What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
For most Chinese, the sweatshops are a better option compared to most other options.

I'll take that as it will then. I see the point you're trying to get across definitely and it is a good one.
Wake up. It was an ATTEMPT to payback his CRONIES for their Support in Chicago...for MANY stood to Win a WINDFALL of $$$ if it were to come to Chicago.

So WAKE UP. Obama in this regard was PHONEY in his attempt. It wasn't about AMERICA...it was PAYBACK...as he did to Unions and the Car companies, and the INTENT for Healthcare.

Give it up. Obama is corrupt as the day is LONG.

Oh Really.......?
What was it when W met with the Chicago 2016 Olympic committee and spoke about how great it would be??
Not everything's a big Obama conspiracy.

He may have MET with such a comittee...granted [YOU should post such a LINK]...but Benefit of DOUBT here?

Did he FLY AF ONE to Directly confront the Comitee? Did he RECRUIT his Spouse for the Endeavour?

Did he try to use 'STAR POWER' such as the 'O' to bring it home? [I hear Oparah is so depressed, she has EATEN Copenhagen, and worked her way to the Fjords in a fit of depression]...

The answer to my question is NO. And you KNOW it.

So STOW your false crap of W. As usual I knew W would be in here somewhere, and YOU didn't disappoint.

Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.
You do misunderstand me. There was no "winning" for Obama in this. Whether he won or didn't win the Olympics for the U.S, those on the right would of been ready to bash the result.

My problem is people have made this issue more about Obama than the fact that Chicago is not really able to have an Olympics. However, people tend to ignore that Rio isn't really off any better. Which is why I supported Tokyo.
had he done NOTHING in the bid, there would have been NOTHING SAID

My answer to that is...so? What is so very horrible about a President being involved with a bid anyways....besides the fact it's Obama, of course. :doubt:

Silly little Lib girl, the fact that it's Obama is the only reason they have or really need.
We would have better chances if we sent Bush to Copenhagen...

"Hehe, if you're not with us, you're against us, hehe... "
It would have been nice if America's athletes' families didn't have to go quite so far to see them compete.
it would have been great had Chicago won, but it wasnt gonna happen
POTUS should have stayed out of it like every POTUS before him
FLOTUS, not a problem with her going
Obama's advisers did him a poor service
Yeah, this came up earlier. I'm glad Obama decided to bring his Chicago house purchased via Convicted felon Rezko via Oil for Food Fugitive Nahdmi Auchi

Obama Says He Regrets Land Deal With Fundraiser

Senator Bought a Parcel From His Neighbor, a Now-Indicted Political Operative

After Antoin "Tony" Rezko, right, leaves the Chicago federal building with his attorney in October after pleading not guilty to influence-peddling. (By Nam Y. Huh -- Associated Press)

By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 17, 2006

CHICAGO. Dec. 16 -- Antoin "Tony" Rezko is a political insider, an energetic Chicago dealmaker and campaign fundraiser often in the headlines for being on the wrong side of good government. Indicted in October on influence-peddling charges, he also has a habit of befriending prospective political stars.

Ame®icano;1576837 said:
It would have been nice if America's athletes' families didn't have to go quite so far to see them compete.
it would have been great had Chicago won, but it wasnt gonna happen
POTUS should have stayed out of it like every POTUS before him
FLOTUS, not a problem with her going
Obama's advisers did him a poor service

not really
it seems to be a pattern
yeah, this came up earlier. I'm glad obama decided to bring his chicago house purchased via convicted felon rezko via oil for food fugitive nahdmi auchi

obama says he regrets land deal with fundraiser

senator bought a parcel from his neighbor, a now-indicted political operative

after antoin "tony" rezko, right, leaves the chicago federal building with his attorney in october after pleading not guilty to influence-peddling. (by nam y. Huh -- associated press)

by peter slevin
washington post staff writer
sunday, december 17, 2006

chicago. Dec. 16 -- antoin "tony" rezko is a political insider, an energetic chicago dealmaker and campaign fundraiser often in the headlines for being on the wrong side of good government. Indicted in october on influence-peddling charges, he also has a habit of befriending prospective political stars.


yeah, this came up earlier. I'm glad obama decided to bring his chicago house purchased via convicted felon rezko via oil for food fugitive nahdmi auchi

obama says he regrets land deal with fundraiser

senator bought a parcel from his neighbor, a now-indicted political operative

after antoin "tony" rezko, right, leaves the chicago federal building with his attorney in october after pleading not guilty to influence-peddling. (by nam y. Huh -- associated press)

by peter slevin
washington post staff writer
sunday, december 17, 2006

chicago. Dec. 16 -- antoin "tony" rezko is a political insider, an energetic chicago dealmaker and campaign fundraiser often in the headlines for being on the wrong side of good government. Indicted in october on influence-peddling charges, he also has a habit of befriending prospective political stars.


