or lack thereof
Something completely incomprehensible what you mean. Before Alexander, the Macedonians had no Empire, they owned only Macedonia itself.
Something completely incomprehensible what you mean. Before Alexander, the Macedonians had no Empire, they owned only Macedonia itself.
semantics----Macedonia was Philip's empire----HE WAS KING
thereof. Then Alexander thru cunning and manipulation and
boy toys----managed to dig himself into all sorts of real estate
semantics----Macedonia was Philip's empire----HE WAS KING
thereof. Then Alexander thru cunning and manipulation and
boy toys----managed to dig himself into all sorts of real estate
Macedonia is a small piece of land in central Greece, in terms of territory it was 3 times smaller than Thrace, this is no "empire"
Islam wasn't a problem in England for centuries, but as their numbers increased in the twentieth and twenty-first century and they added more and more Muslim parliamentarians into the House of Commons, the situation has changed considerably. At one time, they bragged they had several parliamentarians, then they bragged that they had 12 Muslims in parliament and of the last elections, they've bragged that they now have 19 Muslims in parliament. They've also bragged that once they have enough in control of parliament, they can make important changes to the government. What do the non-Muslim parliamentarians openly think and say about it? Nothing.
You might want to keep that in mind as more and more Muslims funnel in from overseas and via our southern border.
Muslim funneling into our southern border, Now that is funny. Q-anon.
Here is what you seem to be either ignorant of, or choosing to ignore.
Muslims who believe themselves to be "true" Muslims, use "abrogation" when following the Quran. In short, Muhammad's latter teachings of war and hatred towards non-believers (infidels) and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Garbage, where can I find that in the Koran
Muslim funneling into our southern border, Now that is funny. Q-anon.
I have a very very intelligent mexican neighbor-----YUP---he told me
that the Mexican, USA border is rife with muslim crossover. In the
past it was Canada---but Canada became tighter and tighter
Garbage, where can I find that in the Koran
you can find the issue of ABROGATION in the scholarly discussions
on the koran by ISLAMIC "SCHOLARS" - ---in that INCREASED
VALUE is ascribed to the shit he expressed later in his glorious
career than earlier------he got MORE HOLY with age
I have a very very intelligent mexican neighbor-----YUP---he told me
that the Mexican, USA border is rife with muslim crossover. In the
past it was Canada---but Canada became tighter and tighter

you can find the issue of ABROGATION in the scholarly discussions
on the koran by ISLAMIC "SCHOLARS" - ---in that INCREASED
VALUE is ascribed to the shit he expressed later in his glorious
career than earlier------he got MORE HOLY with age
What a pile , You know a guy and bullshit on Your scholars , I know a guy also who say you full of it and I can send you to scholars that say the opposite, where is it in the Koran Ace. Your simply a Q-anon hater. Hate those dam Muslim people. The Bible is way more violent then the Koran. I've red them both , the Bible multiple times.

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