What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
If I ever start believing that the far right has something of substance and isn't just a bunch of petty whiners..someone just point me back to this thread. TIA

Normally I wouldn't say this....

....but you really sound like you're pouting.

The truth really hurts.

The rest of the world knows what Obama is. They know that this carefully crafted image of Michelle and he are bogus.

This only proves it.

This in no way can be blamed on Bush because America is under new management.

Actually, no. As far as the Olympics are concerned...Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, Rio...whatever. The only interesting thing is that Rio will be the first in South America (the real reason I think it was picked, IMO)

Like many people in the U.S. who weren't even paying attention before, we sure are paying attention to all the pettiness by those gloating over Obama's perceived "failure"...even if that means the U.S. loses the Olympics in 2016. Even if that means that the families of our American athletes will find it harder to go see their loved ones compete in Rio.

It's THIS thread and the others like it here and elsewhere and the right wing radio pundits who are GLOATING in such a petty way that got my attention.

It's very close to what my mother used to say "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"....there's a lot of nose cutting going on.
The pettiness was from Obama. His gigantic ego steered the man-child in the wrong direction. He believed that if he just "showed up" in Copenhagen the magnetic power of his personality would somehow hypnotize the IOC members and they would fall under his spell (like the mainstream media in the US) and vote for Chicago. They didn't. Instead, they shit right in his face and laughed at his impudence. He groveled in front of the world and looked like the political dilettante that he is. Obama spends his political capitol like it is taxpayer money. He doesn't realize that it is not a renewable resource. He is forever diminished by this foolish escapade.

Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)​

What a bunch of racists!
If I ever start believing that the far right has something of substance and isn't just a bunch of petty whiners..someone just point me back to this thread. TIA

Normally I wouldn't say this....

....but you really sound like you're pouting.

The truth really hurts.

The rest of the world knows what Obama is. They know that this carefully crafted image of Michelle and he are bogus.

This only proves it.

This in no way can be blamed on Bush because America is under new management.

Actually, no. As far as the Olympics are concerned...Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, Rio...whatever. The only interesting thing is that Rio will be the first in South America (the real reason I think it was picked, IMO)

Like many people in the U.S. who weren't even paying attention before, we sure are paying attention to all the pettiness by those gloating over Obama's perceived "failure"...even if that means the U.S. loses the Olympics in 2016. Even if that means that the families of our American athletes will find it harder to go see their loved ones compete in Rio.

It's THIS thread and the others like it here and elsewhere and the right wing radio pundits who are GLOATING in such a petty way that got my attention.

It's very close to what my mother used to say "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"....there's a lot of nose cutting going on.

The gloating you've noticed is a by-product of an image that this man can do no wrong...that he's so wonderful when in fact....he isn't.

Being picked by Europeans to allow the U.S. to host anything right now is a tall order.

Obama helped foster this.

I think it's poetic justice.

The fact that he has the "Audacity of hope" to think he could change their minds by gracing them with his wonderful presence is what is truly funny about all of this.
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Ame®icano;1577909 said:
About year ago, the whole world was having love affair with Obama.

Since then, what happened with that Obama love fest?

Let me get this straight. You are saying that BECAUSE Obama did a presentation, we failed in our bid?

Some of the snubs against our allies, his arrogance to anyone he doesn't agree with is a reason he isn't highly regarded overseas.

After 9-11, the British government presented George W. Bush with one their country's great modern treasures: a bust of Winston Churchill. President Bush prominently placed the iconic figure of vigilance and courage in the Oval Office. After Obama's inauguration the Brit's offered the prized possession to remain with America's new commander. Obama turned down the offer and had Churchill crated and shipped back to England. If you were warned this would occur, would you have believed it? Or would you have believed that, upon British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's first visit to the White House, our president would present the leader of our greatest ally with a tacky gift box of DVDs, including Psycho and The Godfather?
American Thinker: If I told You, Would You Have Believed?

Pulling the missile shield from Poland was another snub.

These guys all have huge egos and Obama is one of the worst when it comes to that.
Hey, remember when Bush went to meet the IOC to appeal on behalf of NYC? How come it's not in Wikipedia? Oh, that's right! It NEVER HAPPENED!!

New York City bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you will never see a US President appeal to the Olympic Comittee again

that's cool, because we never saw one do it before.

a once in a lifetime event, like halley's comet.