View attachment 8309

But, no, no Siree, Dogbert absolutely does NOT reflexively defend Obama at every single opportunity. It's an optical illusion that he's responding before the electrons have a chance to settle down on the prior post
Oh Really.......?
What was it when W met with the Chicago 2016 Olympic committee and spoke about how great it would be??
Not everything's a big Obama conspiracy.

He may have MET with such a comittee...granted [YOU should post such a LINK]...but Benefit of DOUBT here?

Did he FLY AF ONE to Directly confront the Comitee? Did he RECRUIT his Spouse for the Endeavour?

Did he try to use 'STAR POWER' such as the 'O' to bring it home? [I hear Oparah is so depressed, she has EATEN Copenhagen, and worked her way to the Fjords in a fit of depression]...

The answer to my question is NO. And you KNOW it.

So STOW your false crap of W. As usual I knew W would be in here somewhere, and YOU didn't disappoint.

Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


Like this?


(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.
But, no, no Siree, Dogbert absolutely does NOT reflexively defend Obama at every single opportunity. It's an optical illusion that he's responding before the electrons have a chance to settle down on the prior post

I'm not defending Obama, I'm showing the stupidity of idiots like you. Again, I could care less about Obama, I really don't even support Obama anymore. He has shown himself to be not the candidate he ran his platform on. He has been anything but Liberal really. So when it comes to Liberals, I am one of those who probably bash him the most, especially when he follows Bush's policies that he promised to not do so.

At the end of the day though, you're still a partisan hack. Go learn to count, then come back here.
Threre is a silver lining. The hours that Obama spent working on his speech and planning how to promote Chicago for his buddies financial gain were hours that he WASN'T screwing up something here.
You do misunderstand me. There was no "winning" for Obama in this. Whether he won or didn't win the Olympics for the U.S, those on the right would of been ready to bash the result.

My problem is people have made this issue more about Obama than the fact that Chicago is not really able to have an Olympics. However, people tend to ignore that Rio isn't really off any better. Which is why I supported Tokyo.
had he done NOTHING in the bid, there would have been NOTHING SAID

My answer to that is...so? What is so very horrible about a President being involved with a bid anyways....besides the fact it's Obama, of course. :doubt:

In case you didn't know we actually have Olympic committees NOT the POTUS that are assigned to go out & SELL--all parts of this county. How embarrassing for OUR POTUS to show up & try to SELL this county & then get TURNED DOWN flat. Obama has apologized for this country over & over again. Obama has kissed so much ass through-out the world--it's amazing that he still has lips.

Not only did he take himself --"Mr. Ego"--but took his wife--& Opry Winfrey with him--while all along--MSN--NBC stated that Michell took the Gold Medal & Barack took the Silver Medal while all along they (MSNBC & CNN) were claiming it was in the bag.--They were SHOCKED TO LISTEN TO FIND OUT THAT CHICAGO WAS TURNED DOWN FIRST VOTE.

It's obvious that you guys elected a very poor salesman--not a POTUS.---:lol::lol::lol: I guess the world wide APOLOGY tours really haven't worked!$smallpromoobama_s_promises.jpg
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Threre is a silver lining. The hours that Obama spent working on his speech and planning how to promote Chicago for his buddies financial gain were hours that he WASN'T screwing up something here.

Just like anytime ANY politician complains that Government was SHUT DOWN by legislative process.

Any day that happens is a great day and one where the politicians cannot do any further damage to this Republic.
He may have MET with such a comittee...granted [YOU should post such a LINK]...but Benefit of DOUBT here?

Did he FLY AF ONE to Directly confront the Comitee? Did he RECRUIT his Spouse for the Endeavour?

Did he try to use 'STAR POWER' such as the 'O' to bring it home? [I hear Oparah is so depressed, she has EATEN Copenhagen, and worked her way to the Fjords in a fit of depression]...

The answer to my question is NO. And you KNOW it.

So STOW your false crap of W. As usual I knew W would be in here somewhere, and YOU didn't disappoint.

Don't be a blockhead.
I mentioned W because it was pertinent to the argument against your conspiracy theory.

Oh, and no, I'm sure former President GW Bush hitch-hiked to Chicago to meet with them and give a statement.
And we've had the Olympics here quite a few times.
What were the motives of those presidents?
Nefarious, no doubt.


Like this?


(Music Courtesy of DEVO)

And what 'Conspiracy' theory did I specificallt FRONT?

I am beginning to think that the MUSIC directly applies to you.

Your post is an affront, and an excuse for your PROJECTION...

Keep it up. I am enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

With Obama, it is ALL about 'HIM' or haven't you been paying attention.

'W' had ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Nice but undaunting TRY to deflect.

Thanks for the Devo link.
Listening to that while I type.
The conspiracy was that the President was only doing this pay back his "political cronies". Instead of, just maybe, because any and all presidents want the Olympics in America and if a bid were up for their hometown, all the better.
That being said, I agree w/ divecon. He shoulda just sent Michelle. No need to open up a silly new criticism for an attempt that was gonna fall flat.

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