What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
Ame®icano;1578957 said:
I could agree to some point with this. Here is where we apart:

It's not about (fading) popularity, it's about ego. The actual issue of the Olympics is insignificant to the US. Having or not having the Olympics will not increase/decrease our global credibility or legitimacy. For Obama to get involved was purely a personal choice, one no US president has ever made before. He went to Copenhagen, lifted his chin, glanced over teleprompters couple of times and thought: "I got this".

IOC simply replied: "No, you don't."

Exactly. The IOC knocked him down off his perch. And we see that Obama isn't as impervious to International scorn as what we were told by the Statists before his immacculation.

Seems the "Messiah" is Human after all?

He always was. Silly people who thought otherwise.

But those people still try to uphold the 'Status'...why is that?

It's rather sick these folks with the 'Cult Of Personality' schtick.
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

I thought it was pretty embarassing considering everything he has on his plate, the economy, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and to take time off to pitch Chicago was in a way demeaning for the office of President and irresponsible but then to get voted out in the first round was pretty humiliating. Hopefully, he learned humbling lesson from this- he may think he is the all popular rock star but the rest of the world does not.:cuckoo:
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The embarrassment to America was brought upon ourselves by ourselves in that "we" (majority-wise speaking) voted for President Obama.

Beyond the fact that he has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the world doesn't stop hating America just because we elected that lightweight to high office, the bitch-slapping President Obama received at the hands of the IOC was just plain funny!

I laughed out loud -- literally. I had JUST discussed the prosepect with a conservative friend. We thought that if Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton had enough savvy not to go get our reeporters back from N. Korea without first having the deal approved in advance, that surely President Obama (experienced communist -- err -- community organizer that he is) would be savvy enough not to place his own stock on the line without having assurance that it was a done deal.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Mere moments later I happily texted my friend to announce the amazingly humorous news. :


President Obama turns out not to be nearly as smart as even Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton!


Too funny!

I don't get how Chicago's failure to draw the olympics there is that funny unless you're just looking to slam Obama at any moment you can find, but meh.

I'm still wondering if any reports came out on WHY the IOC threw Chicago out in the first round of voting.

Must have been racism.:D

It's the only reason anyone ever bucks Obama.

I appreciate that well thought-out and insightful response :rolleyes:
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

I thought it was pretty embarassing considering everything he has on his plate, the economy, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and to take time off to pitch Chicago was in a way demeaning for the office of President and irresponsible but then to get voted out in the first round was pretty humiliating. Hopefully, he learned humbling lesson from this- he may think he is the all popular rock star but the rest of the world does not.:cuckoo:

What Lesson.... Send Hillary?

Remember the Saturday Night Live Skits, when The Obama Character would call the Hillary Character in the middle of the night, and ask what to do?
I don't think being an egotist who's over-invested in frivolousness and under-invested in the outcome of realizing his own ideas is an impeachable offense, wethepeople.
Ame®icano;1578957 said:
uh, see post #298

Look, Divecon, we're actually in agreement in that I think the president should have avoided this IOC vote like the swine flu.
But for all of you to say this was lost because the great and powerful Obama the marxist dictator has lost his luster on the world stage is just silly.
One country had to win, three went home with a "Thanks for trying" ribbon.
We just didn't win. No big whoop.
I don't think it had anything to do with Obama's popularity or lack thereof. Just the way the cookie crumbled this time.

I could agree to some point with this. Here is where we apart:

It's not about (fading) popularity, it's about ego. The actual issue of the Olympics is insignificant to the US. Having or not having the Olympics will not increase/decrease our global credibility or legitimacy. For Obama to get involved was purely a personal choice, one no US president has ever made before. He went to Copenhagen, lifted his chin, glanced over teleprompters couple of times and thought: "I got this".

IOC simply replied: "No, you don't."

Yes, Barack Obama has a giant ego. That's a given.
So did GW Bush.
And Bill Clinton.
And George H W Bush.
And Ronald Reagan.
And Lyndon Johnson.
And I think you see my point.
I think it would be impossible to ascend to arguably the most powerful job in the world and still be a humble man of the people. It's just not possible.
And I can see how he would come off like an ego-maniac to people who don't like him anyway.
I get that.
But I just don't see this Olympic thing as such a personal crushing defeat.
Yes, Barack Obama has a giant ego. That's a given.
So did GW Bush.
And Bill Clinton.
And George H W Bush.
And Ronald Reagan.
And Lyndon Johnson.
And I think you see my point.
I think it would be impossible to ascend to arguably the most powerful job in the world and still be a humble man of the people. It's just not possible.
And I can see how he would come off like an ego-maniac to people who don't like him anyway.
I get that.
But I just don't see this Olympic thing as such a personal crushing defeat.

Keep telling yourself that.

The reason it is such a crushing defeat is because of Obama's ego. Many that supported Obama honestly felt he could do no wrong. I know someone myself who feels that way and they were crushed when they discovered that Obama couldn't sell it.

Yes you have to have an ego to be POTUS, but nobody in recent knowledge exhibits the kind of overblown ego Obama exhibits every single day.

GW didn't give speeches with a made up "Office of the President Elect" seal on the podium. :cuckoo:

GW didn't treat our British allies with distain when they offered a hand in friendship like Obama did.:eusa_snooty:

GW didn't bad mouth all of the news organizations that criticised him continually for 8 solid years like Obama does with Fox News nor did he personally attack voters who voiced their opposition to his policies. :disagree:

GW didn't appear on the TV almost every day of the week just so he can act like he's the POTUS. The level of overexposure we're getting of Obama is making alot of us tired of seeing and hearing him.:gives:

GW didn't force the networks to dump their regular programming to cover his speeches to the level Obama does. Each speech takes an hour and ad revenue is lost to the tune of $3 million dollars per station. And it looks like with every hour long address the ratings are continually going down so fewer and fewer are listening.:blahblah:

GW didn't conduct a joint session of Congress to give a fake State of the Union address. Obama has already had two in his first 9 months of office.:udaman:
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I would've rather seen him stay home and work on something important. I'm sure there's something that needs attention on the home-front.

