Whats More Anti-American?

So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?

Why is kneeling disrespectful.

It's what Catholics do in church.

Yes, that is what Catholics do in church, but not to disrespect anything.
The protesters are kneeling because they beleive it will help in their cause for social justice.

Big pharma is lying and killing tens of thousands of Americans, mostly soldiers, to make billions of dollars and then stash the money overseas.

Their is no parallel. If you care about soldiers and the police you should be a billion times more pissed at big pharma then football players.

You are manipulated to focus on kneeleing cause it distracts you from a tax plan about to raise tazes on the middle class to give more wealth to the rich.

Its that simple. Non violent kneelers verse companies killing soldiers. Its not even close.

I'm not distracted at all. I joined the millions of others who don't turn on the NFL any longer.

Every soldier and veteran that took opioid products knew of the addiction possibilities. It's the same with non-military civilians. The drug companies simply produce the drug. Every single doctor that prescribed the drug knew of the addiction risks as well. Nothing was hidden here. If you really want to do something for our solders, support the border wall where many of these drugs enter from.

As far as taxes go, what you see today is nothing like the final product. These bills are debated, changed, and changed again before anything is written in stone. Raise tax on the middle-class? Depends on what one considers the middle-class. It's a subjective term. The people that came up with that nonsense consider people making a good six figure salary the middle-class. According to FactCheck.org:

Connelly told us that not going up to the 90th percentile “can exclude a lot of middle class families, especially when recognizing the burdens of child care costs or high cost areas.”

We’ll leave that for readers to judge.

According to the TPC, the 90th percentile is about $217,000 in “expanded cash income” or about $158,000 in adjusted gross income in 2018. Expanded cash income is pretax income that also includes employee and employer contributions to health insurance and tax-preferred retirement accounts, retirement account income, non-taxable Social Security or pension income, employer share of payroll taxes, and food stamps. Expanded cash income would be similar to the total compensation reports that some employers send annually to employees, showing not just wages but benefits paid on their behalf.

We were able to duplicate Pelosi’s math for the year 2027, showing a tax increase of nearly $73 billion that year on taxpayers at the 90th percentile and below. But that same arithmetic shows a tax cut of even more — $102 billion — on the same group of taxpayers. Most taxpayers at the 90th percentile and below — about 65 percent of them — would get a tax cut in 2027, based on our calculations of TPC data.

In other words, while some in what Pelosi considers the “middle class” would see a tax increase, according to the TPC analysis of the GOP framework, more in that same group would see a tax cut.

A Tax Hike or Benefit for the 'Middle Class'? - FactCheck.org

So what this means is that middle-class (for their calculations) are everybody that's not in poverty or the top 10% of taxpayers in the country. As the article points out, more than half (the lower half) of that group will see a tax decrease--not an increase. In other words, more Democrat lying going on here.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?
It's just business.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

You are displaying the classic characteristics of an over emotional irrational Liberal. I won't be dragged into name calling which is of course what you really want as opposed to a real debate.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.

I noever joined the service you wack job. The study was just completed and they are already planning follow ups and over 400 people is way more then any pharma company conducts clinical trials on. To call i a joke is to completley misunderstand how such trials work. The results are also consistent with evidence that pharma covered up the fact that they knew full well the alternatives were just as effective. An entire presidnetial comission just came out and again suggested using alternatives than opioids. You also changed the argument of what it had been regarding some dumb ass logic that the profit motive usurps the lives of soldiers.

When a pharma company deliberately hides the the ultra addicitive nature of a drug they are knowingly indifferent to any deaths it will cause.

No its not intentional killing. Its voluntary manslaughter.

So, but to you, killing soldiers is less bad then kneeling. You have been utterly dominated in this discussion. Your only evidence.

"The study doesn't exist."
"the study is a joke."

Your a fucking moron.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.

Nobody knew how additive cause they covered it up. Why did they cover it up? Why did they cover up the alternatives?

Your willingness to side with ultra wealth over soldiers is vile. You hate this country so leave.
Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.

Nobody knew how additive cause they covered it up. Why did they cover it up? Why did they cover up the alternatives?

Your willingness to side with ultra wealth over soldiers is vile. You hate this country so leave.

An attitude more suitable for the FZ.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.
Dude, I am not making any assertion. I am refferring to a double blind clinical trial that proved this after testing it on over 400 patients.

Unlike you, I wouldn't make a medical judgment because I dont have any credentials to do so.

Medical professionals conducted a study and found such. Not me. Also, prescription level Tylenol and aspirin, not over the counter, and in combination.

Those 400 patients lied, pure and simple, or the data was inaccurate.

I have taken both types of painkillers. Tylenol kills your liver. Aspirin eats holes in your stomach. Opioids make you feel like you have no liver, no stomach and no body.
Last edited:
Dude, I am not making any assertion. I am refferring to a double blind clinical trial that proved this after testing it on over 400 patients.

Unlike you, I wouldn't make a medical judgment because I dont have any credentials to do so.

Medical professionals conducted a study and found such. Not me. Also, prescription level Tylenol and aspirin, not over the counter, and in combination.

Once again, I do not see a responsible source and link with your allegations. You are also changing your original statement. Probably the reason you refuse to provide any support.

