What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


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(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Thanks for the Devo link.
Listening to that while I type.
The conspiracy was that the President was only doing this pay back his "political cronies". Instead of, just maybe, because any and all presidents want the Olympics in America and if a bid were up for their hometown, all the better.
That being said, I agree w/ divecon. He shoulda just sent Michelle. No need to open up a silly new criticism for an attempt that was gonna fall flat.
i see it as a failure by his advisers
Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


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(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Thanks for the Devo link.
Listening to that while I type.
The conspiracy was that the President was only doing this pay back his "political cronies". Instead of, just maybe, because any and all presidents want the Olympics in America and if a bid were up for their hometown, all the better.
That being said, I agree w/ divecon. He shoulda just sent Michelle. No need to open up a silly new criticism for an attempt that was gonna fall flat.

But the question IS with RISING unemployment, RISING mocking for Despots and Dictators, An Economy in the Tank, INDESCISION on Afghanistan/Iraq, GTMO Detainees, Healthcare Legislation, Cap and TAX, Falling VALUE of the Dollar, Wall Street in turmoil over HIS policies...

He thinks that Chicago can AFFORD this?

The Country can afford his going there to make a personal BID with his 'STAR POWER'?

He got roundly THWARTED, and "BITCH SLAPPED" By the International Community...and the IOC that don't BUY into his Bullsqueeze like you do...

I thought all would be well, and the WORLD would come to the US and support US when 'W' Was Gone...

Face it sport? Obama was Slapped as were YOU.

It's just YOU cannot ADMIT IT.

Grow up. The rest of the World sees it. and they are laughing AT Obama, and WE are laughing NEAR you.
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He may have MET with such a comittee...granted [YOU should post such a LINK]...but Benefit of DOUBT here?

Did he FLY AF ONE to Directly confront the Comitee? Did he RECRUIT his Spouse for the Endeavour?

Did he try to use 'STAR POWER' such as the 'O' to bring it home? [I hear Oparah is so depressed, she has EATEN Copenhagen, and worked her way to the Fjords in a fit of depression]...

The answer to my question is NO. And you KNOW it.

So STOW your false crap of W. As usual I knew W would be in here somewhere, and YOU didn't disappoint.

Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


Like this?


(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Well, I knew that it wouldn't be long before the Obama "thumb suckers" would come up to distract from the topic with some kind of weird video. Apparently--it's way past their bed time & mommy hasn't noticed yet---:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Like this?


(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Thanks for the Devo link.
Listening to that while I type.
The conspiracy was that the President was only doing this pay back his "political cronies". Instead of, just maybe, because any and all presidents want the Olympics in America and if a bid were up for their hometown, all the better.
That being said, I agree w/ divecon. He shoulda just sent Michelle. No need to open up a silly new criticism for an attempt that was gonna fall flat.

But the question IS with RISING unemployment, RISING mocking for Despots and Dictators, An Economy in the Tank, INDESCISION on Afghanistan/Iraq, GTMO Detainees, Healthcare Legislation, Cap and TAX, Falling VALUE of the Dollar, Wall Street in turmoil over HIS policies...

He thinks that Chicago can AFFORD this?

The Country can afford his going there to make a personal BID with his 'STAR POWER'?

He got roundly THWARTED, and "BITCH SLAPPED" By the International Community...and the IOC that don't BUY into his Bullsqueeze like you do...

I thought all would be well, and the WORLD would come to the US and support US when 'W' Was Gone...

Face it sport? Obama was Slapped as were YOU.

It's just YOU cannot ADMIT IT.

Grow up. The rest of the World sees it. and they are laughing AT Obama, and WE are laughing NEAR you.

I'm sure you are. And I think that the kind of comments being made today by people like you are totally indicative of your far, far right partisan mindset.

You don't care if it hurts our country as a whole as long as you can twist some kind of pwn on Obama...legit or not.

Petty...but soooooo you.
Grow up. The rest of the World sees it. and they are laughing AT Obama, and WE are laughing NEAR you.

No, buddy. You are laughing. You and your small but vocal band of angry losers.
And like I said earlier, We've had the Olympics here a bunch.
4 times in the last hundred years.
Twice in the last generation!
Maybe it just wasn't our turn.
Well, I knew that it wouldn't be long before the Obama "thumb suckers" would come up to distract from the topic with some kind of weird video. Apparently--it's way past their bed time & mommy hasn't noticed yet---:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That was posted by one of YOU PEOPLE, ass.
Who would want to give the Olympics to the USA? We're dismissive, derisive, arrogant and mean to Jihadists
Thought I loath Obama and everything he stands for I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

Wha's a Community Organizer to do?

Great thread CF!! :udaman:

The Obama's stuck their necks out and where failed by their Chicago Olympic Team, sad day in the Obama White House...... :eusa_boohoo:

Is this indicative of all the over done OBAMA POTUS media madness we have seen over the last year? :woohoo: Maybe to much :blahblah:

Is the European Community no longer impressed? What about the plug being pulled on the Defense Shield, do Europeans feel he lacks integrity? Or do they think he is a :ahole-1: now? Maybe both?
Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


Like this?


