What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
Here is the problem, for you who don't understand.

The President of the United States is without doubt, the most powerful office in the entire world.

The Commander-in-Chief of the one remaining superpower on the planet.

Leader of the Free World.

In essence, the President of the United States wields the Earths most powerful military, economic, and political stick.

President Obama's first mistake was to use that stick to swat a mosquito...

His second and far more detrimental mistake was to miss.
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Here is the problem, for you who don't understand.

The President of the United States is without doubt, the most powerful office in the entire world.

The Commander-in-Chief of the one remaining superpower on the planet.

Leader of the Free World.

In essence, the President of the United States wields the Earths most powerful military, economic, and political stick.

President Obama's first mistake was to use that stick to swat a mosquito...

His second was and more detrimental was to miss.

I think you're wrong.

He can't do anything without somebody to help him.

He's just a man in an important position that he's done his best to sully.

He demeans the position by his acts......thus he demeans the rest of us in the process.

He is a student of a post-American world and now he's paving the way for it to become a reality.

Obama's heart has never been in the right place for him to be a decent POTUS.
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Here is the problem, for you who don't understand.

The President of the United States is without doubt, the most powerful office in the entire world.

The Commander-in-Chief of the one remaining superpower on the planet.

Leader of the Free World.

In essence, the President of the United States wields the Earths most powerful military, economic, and political stick.

President Obama's first mistake was to use that stick to swat a mosquito...

His second was and more detrimental was to miss.

I think you're wrong.

He can't do anything without somebody to help him.

He's just a man in an important position that he's done his best to sully.

He demeans the position by his acts......thus he demeans the rest of us in the process.

He is a student of a post-American world and now he's paving the way for it to become a reality.

You feel demeaned?

I don't feel demeaned. I couldn't give a shit less.
Here is the problem, for you who don't understand.

The President of the United States is without doubt, the most powerful office in the entire world.

The Commander-in-Chief of the one remaining superpower on the planet.

Leader of the Free World.

In essence, the President of the United States wields the Earths most powerful military, economic, and political stick.

President Obama's first mistake was to use that stick to swat a mosquito...

His second was and more detrimental was to miss.

Cost to jet to Copenhagen ... 1.5million(?)
Cost to Oprah, Jarrett and narcissistic entourage .... Ouch
The fact it was a failure ... priceless!!!

Had it been awarded to Chicago we would not be hearing the end of it from the media and they would all be patting themselves and giving knuckles/bones ... only fitting the get the other side of the coin for their FAILURE!
I don't have a doubt that had Obama sent Dick Cheney the Olympics would be in Chicago

I agree. I cringed when I heard he was getting involved.

Obama has to have a better understanding when and where to get involved. He's overexposed.
ummm....I'm pretty sure all the world leaders of the countries in question attended, which is traditional.

All the world's leaders attended the awarding of the 2016 Olympics? Are you sure? I didn't think that was the case.
No...the world leaders of "the countries in question," in other words the ones trying to get the Olympics for their country.

Not sure why the Olympics is such an important event anymore, but apparently it is...I've no doubt in my mind that if Obama hadn't gone the wingers would have been whining that he pissed off the world and that's why the USA wasn't chosen. :lol:
I don't have a doubt that had Obama sent Dick Cheney the Olympics would be in Chicago

I don't have a doubt that Douchebag Cheney and his sidekick Little Bush are the reasons that we didn't get the Olympics.

Yeah...that must be it.

I figured everyone would give Obama 8 months to own this thing. It takes about 7 months for any President's policies to start kicking in.

Looks like his followers don't believe in a statute of limitations on Bush Derangment Syndrome.:cuckoo:
ummm....I'm pretty sure all the world leaders of the countries in question attended, which is traditional.

All the world's leaders attended the awarding of the 2016 Olympics? Are you sure? I didn't think that was the case.
No...the world leaders of "the countries in question," in other words the ones trying to get the Olympics for their country.

Not sure why the Olympics is such an important event anymore, but apparently it is...I've no doubt in my mind that if Obama hadn't gone the wingers would have been whining that he pissed off the world and that's why the USA wasn't chosen. :lol:

It wasn't about USA it was selfish and all about the O's including ChicagO
If I ever start believing that the far right has something of substance and isn't just a bunch of petty whiners..someone just point me back to this thread. TIA

Normally I wouldn't say this....

....but you really sound like you're pouting.

The truth really hurts.

The rest of the world knows what Obama is. They know that this carefully crafted image of Michelle and he are bogus.

This only proves it.

This in no way can be blamed on Bush because America is under new management.

Actually, no. As far as the Olympics are concerned...Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, Rio...whatever. The only interesting thing is that Rio will be the first in South America (the real reason I think it was picked, IMO)

Like many people in the U.S. who weren't even paying attention before, we sure are paying attention to all the pettiness by those gloating over Obama's perceived "failure"...even if that means the U.S. loses the Olympics in 2016. Even if that means that the families of our American athletes will find it harder to go see their loved ones compete in Rio.

It's THIS thread and the others like it here and elsewhere and the right wing radio pundits who are GLOATING in such a petty way that got my attention.

It's very close to what my mother used to say "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"....there's a lot of nose cutting going on.
About year ago, the whole world was having love affair with Obama.

Since then, what happened with that Obama love fest?
Like many people in the U.S. who weren't even paying attention before, we sure are paying attention to all the pettiness by those gloating over Obama's perceived "failure"...even if that means the U.S. loses the Olympics in 2016. Even if that means that the families of our American athletes will find it harder to go see their loved ones compete in Rio.

It's THIS thread and the others like it here and elsewhere and the right wing radio pundits who are GLOATING in such a petty way that got my attention.

It's very close to what my mother used to say "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"....there's a lot of nose cutting going on.

The fact that the President blew his wad (political capital) on a trivial issue, to no effect, didn't register on your radar? Perhaps it's broken?
Ame®icano;1577909 said:
About year ago, the whole world was having love affair with Obama.

Since then, what happened with that Obama love fest?

Let me get this straight. You are saying that BECAUSE Obama did a presentation, we failed in our bid?

I'm saying world dont love him as much he thought they do.

Maybe he and Michelle did not sacrifice enough?
I find it laughable that anyone actually thought that Chicago, of all places, could win out over RIO.

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