Why won't you provide your source?
Second time providing loser:

A grim tally soars: More than 50K overdose deaths in US
Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever

Basic pain pills are as effective as opioids, study finds

I think it is hilarious that you keep mentioning a combination of aspirin and Tylenol when aspirin is not even mentioned in the studies!

If you cannot comprehend the difference in ibuprofen and aspirin, why are you even trying to discuss this topic? You are either dumber than dirt, or cannot read.
Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.

Let's cut to the chase right here: what is it you want to see done with opioid products exactly?

I want an investigation into how much information was covered up in terms of how much they knew about the addictive effects. Since we already know they deliberately hid some information I think criminal charges should be considered for those involved. I think they should be responsible for paying to help fix the problem, not us taxpayers, and I think the Ceos should offer an apology to any soldier killed as a result.

As for there continued usage, they should only be relegated to cases where there is no other possible pain reliever and any further profits made from them should be donated to charities that deal with addiction, and most importantly VETERANS.

Those people died for me and I'll be damned if Ill ever turn my back on them.

When did you first realize that opioids were addictive? I have known all of my life and I am not a youngster. Why were you so ignorant as to not know? Apparently everyone else did.
In terms of negative affects on America, clearly Big Pharma wins that one. In terms of deliberately disrespecting America, Veterans and Police the Kneelers win that one.

Big Pharma isn't inherently anti-American they are pro-profit and they are aided by their friends in Congress to keep pushing deadly Opioids. I also call BS on your assertion that Tylenol and Aspirin combined are as effective in treating pain as Opioids. No way.

Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

How is it a joke? It never mentions aspirin, which you have harped on about 30 posts or more.
The #1 cause of pain is life. The #1 cure has a 100% success rate, but is very, very tough to quit.
Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.

Nobody knew how additive cause they covered it up. Why did they cover it up? Why did they cover up the alternatives?

Your willingness to side with ultra wealth over soldiers is vile. You hate this country so leave.

Your replies of anti--American and "leave this country" as if you own it are getting very old very quick. You not only use them in this topic but others as well.

Judging by the way your write, I can tell you're a younger person. But as somebody older than you, trust me, we knew about opioids in the 70's. We had heroin addicts back then although not nearly as many as today. It wasn't a secret then and it isn't a secret now.
Knowingly hiding the horrible side affects of a drug, watching as tens of thousands die from it(INCLUDING SOLDIERS) is not only anti-American, but anti-human.

Stashing taxes overseas and making us pay for it is just salt in the wounds.

You are letting it be known that you side with the ultra rich over Americans being killed by them. You are anti-American and disrespectful to our soldiers.
I have been posting about the corruption of drug companies and Congress pushing Opioids for years. I have also been an advocate for legalizing THC as an alternative to Opioids. You are confusing anti-Americanism with the pure profit motive. It's all about the money and nothing to do with deliberately disrespecting America or soldiers. Do you understand? I also cannot find this double blind study you mentioned that proved tylenol and aspirin as effective as Opioids in reducing pain. Do you have a link?

He linked it on post 53. It's somewhat of a joke though.
How is it JOKE you fukcing moron. The study is available all over the web.

To the moron who says I am confusing anti-Americanism with profit go crawl into a fucking hole.

Are you trying to tell me its okay to knowingly kill soliders because you make a profit while its not okay to protest social justice non violently? What the fuck are you saying.

The most anti-American act you can comitt is killing Americans. Or in this case, defending these companies over soldiers.

You stupid fucks have no right to speak. "Its okay to kill soldiers for profit, but not to kneel for a flag for social justice." Invalid morons.

Is that why you joined this service, to call everybody that disagrees with you an anti-American? Probably not an American yourself.

As for your study, it was a joke. They only tried it with a little over 400 people and never followed up on the results. Plus it was the only study out there.

Nobody intended to kill anybody. These narcotics help millions of people every year. And again, it's not forced on anybody, everybody knows they can be addictive, and a certified doctor with that knowledge prescribes them. In the case of the VA, a government doctor writes the script.

I noever joined the service you wack job. The study was just completed and they are already planning follow ups and over 400 people is way more then any pharma company conducts clinical trials on. To call i a joke is to completley misunderstand how such trials work. The results are also consistent with evidence that pharma covered up the fact that they knew full well the alternatives were just as effective. An entire presidnetial comission just came out and again suggested using alternatives than opioids. You also changed the argument of what it had been regarding some dumb ass logic that the profit motive usurps the lives of soldiers.

When a pharma company deliberately hides the the ultra addicitive nature of a drug they are knowingly indifferent to any deaths it will cause.

No its not intentional killing. Its voluntary manslaughter.

So, but to you, killing soldiers is less bad then kneeling. You have been utterly dominated in this discussion. Your only evidence.

"The study doesn't exist."
"the study is a joke."

Your a fucking moron.

Look son, I posted the report that only 25% of people hooked on opioids were due to prescription. It's less the prescription drugs that are causing the problem, its the recreational use that's causing the problem. Why? Because when people use those drugs without medical supervision, that's how they end up dead. No doctor in the country would prescribe enough pain killers to actually kill somebody.

You're trying to blame drug companies instead of the irresponsibility of the users.

And before you call anybody a whack job or moron, maybe you better acquire better comprehension skills so you don't look so stupid. I never said "join the service" I said "join this service."
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