(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Well, I knew that it wouldn't be long before the Obama "thumb suckers" would come up to distract from the topic with some kind of weird video. Apparently--it's way past their bed time & mommy hasn't noticed yet---:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
LOL! Glencrybaby mentioned the word 'BLOCKHEAD' by calling me one. I wanted to hit the point out of the park by illustrating his absurdity...especially when he introduced 'W' when 'W' had ZERO to do with this issue.

I am a 'Visual' kinda spirit. people say things, and I relate it to certain things. THIS was one of those times. I illustrated the absurdity by an absurd VID.

Can we SUM this thread up?

Obama lives by the 'CULT Of Personality'...

He had his ASS handed to him by the IOC.

Live and LEARN Mr. President.

FOR YOU Mr. Obama...

Live and LEARN
Better yet? HEED...

And that goes with the rest of you LIBS still anamoured with Obama and him taking you, and this country DOWN with him.

Enjoy the RIDE, but not at MY expense...or that of my family/friends.

It will enentually BITE you in the ASS...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ5SVDYBNrY"]CULT OF PERSONALITY[/ame]
Thanks for the Devo link.
Listening to that while I type.
The conspiracy was that the President was only doing this pay back his "political cronies". Instead of, just maybe, because any and all presidents want the Olympics in America and if a bid were up for their hometown, all the better.
That being said, I agree w/ divecon. He shoulda just sent Michelle. No need to open up a silly new criticism for an attempt that was gonna fall flat.

But the question IS with RISING unemployment, RISING mocking for Despots and Dictators, An Economy in the Tank, INDESCISION on Afghanistan/Iraq, GTMO Detainees, Healthcare Legislation, Cap and TAX, Falling VALUE of the Dollar, Wall Street in turmoil over HIS policies...

He thinks that Chicago can AFFORD this?

The Country can afford his going there to make a personal BID with his 'STAR POWER'?

He got roundly THWARTED, and "BITCH SLAPPED" By the International Community...and the IOC that don't BUY into his Bullsqueeze like you do...

I thought all would be well, and the WORLD would come to the US and support US when 'W' Was Gone...

Face it sport? Obama was Slapped as were YOU.

It's just YOU cannot ADMIT IT.

Grow up. The rest of the World sees it. and they are laughing AT Obama, and WE are laughing NEAR you.

I'm sure you are. And I think that the kind of comments being made today by people like you are totally indicative of your far, far right partisan mindset.

You don't care if it hurts our country as a whole as long as you can twist some kind of pwn on Obama...legit or not.

Petty...but soooooo you.

Whatever. You'll NEVER get it. it's ingrained within you, and Taught...NOT genetic. And By the way? STOP sending your emmesaries to my site to Report my Moderators for their behaviour HERE at USMB.

Douggie Streamer is hardly a Diplomat I'd send in my stead.


Enough already.
You do misunderstand me. There was no "winning" for Obama in this. Whether he won or didn't win the Olympics for the U.S, those on the right would of been ready to bash the result.

My problem is people have made this issue more about Obama than the fact that Chicago is not really able to have an Olympics. However, people tend to ignore that Rio isn't really off any better. Which is why I supported Tokyo.
had he done NOTHING in the bid, there would have been NOTHING SAID

My answer to that is...so? What is so very horrible about a President being involved with a bid anyways....besides the fact it's Obama, of course. :doubt:

It's not "very horrible", just incredibly stupid. It's not coincidence that no other POTUS has ever involved themselves in this process.
Thought I loath Obama and everything he stands for I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

Wha's a Community Organizer to do?

I agree. I cringed when I heard he was getting involved.

Obama has to have a better understanding when and where to get involved. He's overexposed.
ummm....I'm pretty sure all the world leaders of the countries in question attended, which is traditional.
Thought I loath Obama and everything he stands for I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

Wha's a Community Organizer to do?

I agree. I cringed when I heard he was getting involved.

Obama has to have a better understanding when and where to get involved. He's overexposed.
ummm....I'm pretty sure all the world leaders of the countries in question attended, which is traditional.

All the world's leaders attended the awarding of the 2016 Olympics? Are you sure? I didn't think that was the case.
It is traditional for third world leaders and leaders of countries smaller than most US States. From the US traditional is you the city and states governor attend. The Euro's seldom send anyone of note relying on the fact that they own half the positions on the board for anytime they feel like going to the expense of hosting an event that glorifies sports that for the most part only europeans give a tinker's dam about.
It is next to impossible for Obama to feel like a failure for several reasons.

1. He inherited this mess so he feels anything that happens is Bush's fault.

2. He has too many suckups and sycophants around him to feel guilt.

3. His narcissistic sensibilities don't allow him to feel he's a failure.

Yes.....deep down inside he feels like shit, but we don't understand how great he is and he's going to make sure that regardless of how the IOC regards him the rest of us will bow down to him whether we like it or not.
There goes Obama's political capital...

...now who is going to take him seriously on the international stage?

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