That would have been a bad disaster. No Room. No where to go. Think Detroit.
And you will never see a US President appeal to the Olympic Comittee again

that's cool, because we never saw one do it before.

a once in a lifetime event, like halley's comet.


That would have been a bad disaster. No Room. No where to go. Think Detroit.

Funny how to his suckups everything he does is a friggen first.

Like first guy to whipe from back to front not front to back.

This guy (Obama) is so orignial.

He's a trendsetter.

He is a gift to the universe.
Ame®icano;1577909 said:
About year ago, the whole world was having love affair with Obama.

Since then, what happened with that Obama love fest?

Let me get this straight. You are saying that BECAUSE Obama did a presentation, we failed in our bid?

Some of the snubs against our allies, his arrogance to anyone he doesn't agree with is a reason he isn't highly regarded overseas.

After 9-11, the British government presented George W. Bush with one their country's great modern treasures: a bust of Winston Churchill. President Bush prominently placed the iconic figure of vigilance and courage in the Oval Office. After Obama's inauguration the Brit's offered the prized possession to remain with America's new commander. Obama turned down the offer and had Churchill crated and shipped back to England. If you were warned this would occur, would you have believed it? Or would you have believed that, upon British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's first visit to the White House, our president would present the leader of our greatest ally with a tacky gift box of DVDs, including Psycho and The Godfather?
American Thinker: If I told You, Would You Have Believed?

Pulling the missile shield from Poland was another snub.

These guys all have huge egos and Obama is one of the worst when it comes to that.

Very nice, but not an answer to my question. Are you saying that BECAUSE of Obama, Chicago lost the bid?
What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

Obama has to find another way for Jarrett to cash out.

Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Co., which developed and managed large housing projects in and around Chicago -- and in Obama's state legislative district -- that were subsidized by federal and state housing dollars, and which were ultimately seized by federal authorities for what were unlivable conditions. While overseeing the company that managed these housing facilities, Jarrett also worked with long-time Obama friend and convicted felon Tony Rezko in raising money for Obama's political career.

Who Is Valerie Jarrett?

Since Chicago lost the bid, Jarrett's Habitat Co. will most likely bankrupt due to the lack of federal funding. If Chicago won the Games, Olympic committee would most likely paid for upgrades for an Olympic village.
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Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

The embarrassment to America was brought upon ourselves by ourselves in that "we" (majority-wise speaking) voted for President Obama.

Beyond the fact that he has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the world doesn't stop hating America just because we elected that lightweight to high office, the bitch-slapping President Obama received at the hands of the IOC was just plain funny!

I laughed out loud -- literally. I had JUST discussed the prosepect with a conservative friend. We thought that if Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton had enough savvy not to go get our reporters back from N. Korea without first having the deal approved in advance, that surely President Obama (experienced communist -- err -- community organizer that he is) would be savvy enough not to place his own stock on the line without having assurance that it was a done deal.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Mere moments later I happily texted my friend to announce the amazingly humorous news. :


President Obama turns out not to be nearly as smart as even Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton!


Too funny!
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He should go campaign in our 56th state about how the folks there are getting the proper healthcare.
Let me get this straight. You are saying that BECAUSE Obama did a presentation, we failed in our bid?

Some of the snubs against our allies, his arrogance to anyone he doesn't agree with is a reason he isn't highly regarded overseas.

After 9-11, the British government presented George W. Bush with one their country's great modern treasures: a bust of Winston Churchill. President Bush prominently placed the iconic figure of vigilance and courage in the Oval Office. After Obama's inauguration the Brit's offered the prized possession to remain with America's new commander. Obama turned down the offer and had Churchill crated and shipped back to England. If you were warned this would occur, would you have believed it? Or would you have believed that, upon British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's first visit to the White House, our president would present the leader of our greatest ally with a tacky gift box of DVDs, including Psycho and The Godfather?
American Thinker: If I told You, Would You Have Believed?

Pulling the missile shield from Poland was another snub.

These guys all have huge egos and Obama is one of the worst when it comes to that.

Very nice, but not an answer to my question. Are you saying that BECAUSE of Obama, Chicago lost the bid?

I think alot of things went into it.

Anti-Americanism could be one. Chicago being a crime ridden city being another.

Who knows.

I do know that Obama hasn't helped or image one bit.