You mean like reading My Pet Goat while the Twin Towers fell, or spending weeks at a time on holiday in Crawford? That kind of 'important'?
At least Obama has the gig at the UN Security Council he can fall back on
At least Obama has the gig at the UN Security Council he can fall back on

Anybody with an IQ over 100 could (read, Bush couldn't)...;O)

Yup, then he must have given his speeches from memory.

Obama has to read his.

I'm sure the IOC was impressed with Obama doing his teleprompter act. It looks good on TV but it's a friggen joke when you witness it in person. They must have been flabbergasted that he couldn't remember what to say to them.
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At least Obama has the gig at the UN Security Council he can fall back on

Anybody with an IQ over 100 could (read, Bush couldn't)...;O)

Yup, then he must have given his speeches from memory.

Obama has to read his.

I'm sure the IOC was impressed with Obama doing his teleprompter act. It looks good on TV but it's a friggen joke when you witness it in person. They must have been flabbergasted that he couldn't remember what to say to them.

Maybe Bush should have used a teleprompter..then the world wouldn't have thought he was a joke and come across like a hayseed. Daddy can buy him a baseball team and the presidency - can't buy him a brain though.......
I didn't plow through all the posts, so at the risk of being repetitive, for me it's not so much that Obama embarrassed himself by personally getting involved in this fiasco. It's the fact that he did so while generals are on a battlefield waiting to hear HIS strategy. Whether or not he talks to the generals directly or through the SECDEF isn't important. The important thing is that combat commanders had to wait for Obama to make a PR splash before they could hear from him what his plan for winning the war in Afghanistan. And even so, as far as I know, he still hasn't articulated his strategy yet.

Ever hear of Vietnam? If not, sit back and watch: we're repeating the same fucking mistakes again!
Anybody with an IQ over 100 could (read, Bush couldn't)...;O)

Yup, then he must have given his speeches from memory.

Obama has to read his.

I'm sure the IOC was impressed with Obama doing his teleprompter act. It looks good on TV but it's a friggen joke when you witness it in person. They must have been flabbergasted that he couldn't remember what to say to them.

Maybe Bush should have used a teleprompter..then the world wouldn't have thought he was a joke and come across like a hayseed. Daddy can buy him a baseball team and the presidency - can't buy him a brain though.......

I think you left yourself wide open for that.....and this is the best you can do?

Use a worn out Liberal tactic that Republicans are a bunch of dumbass hicks.

No wonder people think you're all a bunch of snobs.
I didn't plow through all the posts, so at the risk of being repetitive, for me it's not so much that Obama embarrassed himself by personally getting involved in this fiasco. It's the fact that he did so while generals are on a battlefield waiting to hear HIS strategy. Whether or not he talks to the generals directly or through the SECDEF isn't important. The important thing is that combat commanders had to wait for Obama to make a PR splash before they could hear from him what his plan for winning the war in Afghanistan. And even so, as far as I know, he still hasn't articulated his strategy yet.

Ever hear of Vietnam? If not, sit back and watch: we're repeating the same fucking mistakes again!

The scoring is in: 10 10 10 10 10
Yup, then he must have given his speeches from memory.

Obama has to read his.

I'm sure the IOC was impressed with Obama doing his teleprompter act. It looks good on TV but it's a friggen joke when you witness it in person. They must have been flabbergasted that he couldn't remember what to say to them.

Maybe Bush should have used a teleprompter..then the world wouldn't have thought he was a joke and come across like a hayseed. Daddy can buy him a baseball team and the presidency - can't buy him a brain though.......

I think you left yourself wide open for that.....and this is the best you can do?

Use a worn out Liberal tactic that Republicans are a bunch of dumbass hicks.

No wonder people think you're all a bunch of snobs.

Says the guy who does the worn-out "teleprompter" BS? Yeah, thanks for playing. Being a newb, you'll find that particular road has been well worn and is a bore.

That aside, no, I don't think Repugs are hicks. Bush sure is though.live with it.
I didn't plow through all the posts, so at the risk of being repetitive, for me it's not so much that Obama embarrassed himself by personally getting involved in this fiasco. It's the fact that he did so while generals are on a battlefield waiting to hear HIS strategy. Whether or not he talks to the generals directly or through the SECDEF isn't important. The important thing is that combat commanders had to wait for Obama to make a PR splash before they could hear from him what his plan for winning the war in Afghanistan. And even so, as far as I know, he still hasn't articulated his strategy yet.

Ever hear of Vietnam? If not, sit back and watch: we're repeating the same fucking mistakes again!

I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies and put on this harmless front while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.
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Maybe Bush should have used a teleprompter..then the world wouldn't have thought he was a joke and come across like a hayseed. Daddy can buy him a baseball team and the presidency - can't buy him a brain though.......

I think you left yourself wide open for that.....and this is the best you can do?

Use a worn out Liberal tactic that Republicans are a bunch of dumbass hicks.

No wonder people think you're all a bunch of snobs.

Says the guy who does the worn-out "teleprompter" BS? Yeah, thanks for playing. Being a newb, you'll find that particular road has been well worn and is a bore.

That aside, no, I don't think Repugs are hicks. Bush sure is though.live with it.

I may be a newb here, but not elsewhere.

Keep talking......I'm enjoying the show :popcorn:and laughing my butt off.:muahaha:

The more you talk the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.:dig:

You're really not very good at this.

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