As a matter of fact I think he is the primary reason our image is so tarnished today instead of improved. His speeches in other countries haven't helped.
Some of the snubs against our allies, his arrogance to anyone he doesn't agree with is a reason he isn't highly regarded overseas.

Pulling the missile shield from Poland was another snub.

These guys all have huge egos and Obama is one of the worst when it comes to that.

Very nice, but not an answer to my question. Are you saying that BECAUSE of Obama, Chicago lost the bid?

I think alot of things went into it.

Anti-Americanism could be one. Chicago being a crime ridden city being another.

Who knows.

I do know that Obama hasn't helped or image one bit.

As a matter of fact I think he is the primary reason our image is so tarnished today instead of improved. His speeches in other countries haven't helped.

Here are some of the reasons.
Some of the snubs against our allies, his arrogance to anyone he doesn't agree with is a reason he isn't highly regarded overseas.

Pulling the missile shield from Poland was another snub.

These guys all have huge egos and Obama is one of the worst when it comes to that.

Very nice, but not an answer to my question. Are you saying that BECAUSE of Obama, Chicago lost the bid?

I think alot of things went into it.

Anti-Americanism could be one. Chicago being a crime ridden city being another.

Who knows.

I do know that Obama hasn't helped or image one bit.

As a matter of fact I think he is the primary reason our image is so tarnished today instead of improved. His speeches in other countries haven't helped.

I disagree. And I believe that the Olympics went to Rio because it will be the first in S. America.
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

The embarrassment to America was brought upon ourselves by ourselves in that "we" (majority-wise speaking) voted for President Obama.

Beyond the fact that he has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the world doesn't stop hating America just because we elected that lightweight to high office, the bitch-slapping President Obama received at the hands of the IOC was just plain funny!

I laughed out loud -- literally. I had JUST discussed the prosepect with a conservative friend. We thought that if Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton had enough savvy not to go get our reeporters back from N. Korea without first having the deal approved in advance, that surely President Obama (experienced communist -- err -- community organizer that he is) would be savvy enough not to place his own stock on the line without having assurance that it was a done deal.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Mere moments later I happily texted my friend to announce the amazingly humorous news. :


President Obama turns out not to be nearly as smart as even Impeached and Disgraced Former President Clinton!


Too funny!

I don't get how Chicago's failure to draw the olympics there is that funny unless you're just looking to slam Obama at any moment you can find, but meh.

I'm still wondering if any reports came out on WHY the IOC threw Chicago out in the first round of voting.
Very nice, but not an answer to my question. Are you saying that BECAUSE of Obama, Chicago lost the bid?

I think alot of things went into it.

Anti-Americanism could be one. Chicago being a crime ridden city being another.

Who knows.

I do know that Obama hasn't helped or image one bit.

As a matter of fact I think he is the primary reason our image is so tarnished today instead of improved. His speeches in other countries haven't helped.

I disagree. And I believe that the Olympics went to Rio because it will be the first in S. America.
most people should know that
and i only wonder where Obama's advisers were and what they were thinking for letting him put himself on the line on the international stage when it was already a forgone conclusion Rio was gonna get it
Funny how to his suckups everything he does is a friggen first

Ain't is just as funny no matter what he does to his fuckup detractors he is always wrong.

Not a lot of difference there, friend. You're just on the opposite side of the mirror.

The only ones who call him messiah and the other shit are those on the right trying to knock him down and then they blame the left for saying it.

You lost. Get over it. It's called an election. You will have another chance in 8 years.:lol:

What is really intersting and hypocritical is the reactions from the right about seccession, a coup, etc. Had anyone on the left talked like some of your loonies on the right, they would have been arrested and locked up.

In fact, one couple who just wore ban Bush shirts were arrested.

But to the poor wrong righties it's just fucking okay to bring guns to a presidential speech.

What a bunch of poor whiney losers.:funnyface:
Beyond the fact that he has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the world doesn't stop hating America just because we elected that lightweight to high office, the bitch-slapping President Obama received at the hands of the IOC was just plain funny!


Too funny!

I don't get it??
Was it a "bitch slapping" to King Juan Carlos of Spain??
Or PM Hatoyama, from Tokyo?
Who both attended.
Did Brazil's Pres Lula (also there) just have more personality?
Or maybe, just maybe, it was just there time.

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